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Everything posted by MikeFromOleMiss

  1. Yeah im not wanting it to totally recharge my battery..just help maintain the charge
  2. anybody use a solar charger for their boat battery? Just wonder how well it worked for you and are their any draw backs to using these units one like this http://www.walmart.com/catalog/product.do?product_id=10339302
  3. thats what i got when i googled it too...but i dont think thats it
  4. I came across this ad and was wondering if anyone knows what SKGB stands for here. http://northmiss.craigslist.org/boa/1065809188.html
  5. Does windy weather really matter as far as bass fishing is concerned? If so why? Seems like I have caught fish with wind or no wind.
  6. MISSISSIPPI...at least we aren't Alabama.
  7. I just hope we (the Fighting Rebels) can stay consistent. Im tired of roller coasters. So are you coming to the grove this year? Nov 21st i think?
  8. well...lets just say the first thing I said was not "Where's my camera?!" Blanket disclaimer-ALL HOOKS are dangerous ;D No pic Pastor?? The pic usually helps the reminder set in stronger,lol
  9. Would that be the LSU tigers, Auburn tigers, or the Memphis tigers? because we play all three...and yes we did beat all three =)
  10. well...i caught my hand today...and boy did i catch it good. ouch.
  11. I found out firstHAND today why ive never lost a fish on a Rat-L-Trap. Im sure you know where this is going.
  12. man...thats what im talking about
  13. hahahahahahaha
  14. ok, ive been bass fishing for a while, but new to the whole boating scene. I have a 14ft jon boat and im about to get a fish finder. here are the two im looking at. Garmin Fishfinder 160C http://www.walmart.com/catalog/product.do?product_id=4660395 and the Humminbird 130 Fishin' Buddy Clamp Mount Fishfinder http://www.walmart.com/catalog/product.do?product_id=7966291 heres my problem. I dunno which one to get. I like the color display of the garmin, but i like the mounting convince of the fishin buddy. Any body got any advice one which one i should go with. Also if I get the garmin, should I mount it close to the stern where I will be steering my gas motor or close to the bow where my trolling motor is? Where would it be the most useful? If i get the fishin buddy I can move it back and forth with no problem. any advice would be welcomed.
  15. <~~~~~~~~~~~~~~worked on him
  16. i like em...they are getting old tho
  17. I recently bought a 14ft x 37in flat bottom jon. however, I have become aware of a 14ft x 40(floor) v hull aluminum boat for DIRT cheap. Which would be less tipsy. Both have deep sidewalls.
  18. thanks man, my boat is similar to yours in that the sides are very deep. I think im going to do a similar set up to yours. however with a 14ft, im going to put a little storage in it.
  19. You might be right. Im thinking about carpeting some plywood for the flooring and making up some sides. and being done with it. thanks
  20. im wide open at this point. thanks for the advice
  21. So i bought a jon boat. im a long time fisherman, but first time boat owner. my boat is 14ft long with a beam measurement of 54 inches (if i understand the term "beam" being the widest point of the boat. however the bottom is only 36 3/4 inches. So is decking this boat an option or will I be fishing from my bench seat? Does decking a boat make it more of less stable?
  22. i just stick my finger over the leak and hold. it makes it hard to fish though
  23. my advice is probably not popular, but i would say save up, pay cash, and buy a good used one =)
  24. I would just ruff it up real good, then make sure its clean...and go to town with the paint
  25. my wife usually out fishes me. she picks what lures to use by how pretty they are...and it works.
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