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Everything posted by MbBass

  1. The fish here in Myrtle Beach all have lock jaw. Ever since we had that cold spell the fish just arent biteing . Cant see fish along edges like you normally do . This warm week comein up has got to help . I went to 5 different ponds today and got skunked . :'( Guess you cant catch em all the time but it sure hurts when you get skunked .
  2. That show was so funny . The more Zone kissed him , the more bill tried to turn away . Zona has much man luv for bill . But i have alwayz been a B. Dance fan . He has a great attitude . And thats what fishing should be . Good fishing to you all
  3. The winter fishing has been real good . It has been alot colder here than normal . But if you throw a white spinnerbait and slooooow roll it on or near bottom you should have some luck . A rattle trap has been real good on the bottom slow rollin or bounceing off the bottom real slow . Every fish caught is so fat . I have got to figure how to post pictures . And this time of year you cant go wrong with a craw type lure . Good luck
  4. What baits seem to work the best in the fall . I hear its a blast to fish the fall cause the fish are eating everything . Do you want to scale up and use bigger baits ? Or do the hit cranks better . Thanx for the help
  5. welcome aboard . What you need is alot of bluegill,fathead minnows , and threadfin shad . While you are doing this try to put big adult Bluegill so the spawning rate is at its highest . Good luck and let us know how it goes .
  6. Next time this happens just cut the line and move the top part of the hook where it is hangin out of his gills . Then just push up on the hook . Hardly any damage will be done . Set the hook a little faster like the above fellas said . And you wont have this happen as much . Good luck.
  7. I am a regular on pond boss . And it sounds like the pond is in fact bass heavy . Kinda nee to do a fast survey of the forage that they eat and what size they are . Now another option is that you can start catching alot of 2 to 6 inch Blugill and start throwing them in . That way the bass will fattin up and you can still catch alot of bass . I have done this in a bass heavy pond and the rusults are great . But takein out a few bass wouldnt hurt . Did any of the bass seem skinny and have large heads ? if you catch any that are like i have described then by all means take them out . Not good for the genes . Good luck and post some pictures of the bass if you can .
  8. Welcome to the board . This is a great site . I am still reading all the info this site has to offer . Good fishin to ya .
  9. This technique is mainly a boating teachnique right? I fish from shore and alwayz wanted to try drop shot but didnt think you could from shore . thatnx for the help .
  10. And you might want to buy a 10" plus ribbon tail worm by Yum . Put a 1/16th bullet on it . The bass have been goin nutz over those things lately . Another idea is if you like spinners get the boyaah spinnerbaits with the 4 willow leaf blades . Looks like a school of fish swimming . Just a thought . Good fishing to ya 8-)
  11. When pressure is riseing fish structure and around grass . they seem to hide when pressure is on the rise . Wind i like to throw spinners with 4 willow leaf blades . Hope this helps
  12. Buddy i feel your pain . And i to was just fishing and not expecting to catch anything . And then wham 4 lb'er . I was like dang . I was fishing with a zebco and a fish eagle 5 ft rod light action . This was in november of last year . Boy has things changed . I went back with no luck , and decided to read and know as much as possible about the sunfish family . That led me to this site . I read and read untill my eyes felt like they were bleeding . Learn there eating habits what they like to eat when they spawn post spawn , summer habbits , etc etc. In other words fishing must be like crack cause i am hooked . I have been surfing since i was 8 and now i am 33 . My wife and kids fish with me . And i am trying to teach kids how to fish around where i live . As for what kind of baits to get let me tell you if you try anything try weightless senkos . Put a 2/0 hook make it a red hook . Gives off a sign that it maybe injured or bleeding . Always go sented plastics and it will help you catch more . But as always know what is in the area you fish as far as what LMB are eating . I am sure you will get other tips cause every1 is great on this forum i am just now joining so i can give my 2 cents worth . Have a good one and good fishing to ya
  13. Seeing if there are any fisherman in this area that would like to go fishing . I have have some great ponds and lakes that are old and have huge bass in them . I have never river fished and looking forward to learning how to do some. My personal beast so far in 9. 2 pounds . repl if interested .
  14. I was thinking about getting the same reel . Did you get the high speed ? When you go out to wet a line try throwing a weightless senko and let me know how it throws . I like that color blue . have a good one
  15. Garcis revos are great . Smooth and you can throw weightless with no prob . Like thowin butter quiet and super strong .Good fishing to ya 8-)
  16. MD is right on with the weightless . Let it fall on a semi slack line and watch the line . Jerk it up and let it flutter back down . Try putting a red hook on them as well . But i like the smaller 4 inch senkos during winter and spring when they eat small . But watch a senko drop it quivers and flutters as it falls . A four inch senko weighs 1/2 ounce . I can throw weightless great and put it in tight . Hope this works for ya , good fishing to ya.
  17. Hello every1 . I live in Myrtle Beach , South Carolina . I am new to forums but have read much of this sights info . I saw this thread and thought i would add my 2 cents worth . During the winter and after spawn i use small 4 inch senkos weightless , for the reason all the fish are eating small in the winter and eating small when the fry are swimming about . But when late spring into summer i throw 10 to 12 inch ribbon tail worm and have been catching bigger LMB . I will only put a 1/16 th or a 1/8th bullet head and a 4/0 hook . Hope this helps , and good fishing to ya.
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