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About VAfisherinMD

  • Birthday 10/27/1970

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  • Location
    <p>Fredericksburg, VA</p>

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Fry (1/9)



  1. Folks, I would love to get your general thoughts on the Fredericksburg area. I have fished all of the public reservoirs in/around Fredericksburg (Hunting Run, Ni River, Motts, Lake Orange + Rappahannock) since moving there 2+ years ago. What are your favorites and why?
  2. And there is a big music festival at Rockahoc this weekend, so there will be plenty of people on the water - most of whom you may not want to be near.
  3. Basser, thanks for the update. Maybe I'll have to give it another shot soon.
  4. I was at Middletown over the weekend as well & the algae is so thick that you are limited to top water lures only. I enjoy top water lures as much as the next guy, but being one dimensional is frustrating.
  5. Are you referring to Middletown Park as you were discussing earlier in this thread? Yep! Same one. Wasn't sure how much of the thread you may have checked out. I was there a couple days ago. The upper end of the pond had a TON of slop floating on the top and the grass can make it a challenge but it can be a rewarding place to fish. I've been told, never saw, there have been 6lb plus largemouths caught in there. My biggest out of there is 4 1/2lbs. As I've told others, if you happen to see me out, be sure to stop and say hi! I will definitely say hi if I see you around. I appreciate all of your advice. Now, I need to find the time to put it to good use.
  6. Are you referring to Middletown Park as you were discussing earlier in this thread?
  7. Brian, Thanks for your help too. I hate to be asking so many "dumb" questions, but I want to go to the right spots since I haven't fished the area before. I think I know where you are talking about, but if not, I am sure I can find it.
  8. Basser89, Thanks for the welcome. I am familiar with Dickerson, just not exactly where the good spots are. Even though now may not be a good time to fish the warm water discharge area, where is that? The C&O Canal is off of Mouth of Monocacy Road if I remember correctly, right? Thanks for the response to my post.
  9. Boett, I am fairly new to fishing in Frederick and have had several people recommend fishing in Dickerson. I hope I'm not being too nosey (if so, just tell me), but where in Dickerson are some good spots to hit. I am generally familair with the area, although not intimately so. Thanks for any help you can give me.
  10. As a guy used to fishing ponds for largemouth & sometimes sunfish in Virginia, I am completely lost fishing for smallies in the Monocacy. My kids have recently taken a lot of interest in fishing for the first time, but I feel lost. We are mostly fishing from the shore & sometimes doing some wading, but we have little luck. We sometimes fish the Potomac from the Lander area, also with little success. Any help anyone could provide on strategy, lures and areas to fish would be GREATLY appreciated by both me & my kids. One other question...I have a small john boat with a live well & a trolling motor that I use in Virginia. Would that be effective in either the Monocacy (very shallow in spots) or in the Lander area or would I need to get an outboard? Thanks in advance to any help or suggestions that anyone may have.
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