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Everything posted by retiredbosn

  1. It looks like a dove, but if it is it would be a huge dove. Dove are really small, this one appears to be about the size of a grouse, but it isn't a grouse. The size is the only thing that is throwing me off. Look at the size of the tree and branch that the bird is sitting.
  2. As someone who fished three times last year my goal is to fish every week this year, have fun and take my sons and daughter fishing.
  3. Ban lead sinkers? NO! I don't think banning lead shot was necessary.
  4. How was the camera mounted and controlled? Very cool
  5. The rig? Sounds like a good idea, definitely put that on the short list.
  6. I have never fished for stripers on purpose, I've caught a few while bass fishing. The lake temps around here are low to mid 50's, and they seem active. I want to catch a few, would rather not use live bait. What lure/presentation should I use? Right now I'm thinking of watching the birds and where I see them working the bait fish try to fish. I'm thinking a fluke, swimbait and top water, would be my best options. The forage base is blue back herring. So what should I be doing to catch these fish.
  7. I disagree, the man in the fore ground is almost directly under the bat. The wingspan looks close to 6 foot.
  8. My local Dick's must not be participating!!
  9. That's wrong on so many levels.
  10. We always called them hanging steaks, the backstrap is what we always called the tenderloin.
  11. IMO The best steaks on a deer are the hanging steaks, on the stomach cavity side of the spine. There are only two, but they are awesome. After field dressing the deer, look at the lower side of the spine you'll see two steaks hanging there.
  12. Good luck, t & p sent your way
  13. Here in Aiken SC, it was a balmy 9 at 6 this morning. I'm not complaining last week I was visiting family in WV a couple mornings were sub zero.
  14. From my family to the Bass Resource family Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
  15. What you are experiencing is normal, healthy in fact. Enjoy your Christmas, when your little man wakes up Christmas morning his joy and enthusiasm will be evident and any sadness u may be feeling now will melt away.
  16. Raider pretty much summed it up, regarding what brand to buy. Also consider that u are looking for a new challenge. IMO hunting with a modern compound or crossbow sitting up in a tree, really isn't anymore challenging than a gun hunt. For a much more challenging hunt go native, a long bow and still hunting. To me the term still hunting is basically a silent stalk. In other words pit your skills against the deer's senses. The long bow with wooden arrows and no sights, now you have to get much closer, and it's your instinct and skill against theirs.
  17. I just read that next years season is already in the can, ie filmed, edited, etc. I guess now A&E will have to go back and remove Phil, but my money is on the family stopping the show from airing without Phil. Oh and BTW there is an apology circulating which is a partial quote, he isn't going to do a full blown apology for his beliefs. no way
  18. I like or when he talks about his football days. He related once that his life at that time was about the ducks and the "blonde bomber" (Bradshaw) was about the $$ bucks.So he quit football to concentrate on hunting.
  19. I'm retired so yeah I love my job, just wish it paid better.
  20. I would love to take y'all out on an 44MLB (my avatar), or you can ride with A Jay. Shoot one rough water training session out of Cape Disappointment would do ya in, lol.
  21. About time someone stood up to the federal government spying on us, lol. Oh I'm sure this applies to the PETA drones too. http://www.foxnews.com/us/2013/12/18/colorado-town-gets-ok-to-hold-drone-hunting-vote-after-legal-fight/
  22. That was the point he was making, he was talking about his past and his preference for women, and how sinful he was. How his life was consumed by chasing women and getting drunk. Then he said he couldn't understand finding that with the same sex, it is all blown out of proportion. Then he stated that it was his faith that saved him and could others as well. He wasn't as the media reporting ranting against any segment of society and placing himself above it, rather how he came out of it.
  23. http://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/2013/12/18/phil-robertson-suspended-after-comments-about-homosexuality/ Well, it is true. After reading the article like most things his words are being slanted and inflamed. Anyway, as a parent of children who choose a to live that lifestyle I find nothing he says offensive, but that's just me. Unless this ban is lifted, we the viewers can kiss Duck Dynasty goodbye, the family will stand behind Phil. Of course the contract they are binded to will come into play as well, but hang on this is just the beginning. just my .02 cents
  24. I would be real surprised if this turned out to be true. His entire family share his beliefs and the oldest son is the Pastor of the church they attend. I know he was involved in a political race there. If the report is true I would be willing to bet there will be no more "Duck Dynasty", no other family member would participate without him.
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