The situation I told about had nothing to do with being ridiculed for using lures instead of bait,, but was all about catch and release.
In New York, especially Long Island, the fishing is mostly saltwater. It's only within the last 10 or 15 years that salty anglers have begun to even consider c&r. It's like against their religion to throw back a fish, so of course they carry it over to fresh water as well.
The story I told happened in the early 80's at Belmont Lake State Park in Babylon. I honestly think that the guy did intend to keep the fish for food. He did look kinda poor, but as he was walking away with the fish someone stopped him to admire it and he just couldn't resist all the praise, so he ran with it. It was his 15 minutes.
It was summer and I think that by the time he got to the exit, the bass was pretty foul, so he trashed it.
Mackerel season is the best time to see gross examples of wasting the fish resource. It's common to see guys come home with burlap bags full of mackerel...I'm talking 40 50 lbs or more. There's no way they ever get to cleaning that many fish and so they end up in the trash.
I'll bet it's still happening.