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Everything posted by retiredbosn

  1. With the thread doing reports on Clark's Hill, I thought there might be some interest in having a BassResource unofficial meet and greet. Of course do some fishing too. So does anyone have any interest in that?
  2. According to SCDNR the spawn is about a month behind. Very few fish on beds at Murray. Norman should be about the same. Good luck
  3. Idk which lakes you're wanting, but the corps of engineers have websites for their lakes giving water temps top and bottom. Just google the lake you want and you'll find the websites, some will be corps of engineers and others USG's. Although if memory serves most all lakes in WV are coe. Here's the link to the army corps lakes http://corpslakes.usace.army.mil/visitors/states.cfm?state=WV And to lakes and streams from usgs for WV http://waterdata.usgs.gov/wv/nwis/rt
  4. Tie on a quality barrel swivel with a snap lock, hook it to something open your bail & start walking the line off your reel. Walk off double what u can cast (preferably all the line but that's probably not an option), then close the bail, and start reeling, keep tension on the line and walk back while reeling in. The swivel will rotate while your putting the line on, removing/preventing twist. Spooling a spinning reel with a pencil thru the spool almost guarantees severe line twist. Always fill a spinning reel with the spool facing you with the line looping in the same direction as your reel. Also idk if a Saros has a bearing on the bail, if it does it may be stuck, I know from experience when that little bearing malfunctions line twist is severe especially when spooling. Good luck.
  5. My sixth grade teacher Otis Miles when we would have a battle of wills...... "on MacDuff and woe be to he who cries enough..." Another of his favorites was "Boy you should be happy because ignorance is bliss." And finally "Don't make me get George" George was his paddle!
  6. As allot here know I am retired Coast Guard, trust me these guys (dnr, fwc etc) earn their pay. Definitely allot nicer than we were back in the day! Imagine its 3am, you're on a nice family vacation in the Caribbean, you're off of the Grand Bahama Bank in your sail boat. Suddenly out off the darkness you're hit with about a million candle power search light, you hear "This is the United States Coast Guard, heave to and prepare to be bearded" the same time from the other direction a small rhib comes along side and 8 men in what appears to be swat type battle gear swarm your boat. Why because the DEA put out an alert on a sailing vessel matching your's down to the hull numbers for smuggling drugs. The voice came from the cutter, while their attention was diverted the tactical boarding crew boards the vessel from the opposite direction. More than once ppl thought we were pirates taking their boat At night we ran dark, no nav lights, no light source of any kind. We would be aboard before the crew even knew we were there. That's how it was in the early days of the War on Drugs. The Florida straights and the waters surrounding it was nuts. And yes the scenario described happened.
  7. Heading up there inn a couple days, any suggestions where to start?
  8. I know "How Its Made" did a show on doubles, its a interesting process for sure. The Basque region in Spain turns out some nice guns too, have to do your research though.
  9. I never had much luck on the Kanawha, except the upper reaches from say Gauley Bridge down to Smithers. Get down around Montgomery and I'm lost, just never did very well in that area. Glad to hear the fish you caught was healthy, that was a bad spill.
  10. Has anyone fished this lake lately? Taking my Dad down next week, been years since either of us has fished there.
  11. Great fish, congrats
  12. At 52 degrees the smallies should be very active, but then depending on where on the Kanawha your fishing there may not be any fish. I think that chemical spill last year really messed up the fishing for awhile.
  13. Very well written and thought out, good luck with this series.
  14. No, see Franco's quote in first post, basically nautical tradition.
  15. Many ppl believe that term starboard was the result of nighttime celestial navigation. That the navigator kept the sextant, charts and took bearings from the right side of the ship. That there was literally a star board kept on the right side, which over time became the starboard side. However its the result of the Celtic terminology that literally means right steer. Before the use of a rudder, ancient seafarers used basically a long oar for steerage. Since the majority of ppl are right handed the oarsman stood on the centerline and steered with their right hand, resulting in the steerage oar being located right of the centerline. Which is also why back in the day ships moored portside, to keep from crushing the steering oar. The original term was steorbord, the side where you steer. On a side note Franco is partially correct that port was originally called larboard, the side where cargo was loaded. Originally it was baeoboard, meaning backside of boat as the oarsman would have his back turned to that side. Fishnfriend pm me your mailing address and I'll mail you the buzzbait, unless you looked it up!
  16. Franco's correct and scholarly answer prompted me to start this thread. Rules no googling first correct answer will recieve a new Cavitron buzz bait. I'll post the answer and winner by 4 est today What is the origination of the term starboard?
  17. Franco is correct, see everything else for starboard origination contest. http://www.bassresource.com/bass-fishing-forums/topic/154353-nautical-term-starboard-contest/
  18. I think I read somewhere that Iconelli won his first major tournament out of a Jon boat, and that's how he actually got his first bass boat. Doesn't matter what ya fish out of.
  19. That's because it is The CDC type boat, Nitro made them for at least 10 years, are a center dual console, with the helm on the left.
  20. Thanks, this is my third boat, 1st performance type, really liking it so far.
  21. Congrats always a happy day getting your first boat. Post up some pictures
  22. Here is a couple of pics, will post some better quality when I take more pictures. She's been buffed and waxed since these were taken. 2007 Nitro 911 CDC, with a Mercury 225 Optimax, wearing a Humminbird Helix 5 w/gps,si and di on bow, and a Lowrance 332c with gps @console (will be upgraded soon), & a Motorguide 36 volt 109 lb(?) thrust tm
  23. Good luck, I took a break from everything and everybody awhile back. Keep strong you will find as I did this forum is full of ppl who genuinely care. Pm me anytime
  24. You can get a Quantum Energy for around $100 on flea bay, you might find some Shimano Citicas there too. Watch the flea market here and you can score a slightly used reel, I've never been disappointed.
  25. It was and is (now called 176vlo) their entry level boat maximum hp in the 70hp range, top speed around 35. It's built to complete with the aluminum market so that's the type of performance to expect. It's a small boat that is way underpowered. Nothing wrong with it just be aware what it is, you can't make it grow. Statos' composite construction is great, no wood anywhere. But I would suggest looking at a 285xl, just a little bit more money wise but allot more boat, they typically have a 150. The 176 does not ride well and is a real back breaker in even the smallest chop. I would get a tracker pro 175 before this particular boat. The tracker hull is a true modified v and will ride and handle better.
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