IMO Glocks are pure junk. I've been issued and carried a plethera of sidearms (if you are wondering TACLET while in the USCG, Federal Bureau of Prisons, and some private work). The nicer ones were Berettas, and Rugers. That said I have a Hi point, got it in a trade, the accuracy is good, I've not had a jam, but I also don't try to shoot 9 rounds as quickly as possible. The worst gun I had for jamming was a 1911 Colt, that thing stove piped all the time. When the change over was complete the amount of jams was reduced. All handguns I've ever shot jammed, that includes Berettas, Rugers, Glocks, Colts, Hi-Points, etc. Then again when I went to the range for recertification we would put a couple hundred rounds through them in short order. It seems that the hotter the gun gets the more suseptable to jamming they are. Good luck. FWIW a hi-point is a gun you would want to buy new, any polymer framed gun is inferior to steel, and is more likely to jam, and yes that most definitely includes Glocks. I can't say that enough, Glocks were the biggest piece of crap I was ever forced to carry, absolutely hated them and am so glad I never had to use it. BTW Hi-Points are heavy, have a small grip, and aren't the best balanced things in the world, but for a belly gun they are alright.