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snapper G

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About snapper G

  • Birthday 02/04/1980

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    south florida
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  1. About what? What did i spell wrong in these posts? has anyone used this monster frog???? Has it produced some bigins (big-ones, didn't know that was a real word to spell right or wrong, biguns, biggins, or what) for you? "I do a lot of 'Googleing' before i make posts, very rarely will the info i need come up." ("Googleing" didn't know that it was a word to spell wrong....Googling?)
  2. About what? I used spell cheek....a lot, i try to post my Q's in the right spots, but don't always, but i try! (don't tell me i know what y'all are gonna say: trying doesn't matter, it doing it that counts etc.)
  3. You don't think this should be here exist? nope. where? Everything else?
  4. You don't think this should be here?
  5. X2
  6. aboard !!!
  7. What's your favorite BR staff member, anyone in your buddy list! I gotta say mine is Glenn! (you gotta love Glenn!!) Whoever is about to move remove this, I did think it was the right section, if this is not, what is?
  8. I do a lot of "Googleing" before i make posts, very rarely will the info i need come up. (try finding user reviews about the Fish Arrow Cover Jack, seriously try it!) chances are YOU ARE NOT SPELLING IT RIGHT!! Honestly, we've never had to delete and move so many threads by 1 member. The spelling, that's another story, we can't make you use spell check although I've suggested it repeatedly, but as for post content and location, we are about done. Threads deemed pointless or in the wrong section will be deleted from here on out. Sorry it had to come to this but you are not listening to the membership,.....OR US. Enough. :-? you make me wonder?
  9. That's gotta be one of my favorite way to bass, I also cast and let it sit, with on a few, you'll see the float, going to shore! I give the rod quick jerk to stun the gill, it stops, and the bass get it!
  10. I like loop knots to, by far the best, in my experiences!
  11. This is the wrong section?
  12. I fish here ever once and while, and some times to get bait! ;D Well I well i was fishing and than i saw, i big 'ol carp on top, tailing, looked like it was eating some kind something! So naturally I wanna catch it! And how would I do that!!?!?!!?? Never caught a carp, this would be my first, I have now clue about carp fishing, what line, hook etc. I do know they put up a hell of a fight! tip, techniques, anything?
  13. Please, to any staff how are capable, please remove this post, I uplaoding the video on youtube now, please pm after doing so. Thanks Snapper G
  14. I got a vid of something i wanna show you guy, but can i post it on BR? :-? :-? thank you
  15. Hmm....you must have been to late to get to your gun ;D nice pics, reminds me of when i first went, or remember going, lot of deer!
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