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About mase088

  • Birthday 10/21/1990

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    Suwanee, Ga/ Auburn, Al

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  1. It always amuses me how the same guys go from one thread to another, bashing on carrot stix. Then the same guys come along to defend them. I think we need a Carrot Stix FAQ or something because this thread is exactly the last 200 of them.
  2. Whats with the glove?
  3. One more thing, I'm gonna pay by check....
  4. I have yet to use a lure that I couldn't cast with a Curado E and 12# Yo-Zuri Hybrid.
  5. I know of a shop in Opelika that has them for $135. PM me for directions.
  6. Listen to what Branuss and RW said about the rod, and my suggestion for line would be 10# or 12# Yo-Zuri Hybrid treated with KVD Line & Lure.
  7. You just said it wasn't better or worse, as well as listing complaints about fireline that I've never had with Power Pro. So how does that mean its better than Power Pro? Either way, my suggestion for you would be P-line CXX in 20# or 25#. Incredible breaking strength, much better than BPS Flouro. And you don't have to deal with all the things about braid that you dislike, which seems to be a lot.
  8. I hate to say I told you so but.... ;D. I used Power Pro for a while, then Big Game, but now I've settled on 20# P-Line CXX crystal clear.
  9. It looks to me like if you catch a fish on the hook you added, its going to tear right through the top of the frog, ruining it.
  10. Yup, for casting it makes no real difference! But, for flippin'/pitchin with your right hand, a left hand retrieve reel is ideal. Sometimes the strike comes immediately after the lure hits the water. It's easy to learn to pitch and flip lefty, so you dont have to switch hands. I taught myself and it is quite a blessing, because I can't retrieve left-handed for the life of me.
  11. From experience, the best way to deal with it is to have a club meeting, whenever everyone can be there, whether it's before or after a tournament. Then when everyone is there, open up the floor and squash it. Get it all out and let people know what you think and listen to what they are saying. If the rumors are about the breaking of tournament rules, then whatever the rules say obviously goes. But if its more a moral problem, then your just going to have to accept that other people are not going to have the same views as you, and then you should ask for them to accept yours as well. Hope this helps whatever the problem is.
  12. Normally after a tournament I'll ask things such as: Were you on em? You whack em? I have also heard "waxed" in place of "whacked"
  13. Power Pro, Suffix, NOT FIRELINE. 50# or 65#
  14. $255 check, a self-inflating revere life jacket, and a power-pole pro 8 ft model for second place in a collegiate tournament.
  15. Can you list a few of these "junky" products other than the previously stated rocket launcher rod? I'm sure there is a member on this forum that has used and liked to a certain extent the product. There may be some better, but that doesn't make the product he is selling "junky."
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