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lil rosie

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Everything posted by lil rosie

  1. I wouldn't run up past Elijah State Park and I fish there a lot. Be careful if you go into Benningsfield Creek. Theres standing trees in the middle. Also if you go into Wells Creek there are some humps to the left right as your going in. All rock humps. Dordon Creek is the same way, but you can see most of them except the one in the middle on into the creek. Come to think of it theres humps all over the place. I hate going there now myself. If it were me I would prbably hit the points and pockets in Keg Creek and Chicoe Creek. Theres a creek arm going to the right in the Hamilton Branch area. Do pretty good in the this time of year. If you want specifics then you can send me a message. Good Luck to yall and be careful.
  2. 16.42 won and 16.40 was 2nd
  3. so you do you know the guy who won it?
  4. I live in the heart of most tournaments and see your point. But you were comparing opens to WBT and I know that there are a lot of guys that fish the Southern Open that live up North. Same with Central Open a lot of those guys come from way off. I'm not trying to argue with you or trying to prove you wrong. I respect these women for jumping out there and taking the plunge. I'm all for it cause my girlfriend sees these women doing what I do and now she doesn't think I'm so stupid for waking up at 4 in the morning. I guess since her gender does what i do. So now I get to fish a lot more without getting an earful. Except sometimes i have to take hear and it ends up like that Evinrude commercial. 21 million words. Now I just need to get her in to hunting.
  5. I will have to agree with everything you say. Only thing that I could argue is how you said that the WBT is harder due to miles of travel and the more different lakes, and that its hundreds of women. First of their stops were in GA, AL, and in AR. Thats just like a open except with one more tournament. So to me I can't say it takes more in that aspect. Now hundreds of women, I think the most anglers they had in a tournament was 94 with the lowest being 74. So on average around 85 anglers. Where as the opens have about 200. That siad only 3 go to the Classic from opens and 1 form WBT so its pretty even on the difficult level to make it. This might be the only reason I would agree with you. The rest of what you said, I agree with you 100%.
  6. preach is not saying that the WBT doesn't have the same credibility as the Elites, Opens, or the Federation. But unlike those tournaments a man could not fish. Meaning if you don't make it in the Elites then you can qualify through the Opens or the Federation. Many of the Pros fish the Opens just in case if they don't do good in the Elites then they have that way to requalify for the Elites or the Classic. Take Rick clunn for example, did not make Classic cut in Elites but qualified in Northern Open points. Charlie Hartley on the other hand will have to take a year off from the Elites and requalify fishing the Opens since he did not qualify in the Elites and did not fish Opens for a back up plan. With that said the WBT only women can qualify. So pros can't drop down to qualify through the WBT or other male anglers can't qualify through the WBT. Which to me makes it a little unfair. Not taking credibility from the women, but i think that is the point that he was trying to make. Honestly I would like to see her win it or any of the Federation guys. I like the underdogs.
  7. I fish Murray all the time. What tournament is it that your fishing? I'll help all I can.
  8. yea we have spots in Lake Russell. I like the smallmouth in Nc though. I'll be going down there around Oct. just trying to get some basic info right now. Is there a map?
  9. Nope, not promising at all. I'm pretty much on the team from what the dealer has been telling me but I have to do this. I figure its just like a resume to get a job but I figured I would ask just in case.
  10. Are there any places to watch out for running up and down the river.
  11. Its way down. I live 30 minutes from it and I won't go cause to me its not worth the risk of messing something up. Even if you know where to run. Last time I fished it was middle of June and thats because it was one tournament I had to fish.
  12. Does anyone fish the Alabama River around Prattville? If so what it like? What colors are usually good?
  13. I was wondering if any of you guys could give me an example of a resume to get on the Pro Staff for a boat company.
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