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Everything posted by retiredbosn

  1. Still fairly new to this area, but ppl here are creative when it comes to company names. Best: Curl up and dye beauty salon Best slogan "In our business a flush beats a full house" Ace's Plumbing
  2. On hot Summer days fish the fast rapids. Sure you get hung up, but the smallies are there.
  3. I purchase all of mine from flea bay, big fish sports. This store routinely sells 12lb green 600 yd spools for 6-10 bucks. Seeing how its on six of seven reels I buy 2 spools per year
  4. To the OP (original post), the parent website Bassresource has an articles section, there you will find a wealth of info some geared to new bass fishermen. I literally spent hours there gleaning information when I decided to start chasing bass seriously. I think you will find the answers you are looking for, I know it and these forums helped and still do. Good luck
  5. Sometimes I'm slow on the uptake, lol. @ preach, the death star is a moon sized space station from the star wars movies, it had the capacity to destroy entire planets. IDK if the ppl at the website Robert provided the link to are serious or not.
  6. here is the video I was referring to. It explains the pitch and centrifugal braking system in detail.
  7. But we know how death stars all end up, some kid born of midichlorians always blows them up. There is a flaw...........besides I'm pretty sure we would have to join the Dark side first
  8. Ever read the book Silver Tower? There are things already in play that will blow your mind. Our weapon laser is now declassified, can burn a hole through a jet, icbm, regular missles at ranges that boggle the mind. Nothing is declassified until its about 3 generations old. Watching the military channel the other day, we used laser and cordinate (using Loran C) controlled munitions during Viet Nam, so called smart bombs, the public didn't know about them until 1991 Desert Storm. Stealth technology was used a whole lot earlier than 1991.
  9. Cool, America could use more educators like you. Thank you
  10. There is a very informative video on the Abu website on this. I'm using my phone and can't post a link, go to their website, click on low profile reels, then the Revo S, the video is there.
  11. Not only are you a light tackle wizard, but modest too. A real class act.
  12. I received a package of these hooks through the gift exchange. Question I assume the smaller eye on the back of the shank is the keeper. Do I tie to these hooks using a palomar or is there another recommended knot? To avoid confusion I know to tie to the main eye. The keeper looks like a small needle to me, that had been tired to the shank.
  13. Its worm poop
  14. X2 I would love to see the giants and broncos play a game. Both Mannings are class acts, there is a third son but I have no idea what he does.
  15. The greatest human attribute HOPE. The way to destroy someone is not taking all they have or love, take away their hope. Without it life has no value. As far as this 10-90 nonsense sounds like new age gobbledygoop. My kids know my philosophy, they can all quote it, "sometimes life will serve you a sh#t sandwich. The best thing to do is put mustard on it and eat it, leave it laying around and out gets more smelly and rancid." During the worse three months of my life I went from pastoring a church, having another career, a.house and a family. To homeless, no job, no family and I rolled my truck. I never felt sorry for myself or depressed, 13 years later I'm happier than ever. The kind of hope that sustains through that doesn't come from some feel good philosophy.
  16. I can attest to their customer service, TOP NOTCH.
  17. If you use it for traps change or modify the hooks. Rattl trap (the original Bill Lewis) are notorious for pulling out of the fish's mouth, the fast action won't help that, it will make it worse. Throwing a half or three quarter ounce on a mf rod works IMO because you are at the upper end of the rod's rating, in other words the rod is ready to or already flexing, a mhf won't work as well, much stiffer than mf rod. IMO you would be better off with a MH medium fast rod, this would cover your applications and provides a good middle ground, adequate for the scenarios you described, especially if you are planning to do much treble hook presentations. Good luck
  18. I really like red in the spring and Shad colors and chrome in fall on the rattl trap type crank. If it has a lip low light murky bright reds and black back chartreuse sides, clear water browns and Shad colors, I also like a bone color but that's a closely guarded secret.
  19. I thought about that after I made the post.
  20. Love it!! But u forgot two cycle oil.
  21. Some Chinese buffet, sounds like the one near my place. Went in one night had crawfish, oysters, octopus and squid. Made my wife sick! BTW don't recommend octopus, at least make sure the suckers are removed. I didn't know who was eating who for a while, darn thing kept sticking to my cheek!
  22. Inn the articles section of this site you will find a wealth of info, including how to get stated in bass fishing. You live in smallmouth heaven, although most articles you read are about largemouth, the same technique will work on the smallies as well. Besides no largemouth will fight as much as a smallie. Pound to pound one of the best freshwater fighters out there
  23. I'll sometimes pick up a bottle of anise and pour it in a bag of unscented plastics. Allot of plastics already come prescented, I don't put anything on those as I don't know what it'll do to the plastic.
  24. Line weight refers to the pound test of the line. 2 piece rods typically are not as sensitive as one piece, also with baitcasting equipment I experienced the top half of the rod coming loose. The cast of baitcasting equipment is much more "violent" than spinning, the rod does all the work when casting, I've tried to throw live bait on baitcasting only to have the bait to be thrown off the hook. I have to be real careful if I'm going to use it for live bait, cut bait or any of the commercial dough baits.
  25. X whatever its at now. The pro qualifier has both centrifugal and mag brakes, you are just starting out. This reel when set up properly is almost impossible to backlash. After u build up some proficiency you can start experimenting with what brake system you like. Good luck And to think a couple of ppl here accused me of being part of the Shimano posse lol
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