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retiredbosn last won the day on December 19 2013

retiredbosn had the most liked content!

1 Follower

About retiredbosn

  • Birthday 02/19/1969

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Aiken, SC
  • My PB
    Between 8-9 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
    Largemouth & Smallmouth
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Greenbrier River, New River

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Community Answers

  1. Sitting here watching a little tv. How its made did a segment on braided line, thought it was interesting.
  2. I grew up fishing the New and Greenbrier rivers. River fish simply aren't the same as lake fish. Pay attention and look under some rocks along the shore, if the crayfish are out of hibernation then finesse jig like a bitsy bug with a craw trailer. You'll want one with a subtler action. 4 inch grub baits are always good on the river just work it much slower, I've had allot of success in mild current in winter by letting the grub hover off the bottom and letting the current move the tail, work it from the head of the current downstream by letting slack carrying it away from you. It might take an hour to cover the water by letting the grub slip down stream. Finally with river smallies any time is a good time for a Rebel Pop R. I've caught them while it was snowing on Pop R's
  3. 100% Mutt
  4. Like AJ and his bride I'm retired U.S. Coast Guard, even same MOS as AJay. Semper Paratus. AJay were you pushing boots in 1987?
  5. Thanks for the responses. I need to get out fishing
  6. Typically water cools down into high 50's low 60's. Maybe even warmer there on the coastal plain. The fish here seem to turn on when water cools into mid lower 70's.
  7. Skinny fishin' hole
  8. Hey everyone its been awhile since I've posted anything and even longer since I've been fishing! Has anyone fished Clark's Hill, Murray, Marino or Wylie lately? I'm wondering if I've missed the fall bite. I have a Nitro 911 CDC, with an empty backseat I'd anyone would like to go, just pm me or post here.
  9. Glad you found someone to fix it. The original outline was awful. Looks good
  10. Yeah the reaper is my favorite by far. Although many people just don't "get it". It does freak people out from time to time, a cashier at the grocery store was really unnerved, she said "no matter where I stand it's pointing at me". I asked if she was ready cause the reaper catches us all eventually.
  11. Can't get all of the reaper but pretty close. I need to finish inside of arm to make half sleeve. The pirate flag represents my kids. There are hidden initials, birthdays, etc contained within
  12. No fishing related but I have a couple
  13. Glad you found it, after posting this I went to GA's wildlife page and couldn't find it.
  14. Most state dnr's publish float trip distances and times For various rivers on their websites.
  15. I would go to the store and get him a Handy Manny tool set. What's the saying " Jack of all trades but master of none"
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