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Everything posted by retiredbosn

  1. With other posts covering bands, concerts, and genre. It got me to thinking about the music I listened to in my youth. I grew up on a steady diet of Motley Crue, Ozzy (once skipped school and drove 7 hours to catch a concert), Iron Maiden, AC/DC, some Kiss (thought they were to mainstream to be s real devotee). When in Dad's truck it was George Jones, Marty Robbins, etc. Mom was main stream stuff, Michael Jackson,(Thriller). Occasional southern rock, Skynyrd etc. I loved my teem years, admittedly there are allot of blank days weeks mixed with moments of lucidity. Obviously I my teen years encompass the 80's. Which I'm thankful for, I missed the whole disco scene crap. Now my kids from 28-10 like my music. What groups define your childhood?
  2. Congrats, you're growing up lol. I'm 46, grew up listening to Motley Crue, Ozzy, Iron Maiden, AC/DC, Metallica always had a secret soft spot for Southern Rock, Skynyrd, Allman Bros etc. I still like the old rock like mentioned above this industrial, acid guttural crap (Cannibal Corpse) I despise. I find myself listening to new country more as well. Dubstep just sounds like old reworked techno to me.
  3. This is why I don't fish tourneys, I get aggrevated enough when I'm fishing for fun and get skunked. For me being a pro would take some fun out of it.
  4. The people saying that all backlashes can be picked out, have never had their lure snag on a tree at the same time you release! Sometimes all you can do is cut it off. BTW if you're using florio the line will need replaced even on the easy backlash. A kink in florio is the same as cut only the outer shell will be holding it together.
  5. No longer woozey from the pain meds? Good. Taking those are like dancing with the Devil. If you have to take them longer than a couple of days, cut back the dosage so there is no side effects. Anyone who has chronic debilitating pain will tell u, the pain meds dull pain they don't remove it. Good luck BTW, at L3 there is no chance of spinal cord damage, the actual cord stops around T12-L1, there it becomes divided and individual nerves leave the facet joints, expect some leg symptoms if the pain or numbness starts going around your waist to personal areas get to the ER quickly. Praying for you.
  6. I have a 20 foot boat parked in the driveway that hasn't moved in a month. I normally take a break this time of year. I don't enjoy fishing in triple digit weather!
  7. In a good spot, has help , or died from excursion and they can't find the body!
  8. Good luck Snook, hoping for a speedy recovery
  9. Congrats, not many steel mills left
  10. I didn't update this over the weekend cause I was sick. My jaw swelled out huge the nerve and tooth finally died that stopped allot of the pain. Anyway went in today was seen by a civilian oral surgeon at one, he worked on me for three solid hours. My antibiotic was not effective on the infection so now I'm on two. Who knew a simple abscessed tooth could be such a pain. As far as pain some here know I've had 5 major spine surgeries, I joke that I'm held together with duct tape and bailing twine, I'm in pain 24/7/365. If pain puts me down its bad, I'm so used to it. This sucked, fortunately the infection hadn't went systemic is contained in my gum and ears so I should be back to normal soon. I was getting something done today and I'm glad it worked out.
  11. I grew me goatee out for roughly 7 months, when it hit my chest I trimmed it back. Definitely trim your neck and mouth, those are terrible places for ingrown hair.
  12. Over the last year my teeth have went to crap. For years I'd go to the dentist, no cavities everything looks great. This past year I've had two root canals, and two teeth pulled, alll molars actually one was a wisdom tooth. (I never let them pull my wisdom teeth, wasn't anything wrong with them) Had one break off eating a soft granola bar. I've not changed my care routine except to go to a prescription toothpaste, I brush at least twice a day and floss and Listerine. Past week or so one of my molars started getting a little sensitive. The dentist just prepped this tooth for a crown 3 weeks ago, its the one that broke. Wednesday was rough, Thursday worse, today my jaw is swelled out and the pain sucks. Get in to see the dentist, (VA hospital), yes its abscessed, need to do a root canal asap. Today preferably, according to the attending dentist. No oral surgeon available today, need to get through the weekend and do it Monday. Problem, emergency clinic is booked the next 3 weeks. So I requested to go to the dental school in town, they have an agreement with the VA. Supposedly the referral consult was put in today, the school never called to schedule. So I'm betting it will take them 2 weeks at least to do an emergency root canal. My jaw has swollen terribly since I saw the dentist today. If it gets any worse I'll go back Monday and hope someone cancels. For now its antibiotics and pain killers.
