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Everything posted by avid

  1. thanks guys, I went back to check my settngs with firefox. Yep. I already had the settings you suggested. Dern!! I think i'm going to try chrome. Google has good stuff, and this ie is killing me. thanks again. avid
  2. I never have any luck with the usps tracking system. i don't even know why they bother with it. But i'll tell you. Their rates are lower than anyplace else and even though they may not be very fast the package always gets there. I almost always use priority shipping these days. It's pricier but fast, relieable, and trackable.
  3. I used firefox with my old computer that had XP as the op system. Now I have Vista. My firefox would not remember log in info from session to session requiring me log into my mail or even BassResource.com for every visit even in the same day. Of course I checked all the settings...Remember passwords, save cookies everything that needs to be active to keep log in info is on. I even uninstalled firefox and re-installed it. NG. So i write to mozilla and they say that upgrading from an older version to a newer one can sometimes do this.....they provided a link to a download that should fix it. fine. I download and install......still no good . I finally threw in the towel and went over to explorer as my browser. It's slower than firefox and I just don't like the set up as well. Anyone out there have any idea's what's going on ???
  4. good post dssavedra. I was a little confused about this myself. About a month ago my computer crashed and so I bought a new one. For some reason I was unable to have Mozilla firefox remember log in info from session to session which is a real pain. For example I had to log into BassResource.com everytime i visited, even the same day. So I had to switch to Explorer (ugh) and got a bing toolbar and bing this and bing that. I deleted a bunch of it but still use the Live search feature which is pretty good. Sure do miss firefox.
  5. COD on ps3 is probably the only game I play these days. I don't play as much as I used to which sucks because I keep finishing at the bottom of the team on mercenary team death match. when I was playing alot I was way at the top. Love calling in them dogs!! I bought the ps3 for several reasons. First was that the xbox seems to break easier than the ps3, then of course there's the free online gaming and finally that blu-ray dvd feature.... kinda makes this machine a real bargain IMO.
  6. Over the years I have fished with alot of different people. I can tell you that you raised a very hot topic!!!. I have seen this run all the extremes from guys counting the fish if they got a bite, to not counting anything unless it's landed. Personally I like to "count" (I actually do not keep a count) a fish as caught if I can get it up to the boat. This way you get all the fun from fooling and fighting but never have to stress him further by handling the fish or removing him from the water. IMHO it's the best of both worlds.
  7. Average size is 14" to 16" You must have some great fish fries.
  8. Good for you. First bass of the year! Now you just add to the list.
  9. There's no magic to circle hooks, I use them alot when fishing for bass with micro baits and very light equipment. A typical example of this would be using an ultra light power rod and a weightless zoom finesse worm. There's no way you can get a proper hook set with such a light rod so circle hooks are basically the only way to go. As you know you just start reeling and the fish will hook himself. When i get to the point where i really feel the urge to "cross er eyes" I just twist my body to the side. I have as good a hook up percentage with circle hooks as I do with regular worm hooks. It's fun and adds a layer of challenge. Not to mention that you'll rarely harm a bass with one. Have fun!!!
  10. Hey RoLo, Good to hear from you Ole timer Do you have a link to the info about LMB and Omega 3's. Like you it surprises me to learn they are high in this heart healthy amino acid. Thanks goomba!!
  11. I am not a big believer in "matching the Hatch" for bass. The term refers to insect hatches and was invented by trout fisherman. I can tell you from experience that when the trout are feeding on a particular fly, if you can't match the insect and the size they are feeding on, then you may as well go home. My experience with bass is different. I don't think it is necessary to duplicate in detail the primary forage so much as imitate what that forage does to trigger strikes. For example if the bass are busting shad on the surface an oragnge bellied chug bug will kill em. Aint no orange in a shad, but it sure makes the lure easy to see, and the popping splashes resemble the splashing of a panicked shad. That being said, there are times, not often but I have been there more than once where they seem to take a fancy to a particular color, or other subtlety. It's amazing but two guys can be throwing ratLtraps, one in chrome /blue and the other in Chrme/black and one will outfish the other 3 or 4 to 1. Switch over to the prefered color and bingo your into the hot action. Why this is I can't say, but like I said it's rare but it does happen.
