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Everything posted by illumastorm

  1. that looks like the same kind of connector assembly i have on my older evinrude tank. i have a 1976 55 hp evinrude that it works with and i just have 1 gas line & the engine has a pump on it. it will also have a gas guage in the middle if you can clean it up ( pic looks a little dirty in case you didn't know there is a guage there). as far as a gasket, you can buy folls of gasket material and cut out your own which i did with mine, & you can also get some rtv sealant and use that as a gasket, just make sure it will work with gas.
  2. clean all that stuff out and put it back on, it's just some old mix of oil/water/old gas/ etc. also check the gas tank & lines to see if there is any of this in those also, if so clean them out. if you know how to take off the float bowls off the carb clean that out also, but if it's FI then run some cleaner through those.
  3. well acually the rim size does not matter, you can get tires that fit on 12" rims and they will be the same diameter as tires that will fit on 13" rims. just look at what the overall diameter is of the tire and go from there.
  4. i have a chance of buying one for $10, it works and comes with everything but an owners manual. just wondering if anyone knows anything about these? i have tired looking on the hummingbird web site but haven't found anything about this model. thanks
  5. if your able to take the controls apart then you can get to the ignition switch to replace that, i took apart my controls on my old boat to lube the parts up since they were getting hard to move and the ignition switch was right there, so it would be easy to do if yours is the same.
  6. thanks for the info guys, ;D we just got back from the lake and i tried the way you said, had the motor trimmed all the way down and i didn't even have to give it full throttle, close to just half, and it popped up on plane very fast! i played around with the trim while running and i noticed the more i trimmed it the higher the bow got and the more it wanted to bounce up & down, i found the place where it just leveld out and ran smooth & solid and it was great. the motor doesn't have any of those aftermarket wing things right above the prop and i was wondering would it be worth the price to buy some?
  7. the boat is a 1987 15' fiberglass bass boat, model is a jason, the motor is a 1986 johnson 60hp VRO. i can understand the getting it up on plane but i didn't know how to use the trim/tilt to make that happen fast. it was taking it a long time to get up compared to my older boat, i think i had it backwards of what you said, and had the motor tilted on takeoff and then put it more level after it got up but you said put it all the way level on take off and then tilt it some after it gets up on plane, is that right?
  8. i just bought a different boat and this one has a power tilt/trim for the motor. my older boat doesn't have that so i really don't know the proper way of using it. other then using it to raise the motor for towing on the trailer and lowering it when in the water i am lost as to the way it gets used while running in the water. anyone able to tell me how to use it or if there is a site i can go to read up on it? thanks
  9. i see your from wisconsin right? if your car is an older one you might want to check the rear suspension also for anything that might have rusted through and broke. reason i say that is my dad had an older dodge van, and the frame rusted through where the leaf springs attached and the the rear of the driver side leaf ended up going through the floor when he was driving it down the road and of course it was sagging which made the front unlevel also.
  10. toolpush your probably right, but i say who cares if your high profile or not, throw the loser in with all the other losers and he can defend himself, if he can't then too bad. let's not forget that now us taxpayers are paying to keep his butt alive.
  11. hey my nephew might have that on tape, i'll check with him and see. i might be able to get you a copy.
  12. do you guys realize what the police will do to you if they catch you doing 100 or more, even if your the only one on the road. i like my freedom so i can keep riding my bike, so i keep it at the speed limit.
  13. i would remove them and take em in the house & sit them on some plywood somewhere out of the way. hook up a trickle charger every now & then to keep them charged.
  14. "now listen to me son, this is what happens when you try to eat something that has these silver dangly things hanging off it, just be still and maybe the nice fisherman will throw us back"
  15. if your looking for a way to get rid of it try this. itch the spots first, then dabb on some bleach, it'll sting for a few seconds!!! but for some reason the bleach kills off the poison or whatever causes the itching from poison ivy then put on some caladryl lotion and it'll be gone if a few days.
  16. i have had 2 crotchrockets in my time a yamaha YZF600 & a honda CBR1000. honda was way more comfortable to ride, but the yamaha was just as fast but was a pain if i rode it for a long ways. i have had cruisers also, honda shadow 500 & 700, harley 883 sportster. all 3 are way more comfortable to ride short or long trips. if your 6'6 then a crotchrocket will not be very comfortable. also remember that a crotchrocket will give you head games, meaning you will eventually start riding it hard & fast, that is what they are made for, and will end up in the hospital. i had a friend that did because he got too cocky on his and didn't respect the power they make and lost control. those things make lots of power and they are a handful to control. so simply put, get yourself a cruiser. you will be more satisfied then you might think.
  17. i swear this counrty is going to end up like a mad max movie.
  18. yep, the almighty dollar. it's one of those "i have it and how much are you willing to pay for it" situations. my bike keeps looking better all the time.
  19. yea, we have 3 of em, they all like raw fish, especialy the filets. i fight more with the dogs when i'm cleaning then i do with the fish. i don't like giving them any of the guts or bones so that all goes out to the woods for the racoons to enjoy.
  20. jim, yes your motor has a fuel pump, if you have a gas tank thats in your boat and lower then your motor then you have a pump. take the cover off the engne and follow the gas line, where it hooks up to is the fuel pump, it'll go there before it goes to the carb. there is also probably a fuel filter before the pump. i would replace the filter first and try that, if it's still cutting out then i would remove the pump and check that, if thats ok then it's something with the carb, but if you have FI then it's something with the injectors. good luck.
  21. i know the trailer is newer then the boat and from the pics looks to be in pretty decent shape, so even if the boat is junk i am sure i can resell the trailer for more then the $90 i have in the detector. there looks like some decent chrome parts on the boat i could take off and sell also, like the lights, horn, windshield trim & the windshield, steering wheel, etc. i might have some parts for sale on here in a few days.
  22. a guy near by has a 1963 Glastron Fireflite with a trailer that he is wanting to trade for a metal detector i have, the boat looks ok on the outside from some pics i have seen, windshield is not broke and there is a steering wheel, no motor, i don't know what the inside looks like as he didn't send any pics of the inside yet. trailer has an adjustable tounge and will need new lights, but tires are ok. does anyone know anything about these old boats and are they worth spending any cash to restore or should i pass on the deal? i know outboards that run good and are reliable are very expensive so that will be the most $ i will have to spend on it. the metal detector i have is a radio shack discovery 1000, paid around $90 several years ago but it's still in new condition.
  23. ;D ;D ;D same has happened here in indiana a couple times, homeowner wasn't charged either time. some people have to learn the hard way.
  24. oh wow i didn't think anyone would guess it, yea hair of the dog by shooter jennings. he sounds a lot like his dad waylon. expecialy on the song some rowdy women.
  25. i read an article the other day about how some chinese scientist had controlled the weather during the opening & closing ceremonies of the olympics. they fire off around 1,000 rockets into the atmosphere carrying somekind of chemical that stopped rain from developing. they only did that during the ceremonies because they spent so much $ putting those on and didn't want it rained out. isn't that some crazy stuff? if thats true then they need to work on the hurricanes to try to weaken them down before they hit any populated areas.
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