  13. Amen brother! My avatar us a look from the other side! Those free falls were heart stopping and back breaking.
  14. I especially liked that his buddy went ahead and caught his fish!
  15. I like that video, but I hope you know that the load referenced was not what the pork was shot with. Go forward to about 230 in the video and look carefully at the meat. You'll find shot interlaced throughout the opening, trouble is the pellets are bb sized. 8 shot is very small, bb shot is just that about the size of a bb. It appears that the videographer utilized a duplex load, my bet is containing 000 buckshot and either 1 or BB size pellets. It is most definitely not 8 shot. I actually watched the entire video, what I found interesting is that the 3 inch magnum containing size 4 shot did LESS, damage than did the low velocity 8 shot!!!! Impossible. The ballistic gelatin part is irrelevant, you have know way of knowing if the gelatin was mixed properly, set properly or warmed prior to be shot. What was interesting though is that on the ballistics gelatin test the 4 shot magnum penetrated farther and showed more damage. How do you explain the differences? Especially if the stated loads were accurate. Finally both Remington and Federal made home defense rounds for the shotgun, they were duplex loads, and the smallest shot utilized were bb. Remington took their's off the market, because even BB birdshot was inadequate for home defense. FBI statistics clearly prove that #4 buckshot is the smallest you can go with a shotgun shell and still provide enough stopping power to incapacitate a bad guy. Sure, as there would be no harm inflicted I'll leave ya my house, and truck too, lol. Of course
  16. Posts like this really boggle the mind. I volunteer to be shot with bird shot wearing only a leather jacket at 10 feet. The pellets wouldn't penetrate the leather.
  17. Finally, someone who has at least an understanding of ballistics. Welcome to the board
  18. Get well Snook
  19. I'm sending reminders now, been out of town. I'll let you know if they answer me.
  20. Might just be me and you, lol. We'll still have a good time.
  21. Did you read any of the reports I posted? Ever shoot a living animal with a shotgun? Your right an ounce of lead has tremendous stopping power an ounce of lead equals .0625lb and delivers over 1000ft-lbs of energy. However utilizing bird shot your only hitting them with pellets that weigh .0003245lb. 6 shot pellets will only deliver approximately 6.4 foot pounds of energy and that is on the high side, realistically the number is about 4ft-lbs, that's it no more, it's simple physics. I don't care if you're hit with 100 of them simultaneously 6.4 foot pounds that's it per pellet, there is no accumulative affect. Before I started fishing like I do now I was an avid bird hunter. I've seen some of the old timers shoot their dog in the butt, especially if the dog bumped the bird, I've never seen 8 shot even break skin, 6 shot will barely. I've shot birds as close as 5 yds, dead center of the pattern, they were mangled beyond human consumption, but every pellet that struck the bird (quail) were still in the bird. Also interestingly enough, if there was any accumulative affect of energy transference the bird would have been moved out of its flight path, a quail only weighs a few ounces, yet they all feel straight down. Additionally When using birdshot the pellets will not all arrive on target at the same time, they arrive in groups of maybe ten, it's called a shot string, and at regular hunting distances the string measures several feet. The amount of time for all pellets to arrive on target at pbr is milliseconds tho. Like I posted before what you use is your choice, but don't be surprised when the bad guy takes your gun and beats you with it after shooting them with birdshot. Like started before all its going to do is give them a nasty SHALLOW wound, I seriously doubt it would even knock them down. Your going to experience more energy transference from the recoil than the bad guy is going to absorb from the pellets.
  22. Here is another one for ya slone, soak the fillets in milk, then mix a cup of mustard and a cup of sour cream together, dip the fillets in the mixture, you'll have to remove some of the sour cream/mustard, it usually sticks on really thick. Then coat the fillets with panko style batter, deep fry until the fillets start to float. I use a deep fryer, guess it would work pan fried too.
  23. Having fish with your garlic? Sounds good tho
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