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Everything posted by avid

  1. I ordered one of these about 6 months ago from Tackle warehouse. It was listed as in stock, but wasn't. So I forget all about it untill I check my credit card balance and see a charge from tackle warehouse. I go to the email I use for purchases and sure enough. They shipped it out. So I guess I'll post a review of how it works for me. I have decent success with the strike king king shad so who knows. I just think it's kinda tacky that after such a long period of time they would just ship it and bill me rather than email if I still wanted it. I guess they count on the fact that alot of guys won't go through the hassle of returns. I probably won't. suks.
  2. Thanks CFFF. How did you know that right now I'm hungry and I want....... MEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAATTTTTTT
  3. outstanding !! Gotta love smallmouth. It's one of my few regrets about moving to Florida. NO SMALLIES> LOL.
  4. Great way to start a marriage! All happiness to you and Debbie.
  5. The winds have been blowing strong down here, seems like for weeks. The outlook was grim. Water clarity in many spots was measured in inches. Not a good sign. Good news was that it was a beautiful day, and even though it was slow by stick marsh standards SteveP managed, as always to find us some decent fish. This is a 3.25 lber caught on a terminator spinner bait Your never alone on Stickmarsh/Farm13. There is always plenty of these guys to keep you company. Apart from the wind, the weather has been fantastic. By this time we are usually pushing 90 degrees but this has been a cool spring. Today the temp peaked at 82 degrees. I hope it's warm in New York, going up to see my mom and son for a few days. Ciao.
  6. topwater is hot right now for me too. Well done Mrs. M.
  7. I have heard this from people I trust who have been there. I guess it's like anything else. Some shows are legit and won't do it while others are bogus.
  8. Cool, and I thought they were made by elves.
  9. Like most people I was impressed with Ms. Boyle's singing. But this is the image age, and alas though her singing is an A her visual appeal is an F. I'm really glad that the likes of Ella Fitzgerald, Billie Holliday, and Sarah Vaughn came along before all the "hot" singers, many of whom are truly talented, made beauty a prerequisite for a recording career. The one notable exception is Amy Winehouse. That girl can sing. Or at least she could. Let's see if her drive for self demolition has succeeded in ruining her voice.
  10. The sham wow guy got arrested. this is funny. WARNING _ NOT FOR THE LITTLE ONES http://www.examiner.com/x-3035-Everyday-People-Examiner~y2009m3d29-Sham-Wow-guy-arrested--A-bobcat-walks-into-a-bar
  11. I have caught loads of bass, large and small on each of these classic baits, so this is not about what catches fish. I did notice the other day that the sammy is harder to keep on the top especially when fishing aggressively. The sammy would nose under the surface. but the super spook jr, and my regular zara spooks can be fished hard yet will always stay completely on the surface. Seems like it should matter under certain conditions.
  12. neither. I usually fish between about 10am and 4pm. don't have to get up early, get bug bit, or miss dinner.
  13. Hmmmmmmmmmm...only one eh? gotta be a watermelon senko but if I could have just one more than add in a ratLtrap. And a chug bug would be nice. Of course I just love those big ole culprit worms, and how about a ..........................................nevermind.
  14. KVD for pro's . Simply the best. SteveP. Has put me on some great stick marsh bites.
  15. I have been having great success with topwaters for the past couple of weeks. I just got in from a couple of hours at a lake very much like what you described and my white super spook jr. was tearing em up. Can't say I caught anything of size though. Virtually all of my fish were about 14 inches. I was fishing in the middle of the day, the sun was peeking in and out.
  16. wow!! did i read that right 1/4 INCH of visibility due to mud? That's pretty bad. I guess you could equate that to night fishing and use my night time favorite, a big (I mean B-I-G) colorado bladed spinnerbait. but I gotta tell you. I can catch plenty of fish at night, even dark overcast nights, but I cannot catch bass with any decent reliability when the waters muddy. With only 1/4 inch of visibility I would toss my big spinnerbait a couple of times, maybe a big noisy jig, but just because I was there. after a couple of pro forma casts I would move on looking for clearer water.
