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Everything posted by avid

  1. I just ordered a 9’5” 6wt from custom fly rod designer/builder CF Burkheimer My name will be inscribed on the blank I told my kids I would like to keep it in the family as an heirloom getting sentimental in my old age I suppose ?
  2. I was the guy with the suitcase tackle box filled with lures etc I loved to fish different lures all the time and then the Senko was invented
  3. I agree I’m a huge fan of the avid series spinning rods The lure weights displayed on the rod are very reliable imo
  4. I can’t say much about the mojo bass rods but I think the avid series is the best $200 rod you can buy I have 5 including a 6’ LF 6’8” Mxf and a 6’6” MF ive caught big bass on all of these rods as a general rule of thumb I use xf action for single hooks and fast for trebles tight lines
  5. What are some of your favorite baits for t-rigging in the grass
  6. Dont over think it. It's fishing. Its fun I suggest you equip yourself with some quality tackle best suited for the fish and location you really want to go for. Its all about the love enjoy?
  7. Eastern TN is a perfect locale for an angler Excellent bass fishing and close to some delicious looking trout streams Good luck?
  8. Identifying grasses is very important imo in Florida if you find hydrilla you’ve likely found bass
  9. Down here in Florida inshore fishing for snook etc is very productive using a jig head and paddle tail They come in all sizes and shapes but TBH I don’t ever feel a need to use anything other than an arkie style head But I have several different shapes Up north with rock and gravel bottoms I’ll use a football style but here in Florida armies work best foe me
  10. I’m guessing that when y’all say “swim jig” you mean a skirted jig I don’t have a lot of luck swimming those But put a paddle tail on a jig head and it can I’m gold
  11. I agree Pulling the line while the fish is still in the water has lost me a few over the years Not a huge problem but it has happened
  12. There’s something about the look and feel of baits from the 80’s and earlier They were made of wood not plastic for one thing But I admit many of the plastic “updates” work well but some like the bagley and storm crankbaits were absolutely better than the current models
  13. Making things as “technique” specific as possible is a way to sell products if manufacturers can convince you that you need a THIS specific rod for a spinner bait and THAT specific rod for a jerk bait then you are likely to buy more rods It’s marketing with a seed of truth As a certified gear junkie I have more rods reels lures and tackle then I need but I use em all depending on the conditions and the mood I’m in photo taken yesterday as I’m setting up my new work area
  14. The old storm lures work much better than the newer ones especially the wiggle warts Excellent find ‼️
  15. I had a blast last evening fishing an original devils horse that I’ve had for years I Love going to antique shows and picking up old used lures I always fish them and they all still work ‼️ Anyone else fish lures from “back in the day “
  16. I have this exact rod I use it for single hook baits like worms or jigs For spooks and jerkbaits or anything with trebles I like the 6’6” medium fast I think a rod for spooks need a little more play than an xf I use the st croix avid series for all my fresh water spinning
  17. Awesome day Nothing better than taking the kids out fishing
  18. I’ve been slaying em But that’s south west Florida for ya I’ve also caught snook in the surf this year Oddly enough my favorite outing was just two days ago I was kayak fly fishing in a local pond Bluegills were hitting the dry flies and bass were taking streamers Really fun day
  19. Hi I’m Don I was very active on BassResource.com a long time ago kudos to Glen for keeping it alive I’m a bit of a fanatic about fishing but got away from bass fishing I concentrated on inshore salt water species like snook and cold water trout up north bass resource is the best bass fishing site on the web I’m very happy to be back
  20. Oh, and another thing. I have heard all kinds of stories about fish that supposedly weigh 10 or more pounds then when you dig into the story many, many, MANY are totally bogus. Many of these so called trophy bass are 'guestimates' at best. I'm talking where the guy had no scale at all, and claimed a 12 pounder because he 'hauls 10 pound sacks every day and this was alot heavier' y'know, that kind of crap. Other guys will measure the fish then claim it must weigh 11 pounds...which is also so unreliable as to be a joke. of course, there's the guy who pulls out his scale and wieghs the fish a dozen times or more, each time getting a different weight because the scale is a piece of crap and then posts the heaviest wieght (plus a few ounces because after all, the scale is off right?} The only weight that can be taken seriously is a bass weighed on a certified scale. the boga grip NOT boga 'type' scales....is the most common and is deadly accurate. So if your so inclined you can go fishing, catch a nice size bass. admire it a little, proclaim it to be "a 10 pounder" and join the club. hundreds of guys have done exactly that.
  21. Catching a double digit bass is pretty challenging no matter where you are. I often fish Stickmarsh/farm13 in central Florida which is a famous destination for big bass hunters and the biggest I have caught so far is 8 lbs. Yes, I have been in the boat when a 10+ pounder was caught on two, maybe three occasions, and I do believe that I have hooked into a double digit a couple of times, but still...my pb is 8 So as far as the 'best' northern lake for a 10 lber? I don't think such a place exits. No doubt there are big bass in some northern lakes, but i think catching one is more a product of determination, fishing big bass baits and sacrificing numbers for size, and some good ole fashioned luck. Go for it.
  22. Nope...didn't see beds, but some bass are being caught that are laden with eggs.
  23. A long time ago me and a bunch of guys who fished the same lake were standing around just bs'n Not too many of the guys knew each other but they all knew me. That led one of them to remark "man, you are the most avid fisherman I've ever seen" Name sorta stuck.
  24. Another beautiful in Florida. This is why there are snowbirds. The parking lot was packed on Friday. Trailers and bank fisherman everywhere. SteveP was already fishing when I called him. He picked me up at the ramp and we headed South. Fishing has been slow, but the big ones have been biting. Numerous 7 lb plus fish have been caught with a number of double digits to add spice to anyones day. So excitement was high. Maybe this was the day to set a new personal best? Well, maybe it was for some folks but a picture is worth a thousand words as they say. I guess the good news is that I can personally put any rumours about the poor spawining conditions to rest once and for all. No need to thank me guys
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