  12. I have several purchases from Delo's over the years and never had a problem. Sorry your going through this. I'd call them.
  13. Nice catchin' son. Next time be on the safe side and call all of those panfish Bream pronounced Brim...that's what we do down here and nobody can tell you your wrong.
  14. after seeing your canoe, I would suggest you not try it. I fish in ponds out of canoe all the time. It has a trolling motor and It's also very stable, especially the way I have it set up...outriggers etc. But I wouldn't dream of taking it to Stickmarsh. I guess you could putter around the ramp and around towards the back lot, but I wouldn't do it. Storms can blow up real quick, other boaters are not always so considerate, and those by golly huge mother gators would scare the bejeebuss outta me.
  15. I heard about that technique for removing hooks. I actually knew people who did it or had it done for them. They both said it works really well, not much pain or blood if done right. Well it's one thing to hear about it and quite another to actually see it. Wow...That was awesome.
  16. Since I stopped working last March I have a new favorite brew. CHEAP!!
  17. If your interested in the food value of bass then check out the link so kindly provided by Walz. It actually shows the levels of nutrients just like you see on the back of packages. Awesome find dude!! I actually caught a 2 lber and cooked it up yesterday. I cooked it on the grill, using a flat pan coated with Olive oil, then I threw pieces of onion, tomato, and red pepper on the side of grill. Next I took fresh LMB fillets that were soaking in lemon juice, and threw them on the grill. Make sure the grill is good and hot. Start them off with the skin side up (I always leave the skin on my fillets) Let em sizzle up a couple of minutes, then slide the veggies in there with the fillets and lower the heat a little. After the meat is cooked 3/4 way through, turn em over. Add a little lemon juice to keep things moist. Close the lid on the grill and let em bake for a few minutes. Check em. No smoke or burning....lower the heat if you see smoke. Stir em up a little. The veggies should be nice and tender and the bass should be cooked through. I then turn the fillets over again with all the veggies mixed in. Cose the lid on the grill and set the heat to low, or just turn off the grill. Let the fillets sit in the veggie bed a couple of minutes and voila!!! Bass ala Avid. P.S. Don't skimp on the lemon juice or the onions, especially the onions. UMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM>>>>>
  18. I used to know this. But I forgot.
  19. My experience is the opposite. Back in the day's when my bass fishing was fanatical, rather than merely avid, I would sometimes fish during storms even if lightning was flashing. This is incredibly stupid and I haven't done it in years but I would be lying if I said I never did it. I found that the bite was excellent during the storm. I never noticed a slow down due to lightning. I will say this however. I always found the bite to best just prior to the storm coming in. No fish is worth getting fried over.
  20. I've never hooked into one of the pleco's or armored catfish, whatever thaey are, but I can see how it could be pretty easy. They have no fear of people and will surface right next to the boat to gulp air. I don't have them in my local lake, which is fine by me, but we do have gar. the guys who fish it regularly will shoot you if you return a gar to the lake, so I know about "humane dispatch" It gets to me though, so I don't do it anymore. I guess I"m getting soft in my ole age. I used to hunt all kinds of critters and gut em in the field without a second thought. Now, it sorta troubles me to kill anything. Except maybe mosquitoes. Me no like stinkin' mosquitoes.
  21. Outstanding report George. Not many people would be so detailed.
  22. Really glad to hear about good catches of healthy chunk bass at the big O. A couple years ago much of the lake was a dry mud bed.
  23. Don't worry about posting the picture. Take it from me, photo's of all kinds are appreciated, Except maybe the one in your avatar.
  24. didn't LBH used to have a thing for a Canadian girl??? I forget her name but she used to call a Walleye a pickerel. Pretty little thing she was.
  25. I'm getting a hankerin' to keep and eat my next chunky 2-3 pounder from clean, legal water. I have some great recipes, that I will share with anyone who may be interested, but this post is about the food value of bass. I did some searches but couldn't come up with anything. Anyone have a link to a site that breaks down the nutritional values?
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