  17. Captain safe. All three pirates on the lifeboat killed by Navy Seal snipers. The "negotiator" pirate, taken into custody. This is the best outcome I could have hoped for. A hearty "well done" to all involved.
  18. I used to do a lunch time bass trip when I lived in New York. It was something I would forward to all morning. Problem was I rarely got back to work on time. I was pretty good at making excuses for awhile, but I finally got busted and had to cool it. I just couldn't make the last cast the last cast.
  19. This talk about jigs reminds me of when I was learning to use them. I loved it. I used all kinds of jigs and trailers almost exclusively. It kinda makes me think that maybe I'm going through a phase or something. I have had other periods where I threw almost one lure exclusively. Senko's in particular come to mind. didn't throw anything else for the longest time when I first got turned on to those bad boys. As I recall more, I had periods with spinnerbaits too. But right now it's topwater plugs, and I'm loving it.
  20. Another day of bank fishing with excellent top water action. The featured bait this day was a white Heddon Super Spook jr. I caught 4 in less than two hours, but had 4 more swipe at the lure and miss it. I gotta tell you that seeing a fish slam a spook so hard it goes airborne is great fun. Especially if you finally catch him. This guy hit the lure 3 times. Two were swirl/swipes, the third was a full slam, and on the fourth attack I finally hooked him. Gotta love it.
  21. Great post George. Now will you guys believe me when I tell you I rammed all those stumps on purpose?
  22. My departure from the work world due to health concerns has one excellent side benefit. It has enabled to fish, albeit from the bank, as often as i like. which brings me to the subject of this post. I love topwaters. No surprise there. After all, don't we all? but I'm getting to the point where I would rather fish for bass with topwaters and not catch them than to catch them on anything else. Notice I said "getting to the point" Because I am not such a dedicated topwaterphile that I can cast for hours and go fishless without trying something else. But when I do switch off, if I don't get bit in short order then it's back to the topwaters. I have been having good luck recently with two old favorites. The storm chug bug and the heddon super spook jr. Is it the time of year? Is it the fact that it is unseasonably cool for April in florida? Or is it, as I prefer to believe, that I have developed a determination and confidence level in my topwaters so that I'm catching more fish with more consistency than ever before? I dunno. but I would rather catch fish on a topwater than anything else. And, I would rather not catch fish on a topwater than anything else. Anybody out there throwing nothing but topwaters no matter what?
  23. In the spirit of keeping alive the post that won't die, I just had to add that in based on my experience and what I have heard and read from reliable sources. There is absolutely no wrong way to rig and fish a senko. I rarely throw them weightless anymore. They just plain catch fish. One of my "secrets" is to retrieve them with a jerking motion. The tail section whips back and forth. I have caught many many bass after my targeted presentation was finished, just by continuing to work the lure all the way back to the boat.
  24. avid


    Wow!!. Thanks for the outpouring of support. I sorta suspected to hear from people who have it or know someone who does. I say that because alot of people have told me similar stories after I mentioned it to them. I had another attack last night. Not as serious as the fall down kind, but upsetting because I wanted to believe I was cured. I have another visit to my ENT who is excellent and performed the Epley manuever on the 17th. I may try to move this up if the dizziness continues. I have a neruologist appt. on May 7th. I have no idea what tests she will perform, but being seen by a neurologist is important. No meds have been prescribed yet. The Epley seemed to do the trick. The mold thing is something I haven't heard of but I can tell you that this is Florida. Mold is a fact of life here. My work place had it's roof torn off in the '04 hurricanes and the mold level in that place is off the charts. "I always thought you were a little off balance but I thought it was a mental thing." Thanks fishindaddy. I would have been soooooo disappointed if someone didn't make this joke. LOL. Thanks again for the support.
  25. can't say for sure what the color name or number is. It's a green scale pattern with an orange belly. People more knowledgeable than I regarding chug bugs say the orange belly is the important color feature for most situations.
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