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Everything posted by avid

  1. http://cosmos.bcst.yahoo.com/up/player/popup/?rn=3906861&cl=14239671&ch=4226726&src=news
  2. this is a picture of my home lake This is a picture of rod and reel after sitting at the bottom of my home lake for 9 months
  3. When I lived on Long Island I used to fish for yellow perch when I wanted a fresh caught fish dinner. They are very tasty. I used to fish for them around rocks or rip rap using a 1/8th oz round jig head and a twister tail. just bounce that sucker around the rocks and they bit it like crazy. Back then I would go out early in the morning, before breakfast. I would catch enough for a good meal then fillet em. Next I would dip the fillets in some egg, and bread them, then fry up some bacon then use the bacon grease to fry the fillets. add a couple of eggs and you have one holaciously delicious camp style breakfast.
  4. Don't you think a shotgun would work better?
  5. Great picture, I have had this happen to me several times over the years. The first time was with the ole Bill Plummer super frog. I tossed my super frog out and it landed with a smack right on top of a lilly pad. then I saw this movement about 10 feet away. It was a big bullfrog hopping from one pad to another to get a closer look. Two hops more and GULP. big sucker, and what a fight!! Thanks for the memory. P.S. What ever happened to the original super frog? Not the cheesy one they have now but the one with the flappy legs. I would love to get my hands on a few of those.
  6. Well Rhino, I guess it's up to you good buddy. If you say it counts, then by golly it counts.
  7. Nice catch, Those big worms sure do catchem.
  8. Stop this choke nonesense. Our boys played beyond all expectations. It is not unusual in soccer for a dominant team to be losing early on, only to come back late in the game. It has to do with the skill level of the better team gradually wearing down the lesser team untill the fatigue and mental strain starts causing them to make mistakes. That is one reason why soccer is such a great game. No time outs...limit is three subs...it's a war of attrition. The fact that we beat their defense at all, let alone twice is amazing. I repeat it was a great game. If you saw it then you know. If you didn't then you don't
  9. What a great game!! Final score was Brazil 3 USA 2. If you saw it then you know. If you didn't.....sorry.
  10. It can be. If your fishing a lake that has big fish it in you can "luck" into a big bass. Not because you knew anything. Then again to consistently catch big fish is a skill. A really excellent skill too I might add.
  11. avid

    My Dog

    so sorry for your loss, Having a pet die, especially a dog that you've had for a long time really puts a hole in your heart. I lost my dog Chloe about 6 months ago. I still have moments where I forget she's gone then it sorta just jolts my awareness. The pain will pass, but the missing.....? I'm not so sure.
  12. Amen to that.
  13. Happy Birthday you cantankerous ole geezer you. Is my grammar correct?
  14. Nope. I just double checked the listing. 2 pm on ESPN Sunday is the game. The game was not originally scheduled for ESPN because nobody expected the USA to make the finals. It was scheduled for ESPN2, but that has changed. It's possible that the schedule you checked did not reflect the change. But don't worry. Put on ESPN at 2pm tomorrow and you'll see the game.
  15. I was heartened by the replies. There are more fans here now than during the last world cup. It seems the sport is making headway with US sports fans. Anyway... the drama couldn't be better. Brazil won the other semi final so on Sunday at 2:30 on ESPN the FIFA confederations 2009 final will be played in Johannesburg So. Africa between the brilliant Brazillian team and those upstart Americans. This is history folks. The United States has never made it to the semi's before yet alone the finals in an international tournament of this magnitude. So put on your red, white, and blue and support our boys. GO USA!!!!!!!!!!
  16. The pictorial was called "Farrah at fifety" and was very tasteful. Farrah was nude of course, but she would pour some paint on herself then dance into, or otherwise impress her body painted image on a large cavass. It was truly art. Hers wasn't the firt celeb poster I had, Raquel Welch holds that honor, but I too had the famous red suited Farrah adorning my bedroom wall. It seems strange that she's dead.
  17. It is said the Buddha could look at a person and see all their past lives. Nothing about future as far as I know.
  18. Bring a fly rod. The fishing for cutthroat trout is fantastic.
  19. the wacky wacky rig. I like it.
  20. There is another bass forum that I visit from time to time. The members commonly use extremely high end equipment. Custom rods and reels, hand made baits and so on. It can be really amusing to me sometimes reading about how guys won't fish their expensive lures because they are afraid of losing them. kind of like buying an umbrella that your afraid to get wet.
  21. I don't use swivels but I do use snaps. Funny because I used to love to tie different knots, palomer for hooks, trilene for spinnerbaits, loop knot for jerk baits etc. But then the fun of that passed, I got lazy, and use a berkley #3 cross lok snap for all crankbaits, topwaters, and jerk baits. There is no drop off in catch rate. Note of caution, by adding a snap or a swivel you are adding another failure point. I find the Berkley snaps to be very strong, but after repeated opening and closing they will break, so change often.
  22. Everything you catch is big. When going after big bream, i mean sunfish do you fish with a cork or on the bottom?
  23. Yeah, I know soccer isn't the most popular sport among bassers, but it is the #1 sport in the world. The USA national team just defeated #1 ranked Spain in the last major international tournament before next years world cup. We now move to the finals for the first time in US soccer history. Tomorrow Bazil plays S.Africa for the other finals berth. Sunday at 2:30 on ESPN is the big game for those who may want to give a look.
  24. that's the spirit dude!! I mean you could have a tumor right?
  25. Being threatened with annihilation by North Korea? Please. The Cuban missle crisis was about the Soviet Union. A very credible threat indeed. North Korea is dangerous, but I wouldn't miss American Idol over it.
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