As a matter of fact it was may 22. You are absolutely correct about it being tough for times for most....including myself. the purpose of my post was to just let it be known that Tom redington is a great teacher. When Tom and I left the dock that day, I had no clue on how to catch a Bass. I had never ever caught 1. Oh i have been fishing since I was 8 years old in texas lakes, ponds , rivers , behind dams and such....but I had never ever caught a LMB. lots of dsandies and cats on my resume ....but no LMB's until after my trip with Tom. as a matter of fact , I diod not catch 1 fish with Tom that day. I did not even get a bite that day. Tom did, and he caught about 6-7 ....1 in excess of 6 pounds and the others between 2-4 #'s.
I told Tom I wasnt interested in catching LMB's that particular day , i justt wanted to learn how top use the lures properly and such. That is what he taught me all day long. Lures and bottom structure. when I left that day , I was not totally sure that what I had just spent my $$ on was worth it.
Now 60 days later , I guarantee that every trip out now, that if thier are BASS present , I will catch them. I would not of had been able to do that with out the things that I learned from Tom that day. I am a bonified Bass angler now and I will get down with the boys in the upcoming Tournys on Grapevine.
I did not catch anything last evening !!!!! Dam I gues there werent any present. HA!!!