My departure from the work world due to health concerns has one excellent side benefit. It has enabled to fish, albeit from the bank, as often as i like.
which brings me to the subject of this post.
I love topwaters. No surprise there. After all, don't we all?
but I'm getting to the point where I would rather fish for bass with topwaters and not catch them than to catch them on anything else.
Notice I said "getting to the point" Because I am not such a dedicated topwaterphile that I can cast for hours and go fishless without trying something else. But when I do switch off, if I don't get bit in short order then it's back to the topwaters. I have been having good luck recently with two old favorites. The storm chug bug and the heddon super spook jr.
Is it the time of year? Is it the fact that it is unseasonably cool for April in florida? Or is it, as I prefer to believe, that I have developed a determination and confidence level in my topwaters so that I'm catching more fish with more consistency than ever before?
I dunno.
but I would rather catch fish on a topwater than anything else.
And, I would rather not catch fish on a topwater than anything else.
Anybody out there throwing nothing but topwaters no matter what?