Baby Bass! If no color is working for me, I'll use baby bass especially in clear water. no matter the water (as long as you're fishing for bass and know they are there) It 'ill work!
Do you agree?
Fresh water
Bass (LM) 15lbs
Bream 12" as I recall
smally 4"
(I was like 5 and we where fishing for bull heads in Wisconsin)
Perch 12" (same deal as up their)
Bull head 21"
(all I can remember)
blue fish 31"!
snapper (mang) 15"
king fish 36lbs!
bone 15lbs
Black Drum, 13"
Jack Crevele, 34"
amber jack 51"
You live in WPB?? Where do you go snookin'? The only snook i caught is a little sneek i caught bassin' in the C-18?? (also caught a few tarpon in their too) I know their are some on the inlets when it's NOT snook season, how bout when it is?
P.S. i have know boat
Just don't put some of that YUM sent in your pockets, I had some in once and I bent over to pick something up and it bust open and got all over my pants!
Ug, I know what that's like, I have ONE tackle box, chocked full with soft baits, hard bait and spinner baits!
(I'll post a pic when i find my camera *where is that thing??* : )
What do y'all think of the Cover Jack frog? I've read reviews, and it seems to be worth 15 buck what do you think of them?
I got 2 of them coming in the mail
Cover jack http://www.***.com/descpageSWMFISHARRHDTLOBINA-FACJ.html#
What do you find to be better, I looked at the both of them and they both look good! But what's noisier and better for you? And are they worth the extra cash, or should I stick to toads like the ribbit and cane toads?
:-? :-? :-? :-?
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