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Everything posted by majestikmoose27

  1. The Fishing Tips section on the Mattlures site mentions use of the swimbaits for large/trophy fish. Can one use these if they were fishing for less than trophy sized, or would it be overkill?
  2. I like to talk to my fish, hold fins with it, then give it a nice peck before i let it go if I'm getting a good impression of how things are going. you know, first date kind of stuff.
  3. The trip went well. Had a lot of fun (obviously). Since it was late in the afternoon when we started, I went with a topwater to start out. They were hitting them, but not actually taking them (did have a pike take the Rebel Pop-R). I moved to the jerkbaits with no luck and then to the simple grub and jig which started netting the fish. 7 in the boat, the biggest was almost 15". Nothing spectacular, but definitely worth it. Thank you for all the help!
  4. I love my WileyX Blink. Great polarization, will stay on your head in a hurricane.
  5. First of all, thanks to all for a great site. I've learned a lot just reading, but I have a question that I have not been able to answer using a search. I will be fishing a slow moving, rather shallow (usually no more than waist deep, a few deeper pockets) tomorrow night. Having fished the river before with people who know it well I have an idea of where the fish are, but I wont have a lot of time to thoroughly cover different areas before moving on to the next. I've read plenty on what lures to use, so my question is, whether there is any particular order that I should be throwing them in order to be efficient. Should I start with top water and work my way down to the bottom? Start at the bottom and work to a top water? Obviously the area will play a role in determining this, but what strategy do you use to find which lure is working?
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