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Everything posted by retiredbosn

  1. I find it amusing that parents who discourage football let their kids play soccer. FWIW soccer is statistically at least as dangerous as football some studies suggest that its more dangerous. Some records show more orthopedic injuries, blown ACL's, broken bones from soccer and now concussions. It was on fox news this morning, some soccer organization is debating making helmets mandatory for players. The helmet thing was for high school and below.
  2. When I lived in WV I would get seasonal depression, (at least according to my bride) living in SC, no. I can detect changes in barometric pressure but that's due to all the metal I have in my spine and associated arthritis.
  3. I can't get past the looks of them. My first boiled peanut experience I opened it up and it looked like two giant engorged wood ticks in the pod.
  4. Keep the faith......praying for you and the family
  5. Sam, I hope Texas leaves Ollie Luck alone, we (Mountaineers) need him right where he is. Dana Holgorsen is another story, take him lol. Rich Rodriguez is probably looking for a job......
  6. I'm not a SEC, Big 12, ACC, PAC 10 or whatever fan. I like football plain and simple. Watching this thread has provided comic relief. Sooner even accused me of being a SEC fan on a different thread, because I wrote that the GA LSU game was a good game with two dynamic offenses. With that said there are some reasons to support the conference your favorite team is in. College football is a big money maker, the money is supposed to go toward the athletic programs, scholarships etc. Every school in the SEC right now is befitting from the success the SEC is enjoying. BCS bowl games produce revenue not only for the two teams playing but also every school in the conferences represented receive revenue. The more bowl games your conference wins the more money each school receives. This is one reason you see so many changes going on in the conferences lately. WVU is now part of the Big 12, the main reason is the school wanted the increased revenue as the Big East conference was and is going downhill. Pulling for your conference doesn't make u ignorant, in fact its smart.
  7. That sux, I'm lucky my water heater is in the garage. Hopefully they will have you fixed up soon
  8. Being from WV, I'm a Mountaineer fan, so imagine my surprise when they beat OSU! And just for the record, I'm not an SEC fan. I just thought it was a good game, and definitely an offensive showdown.
  9. Rubbing snuff is an antiquated term from when snuff was actually sold in powder form. Powdered snuff was snorted, or rubbed between the upper lip and gum. It was often said that women rub (snuff) men chew (tobacco). Powdered snuff comes in girly flavors like peach, strawberry, etc. Growing up in WV, I remember seeing snuff tins, (which by the way gentlemen a tin of snuff is technically supposed to contain powdered snuff), on store shelves. Natural cut tobacco found today in snuff boxes really isn't that old of a product. Any way that is where rubbing snuff comes from. I'm not even 100% positive the white powder found in snuff tins was even tobacco, lol.
  10. Bait shop
  11. I didn't get to see the entire game but definitely had a good feeling after the first quarter when Georgia was able to run so effectively. It was certainly an awesome display if two dynamic offenses. Georgia did a good job of shutting LSU's run game down, especially what little I was able to watch.
  12. Belated Happy B-day
  13. Randy Rhodes, to bad his career was cut short
  14. We've had an off summer, I'm down on the SC/GA line. Only two days over 100, by my thermometer, yesterday high was 65, looks like today will be a repeat. Been home to WV twice this summer and it was cooler than normal there too.
  15. Rest my friend, u r doing great and are an inspiration to others.
  16. Awesome, thanks for keeping us updated. The courage, strength and positive attitude you have shown thru this is amazing. Just to let everyone else know thru all stitch has gone thru he sent me pm's to check on me! Amazing
  17. I had heard that they are bringing the Morrum back for the US Market. Any truth to that?
  18. Awesome, just now seeing this been out of town
  19. Awesome news, congrats
  20. FWIW, my little brother is a trained chemical engineer and was successful at it. At the age of 35 with four kids he quit his job and went to seminary! He went from a six figure salary to nothing, he worked while attending school as a handy man. Now he is 41 makes less than half but is so much happier. If teaching is what u are called to do, do it. Will it be hard while going to school, yes. However, the peace, happiness and true joy found in doing what you are supposed to be is definitely worth it. Good luck
  21. Do u notice any noises, vibrations or maneuvering problems? If the strut is bad you will get a large thunk (bang, noise) whatever when hitting bumps, potholes etc. It would be extremely rare for your entire suspension to be bad after 150,000 miles. Notice any unusual tire wear, noise or vibrations when braking? IMO it sounds like you're being scammed, get another opinion.
  22. Very cool!
  23. I will keep you in my prayers, for healing, strength, courage and peace. Hang in there Stitch.
  24. Hang in there praying for u
  25. Don't know if it's been mentioned or not, but consider the wear and tear on your body. Construction gigs are hard on you physically, joints especially backs wear out. The maintenance may sound boring, but it may mean less wear on u.
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