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Everything posted by retiredbosn

  1. Double prop buzzbaits, rage Shad (love that thing), Sammy, pop-r, hollow belly frog.
  2. CiMo, Call the doctor, he had to prescribe the 5's first, knowing they probably would not work. He will step u up knowing they won't work either. Everytime he prescribes narcs his license is at stake, so he is following protocol. It's up to u to tell him u are suffering. The longer u wait the longer you will suffer.
  3. Anglers choice marine is a pretty reputable shop with loads of inventory.
  4. Happy B-day
  5. Do not take Tramadol, it's a full synthetic opiate and will do nothing for your pain. Hydrocodone is allot more potent and u already know how ineffective it is. Withdraw from Tramadol is very severe much worse than from hydrocodone
  6. When I was little my parents bought a small farm outside of Lynchburg, VA. Me and my brother shared a room, Mom and Dad would put us to bed and cover us up. Mom said she would stand there and watch as our covers would be pulled off of us. She said that she would stay in the room until whatever it was tired of playing the game of uncovering us. At night you could hear footsteps pacing up and down the hall, but nobody was ever there. The entity liked to wait until my patents went to bed and then run around their room turning on the lights. The house routinely filled up with smoke but there was never any fire. Mom finally asked the neighbors about it, they told her that the previous owners house had burned down and some of the family had died, I guess they never left. Another house we had was built in the 1800's. Again me and my brother shared a room, we would see someone outside our window allot, trouble was that window was 25 feet off of the ground! We heard voices in the attic all the time. We never felt threatened in either place, just things u remember I guess.
  7. For long term pain management tell your doctor nothing with Tylenol. I take two different meds for pain, neither one has Tylenol. To combat this type of pain you need anti-inflamatories (aspirin will do in a pinch) muscle relaxer (baclofen is what u take, that needs to be changed to flexiril or soma. The pharmacist should have caught that, baclofen interacts with narcotics and has some nasty side affects and should never be taken with narcotics) and an opiate. These three only mask the problem not fix it. Have u tried a tens unit? Sometimes they work,basically a shocking unit to interfere with the pain signals. Surgery is a last ditch effort, for me one surgery has lead to another to another. Good news is only something like 10% of back problems require surgery. What u are going through sucks, try to remain positive. I'm praying for u.
  8. I'm just glad it is a fishing show, had no idea what to expect when opening this thread
  9. That sux sorry
  10. Also should have stated you are not an addict yet, keep playing with fire and you will get burned. Buying off of the street is illegal and talking to your doctor about this is better than being arrested for buying narcs. Talk to your doctor, he can help.
  11. CiMo, First and foremost, I know what you are going through. I've been a chronic pain patient for around10 years, and I understand what you are dealing with. The doctor has to follow a few protocalls when prescribing narcs and he has to start you on the lowest dose possible. Call him and let him know that the 5's are just not cutting it, depending on your relationship with him I would tell him that you have experimented a little and know that you need a higher dose. Call him as soon as possible. Honestly he probably didn't expect it to work. Additionally, DO NOT try to get totally out of pain, it can not be done without becoming addicted, taking narcotics long term is like dancing with the devil, it is a scary thing and you and only you can keep your narcotic intake under control. I still have days that the pain is so debilitating that I can't get out of bed. I have a bad back like you, I have had five surgeries on my spine, have DDD, some weird bone disease, etc. The pain can be excruciating, be honest as possible with your doc and get the help you need. Also check your pm's.
  12. You have obviously never fished with my uncle.
  13. retiredbosn


    See there is something positive coming from your recuperation
  14. Why did u mail it in? When I bought my rods the warranty was over the counter at any stocking store.
  15. How are you attaching the lure to your line? No two crankbaits run the same. I've heard some pros say for every ten you buy one might be a consistent producer. I wish I knew the secret to tell them apart, only trial and error work for me.
  16. Single prop Buzzbaits must be tuned. The arm, prop and hook must be aligned for the bait to run correctly. Hold the bait at the line tie and look straight down the bait, the hook should be directly in line with the tie and directly under the prop. If not the bait will run on its side, same is true with spinnerbaits. Also running a single prop too fast will cause it to roll too. Some brands are harder to tune than others. A double prop nearly always runs true. Good luck
  17. Chartreuse and smallmouths go together like peanutbutter and jelly.
  18. retiredbosn


    Sorry, I should have put that I think what u witnessed was Blue Lightning. It's a very cool phenomena, and can take the form of a ball, a beam or a bolt of light.
  19. Sad.......
  20. retiredbosn


    What you witnessed Traveler is commonly called blue lightning. Its lightning that goes up instead of down, Google it you'll find all kinds if info on it. Blue lightning is extremely powerful. What I found interesting is that during a thunderstorm is that most lightning is never seen from the ground, most remain in the clouds, some shoot upward into space, only something like 25% of lightning produced can be seen hurtling down toward the ground.
  21. The wife received a link to that the other day, amazing. Even more amazing Simon Cowell liked it and gave a standing o
  22. I have a friend who breeds field trial beagles, he had a rabid skunk get into one of his pens. Even though his dogs were all vaccinated the two dogs that were bitten had to be destroyed. Turns out the mandatory rabies vaccination its only 50% effective. The rest of his dogs had to be quarantined for six weeks. Although my friend wasn't exposed, he wore protective gloves and mask, he still had to be treated for rabies. Please don't mess around with this.
  23. Here's my advice. The carcass needs to be sent off to be tested, that's the only way to rule out a rabies infection. You need to be tested too, you were definitely exposed when u stabbed the critter. You don't need to be bitten to have it transmitted to you, it can actually be transmitted through the air as proven by people getting it by walking on bat guano. Rabies is very dangerous, and difficult if not impossible to cure especially after symptoms emerge. Difficult to detect in any living animal, including humans. That's why your friend has to be treated even though his test was negative. The death rate for humans is over 99% once symptoms begin. I strongly encourage you to be tested and treated, as already stated you have been exposed when you stabbed it, slit its throat, and then cleaned it. Unless that porcupine can be tested there is no way of knowing whether you or your friend have it, until u become symptomatic and then it may be too late.
  24. One of the absolute best smallmouth baits is a hellgramite both in the larvae stage and fully winged.
  25. First post surgery check up today all went good. The doc is hopeful that I'll get the strength and feeling back in my left hand, it is weak! Start OT next week, thanks for all the support.
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