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Everything posted by retiredbosn

  1. Was starting to get worried about you, thanks for checking in. May God strengthen you and help you through this trying time. Hang in there, you're close to the end of chemo. This is one instance where the cure is almost as awful as the disease.
  2. I kinda like the chainsaw idea and then set your feists loose on em
  3. How do u cook one? I understand that they're pretty good eating.
  4. Quite a few, if u can get them off of the bottom they can be fun. Had a neighbor growing up that ate them.
  5. Social Security is already dead, right now its like keeping a corpse "alive" through life support machines. The most conservative estimates show it completely defunct by 2025. From reading the posts I see allot of people still think there is a SS trust fund, NO THERE ISN'T. The trust fund was emptied years ago.The Social Security Administration Trustees were only able to invest the funds into venues that were insured by the government, to put this into everyday speak, the way the trust fund of old gained interest was buying Government T-bill, or bonds. What happened was approximately 2.6 trillion dollars of the trust fund was "invested" in bonds, this allowed a certain administration to show that the government was no longer in debt and actually had a surplus. The trust fund at that point went broke, what it contained then and contains now are essentially IOU's. There are no real assets and no cash in the "trust fund", that is why I stated earlier there is no trust fund, although it exists on paper there is nothing in it. As the "Boomers" continue to retire the system becomes more stressed. Back when the SS program started you couldn't draw until 65, life expectancy was less than 70, so very few ppl drew benefits longer than 5-7 years. For every recipient there were 7-9 workers contributing. Now it's not uncommon for people to draw for 20+ years, add to that there are only 3-4 workers for every recipient, as more "Boomers" reach 62 the ratio of worker to recipient gets worse. When we reach a point that there are only 2 or less workers per recipient, the FICA tax rate will have to change to match what the average recipient receives! Workers will have to pay around 1000 bucks or more per month to finance SS (Social Security) in addition to their usual taxes. Changes have to be made, drastic ones, for SS to last more than 10 years. The age at which you can start drawing benefits will have to be raised, I also think there will be a needs test assessed as well, in other words if you invested and prepared for retirement don't plan on receiving any SS benefits, there are thousands upon thousands of SSI recipients. SSI is SS benefits paid to ppl who never worked a day but due to disability or other limiting factors can not work, the rate of SSI is around 700 bucks per month. The SSI program is where most of the fraud and milking the system occurs, it is also easier to get than true SSD ( social security disability). I know of people put on SSI due to alcoholism, drug addiction, depression, carpal tunnel syndrome, the list goes on and on. It is also a huge amount of money that the SSA pays out per month. If you really think the SS Trust fund is real and self supporting, then ask yourself this question: "Why are we told during every government budget crisis that Social Security benefits cannot be paid?". Either we have the money or we don't.
  6. My neighbor had her's replaced and was walking up and down stairs in a couple weeks. She was around 70 and about 50lbs overweight. My uncle had his done and whined the whole time, sat around and ate his pain meds, took about six months for him to walk stairs, but he got there. Both operations were within the last 5 years, allot will depend on your attitude and pain tolerances, good luck.
  7. Check flea-bay, I don't think they are manufactured any more
  8. Congrats on the job! I think the most intensive job interview I've ever experienced was when I went to work for the Federal Prison system. First interview was a an hour + long, second and third were panel interviews complete with psychologists there analyzing your every move.
  9. I really enjoying messing with them, most companies have a policy that the operator cannot hangup on u. Like Sam and Raider have alluded its a perfect chance to mess with them. I'm retired so if I'm not doing anything I'll take a few minutes of their precious time. I've said everything from the person died some horrific death to the person they're looking is a deadbeat who left my sister with four kids and ask them of they find the person tocall me back.
  10. I only pulled one prank on my bride, she got all quiet and said "you will go to sleep sometime, waking up is optional." She is feisty
  11. My guess would be a flood. If in a lake them there may be bodies in it, lol
  12. I'm not familiar with liquid electrical tape, as long as the connection is solid and the covering as water tight as possible you'll be fine.
  13. Oh and if you're extending instead of replacing, solder the wire together, then cover that with heat shrink
  14. Being in the Charleston area, you won't be that far from the Santee Cooper system of lakes. Also the coastal red fishing and shark fishing around Charleston is pretty decent
  15. Finding the wire can be a challenge. As an option you can get long jumper cables, just check the gauge of wire.
  16. I've read and re-read your post, like others have said I don't know anyone whose life turned out exactly as planned. Mine sure hasn't, but I'm happy, and that is what matters. Couple of thoughts don't let your happiness depend on someone else. Your only 24, u have time. Don't think for a second that having a wife will make u happy. Another person can not bring total fulfillment to your life. You're setting yourself up for Co-dependency, besides people are fallible they make mistakes and will let you down. You first must be happy with yourself, who u are, if not you will never be happy. As far as careers go, why give up on your original plan? Unless you now realize that happiness isn't found in money. Don't over analyze, do what you love, anything less and your selling yourself short. Monetary gain and success by in large are achieved by people who are passionate about what they do. I wish you the best of luck in finding who u are. The rest will fall in line. I forgot to elaborate how my life didn't go as planned. From my early teens all I wanted to do was be in the military, and make a career of it. I joined the Coast Guard and at the age of 22 I broke my back all of my plans were gone in an instant. I bounced around for awhile in civilian life, I wasn't unhappy, just a little lost I guess. After a few years I went to work for the federal prison system, I had a new plan and felt as though I had job security. Long story short the fusion I had undergone in the military catastrophically failed at the age of 35 I was medically retired. So there I was no income took almost three years for all the paperwork to get processed three kids and a wife to support. It sucked. Now I'm happier than I've ever been, my life is radically different than I thought it would be, but that's ok.
  17. The boat's transom should be fully on the bunks.
  18. Copperheads do have a distinctive odor, I always thought a buddy of mine was nuts cause he said he could smell them, til the day I was leading the way down to the river and he yells for me to stop. When I asked why,he said he could smell a snake. I think I said something about him being crazy, when he stepped around me and proceeded to kill a large copperhead! Never doubted again, oh btw copperhead's smell like rotting cucumbers, bout as close as I can describe.
  19. From looking online the two main causes are poor quality and the transom ends up being lower that the hull, or storing the boat with having the transom unsupported
  20. I went into the Coast Guard straight out of high school, I loved it. This was the 80's the start of the drug wars, did tactical law enforcement for a while, then search and rescue for a while. Ended up breaking my back and back to civilian life. Then it was residential construction management, I had plenty of supervisory skills from the CG, which allowed the opportunity. Then I went to work for the federal prison system, where I reinjured my back, and I have been retired since 2002. Find what u love and do that, or bounce around like I did. FWIW bouncing around doesn't pay well, but it does pay better than retirement.
  21. The main problem I see with that type of autopilot, is actually navigating in boat traffic. Unless u incorporate radar to know which boats, pwc's etc are going to cross your path. It could lend itself to a dangerous situation. Not to mention uncharted hazards to navigation, floating debris, etc.
  22. Ridiculous, and sad. Prayers sent just awful
  23. Anytime u call an American company and get connected to a call center in another country, just ask to speak to a call center located in the states. You will be transferred no questions asked.
  24. When u say auto-pilot what exactly are u envisioning? A program that takes you from the launch to your fishing area? Or more along the line of what is already available?
  25. No all snaps do not have swivels. The Berkley duo lock and Norman speed clips are the most common for crankbaits, I prefer the duo lock. The swivel will ruin the crank's action IMO. Use one without a swivel.
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