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About Flywatersmallie

  • Birthday 09/29/1977

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    Between 7-8 lbs
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  1. My first yak was a sit in too, as I am sure a lot of folks were. Congrats on the new rig!
  2. Just ordered one too, thanks! That was the one rod I wanted from that series but couldnt ever justify the money either. For $165, I couldnt help it either!
  3. This! I have a 20ga O/U because I wanted one, it isnt a cheap one by any stretch, I love it but it'll never see a duck blind. Its a grouse and woodcock gun. Definitely not the best gun for ducks though and you will have a hard time killing a goose ethically at any distance whatsoever should that situation arise. There is a reason why so many waterfowl guys use semi autos and pumps. If shopping for a waterfowl gun, especially at that lower price range, please give single barrel repeaters another look. You'll get more for your money too. Especially if you look used. You can get a nice autoloader for right around what a lower tier O/U will run. Beretta 390, Browning Gold or Winchester SX3 come immediately to mind and any of those will still be working long after you are gone. All are a proven, soft shooting gas system and just plain reliable.
  4. It's funny how some of us come full circle. Over the years I started with cheapo stuff like most all of us do, over time, my stuff progressed to increasingly more expensive rods and reels to the point where when I thought I needed a new rod, I had to save or budget for $300+ to get the rod I "needed". Fast forward to present, I am established in my job, home and marriage to the point that I can buy whatever rods I want and I find myself using rods and reels in the $100-150 range. I can tell the difference between say a *** and a St Croix Legend Elite but is it worth 4x the price? It isnt to me anymore. I'd rather spend the money elsewhere. There is absolutely nothing wrong with the rig you are using. If it works for you, you aren't missing anything at all.
  5. I guess it depends on what you want it to do, for example, if you want to be able to stand and fish, you're looking at a completely separate set of boats from one where is speed is more important to you. One thing I will suggest, find one with a nice seat, preferably one that elevates. If you don't you will wish you had in pretty short order. At that price rang, you'll probably want to look used. Should be able to pick up a used Ride 115, Jackson Cruise or the like in that price range. Some folks like some of the Ascend boats by Bass Pro and those are in your range new. Though I can't comment as I have never paddled one or even seen one in person. I paddle a Feelfree Lure, its an awesome boat, though out of your budget at like $1200 new, they occasionally come up for sale used in that $700-800 range which is definitely closer to where you're trying to be.
  6. You built a Feelfree Lure aside from the motor mount, though they're easily done on those boats. Nice thinking though! I paddle one and absolutely love it!
  7. Even on the bigger ones, I run a Humminbird Helix 5DI on my kayak and use just the sonar probably more than 80% of the time. If you know how to interpret a sonar, save some bucks. I only switch over if I see something odd that I would like more clarification about. Then usually right back to sonar or the sonar/gps split depending on where I am. If I had to do it again, I may have opted for just the sonar and saved money and not missed much. Sorry, rambling I had a Lowrance 3x on my old kayak. I liked it ok though often wished the screen was a little bigger. Otherwise, I had no complaints. Might want to look at the new Garmin Striker units too. Folks that have them really like them
  8. Tatulas are solid, especially at around $100. Another option, you could get 2 Excelers for that same $100. Those are what I primarily use on my kayak. I wont lose much sleep if one goes overboard. I've got a few Tatulas too and no complaints at all other than they are a little bit larger to palm than a lot of reels out there, still, I like them a lot
  9. I've got a 2016 Lure, actually 2, the 10 and 11.5, and yes, the 11.5 and 13.5 do come with the sonar pod. The only drilling I have on my 11.5 is the anchor trolley and have a fishfinder on both. As Dogbone said, they're fairly easy and clean installs even without the pod. I have had 5 different kayaks before I got the first Lure, all left me wanting SOMETHING. I dont get that with the Lures. they are remarkable fishing platforms that actually paddle and track much better than you would expect out of such a wide kayak. I am definitely happy with my current fleet! Feelfree got it right with these, cant recommend them enough
  10. This! Get one that you are comfortable in and will wear! I never don't have mine on either. Unfortunately, I have no experience to add on the boats in question but be safe whichever you choose. Welcome to the world of kayak fishing! You never know, I started a bunch of years ago because I wanted to get off the bank and couldnt afford a bass boat. Now I could afford one and dont want one anymore. You may just have a similar experience.
  11. I've been fishing out of kayaks for quite a long time. I bought my first, a recreational sit inside that I had to take my shoes off to have my feet at a comfortable angle. But.... I couldnt afford a bass boat at the time and it got me off the bank. I've learned a lot from the 5 or 6 kayaks I have learned and now paddle what is the perfect fishing platform for what I do. Now I can afford a boat but truth be told, I dont really want one anymore.
  12. Funny thing though.... We have no kids and, as such, have a generally disposable income. She is big into doing her nails (its not cheaper than bass fishing) and vintage My Little Pony stuff (I know lol, but also not cheaper than bass fishing). So... Its perpetually "my turn". I just get eye rolls when I come back with 900 pack of hooks or 10 rods because they were a good deal. Usually, I buy what I want with no repercussions from the war department. I still do get a hard time once in a while about the laundry basket full of hooks though.
  13. Ridiculous prices can be found there for sure! A number of years ago, I bought more gamakatsu worm hooks than I will use in 10 lifetimes, at a dime a pack, I think I ended up buying 90 dollars worth, give or take. Have 5 Vendetta rods in the fishing room that I bought for $11.99. I always roll through the fishing section when I get sent out for dog food. 99% of the time, nothing but.... Every so often I need to explain why I spent $200 to get dog food
  14. I like them too, though its been a few kayaks since I had one. I use a Backwater Assault paddle now. Pretty handy little tool to make small corrections. I just tuck in next to my seat frame.
  15. I would agree with that, The Gander Mountain Tournament rods are a solid series too and retail at I think $80 but frequently go on sale for less. I run them almost exclusively in my kayak. In the event I lose one over the side or something, I won't cry too hard, Plus Gander will replace it if you break it for a year I believe.
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