Buddy i feel your pain . And i to was just fishing and not expecting to catch anything . And then wham 4 lb'er . I was like dang . I was fishing with a zebco and a fish eagle 5 ft rod light action . This was in november of last year . Boy has things changed .
I went back with no luck , and decided to read and know as much as possible about the sunfish family . That led me to this site . I read and read untill my eyes felt like they were bleeding . Learn there eating habits what they like to eat when they spawn post spawn , summer habbits , etc etc.
In other words fishing must be like crack cause i am hooked . I have been surfing since i was 8 and now i am 33 . My wife and kids fish with me . And i am trying to teach kids how to fish around where i live .
As for what kind of baits to get let me tell you if you try anything try weightless senkos . Put a 2/0 hook make it a red hook . Gives off a sign that it maybe injured or bleeding . Always go sented plastics and it will help you catch more . But as always know what is in the area you fish as far as what LMB are eating .
I am sure you will get other tips cause every1 is great on this forum i am just now joining so i can give my 2 cents worth . Have a good one and good fishing to ya