I am not a big believer in "matching the Hatch" for bass. The term refers to insect hatches and was invented by trout fisherman. I can tell you from experience that when the trout are feeding on a particular fly, if you can't match the insect and the size they are feeding on, then you may as well go home.
My experience with bass is different. I don't think it is necessary to duplicate in detail the primary forage so much as imitate what that forage does to trigger strikes. For example if the bass are busting shad on the surface an oragnge bellied chug bug will kill em. Aint no orange in a shad, but it sure makes the lure easy to see, and the popping splashes resemble the splashing of a panicked shad.
That being said, there are times, not often but I have been there more than once where they seem to take a fancy to a particular color, or other subtlety. It's amazing but two guys can be throwing ratLtraps, one in chrome /blue and the other in Chrme/black and one will outfish the other 3 or 4 to 1. Switch over to the prefered color and bingo your into the hot action.
Why this is I can't say, but like I said it's rare but it does happen.