Did you read any of the reports I posted? Ever shoot a living animal with a shotgun? Your right an ounce of lead has tremendous stopping power an ounce of lead equals .0625lb and delivers over 1000ft-lbs of energy. However utilizing bird shot your only hitting them with pellets that weigh .0003245lb. 6 shot pellets will only deliver approximately 6.4 foot pounds of energy and that is on the high side, realistically the number is about 4ft-lbs, that's it no more, it's simple physics. I don't care if you're hit with 100 of them simultaneously 6.4 foot pounds that's it per pellet, there is no accumulative affect. Before I started fishing like I do now I was an avid bird hunter. I've seen some of the old timers shoot their dog in the butt, especially if the dog bumped the bird, I've never seen 8 shot even break skin, 6 shot will barely. I've shot birds as close as 5 yds, dead center of the pattern, they were mangled beyond human consumption, but every pellet that struck the bird (quail) were still in the bird. Also interestingly enough, if there was any accumulative affect of energy transference the bird would have been moved out of its flight path, a quail only weighs a few ounces, yet they all feel straight down. Additionally When using birdshot the pellets will not all arrive on target at the same time, they arrive in groups of maybe ten, it's called a shot string, and at regular hunting distances the string measures several feet. The amount of time for all pellets to arrive on target at pbr is milliseconds tho. Like I posted before what you use is your choice, but don't be surprised when the bad guy takes your gun and beats you with it after shooting them with birdshot. Like started before all its going to do is give them a nasty SHALLOW wound, I seriously doubt it would even knock them down. Your going to experience more energy transference from the recoil than the bad guy is going to absorb from the pellets.