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Everything posted by atx_newbie

  1. Completely agree. I'm beginning to think of most doctors as nothing more than hustlers
  2. Pretty common in Chicago and Austin.
  3. I hadn't heard anything about this... Although, I can't say that I will shed a tear for bad things happening to Ole Miss and Auburn...
  4. I have to contest the Starbucks comment. Yeah, the crazy concoctions they come up with (ex: half caf skinny vanilla mocha frappee....) are silly, but just the regular coffee is really good. At the grocery store I buy either the Cafe Verona or Sumatra, both very strong, bold coffees. One thing I will say is wine. I've never had a good bottle of wine that cost more than $10. So that's my rule, I never spend more than $10 on a bottle of wine.
  5. This is not just pertaining to this series, but the NBA as a whole... I am still amazed that in a sport where each team generally scores 100+ points, that it takes more than 48 minutes to find a winner.
  6. This same thing happens every couple of years. In my short lifetime, I have seen 1) west nile virus 2) bird flu 3) SARS 4) Anthrax 5) Mad Cow 6) hoof-and-mouth 7) Pig Flu .... And every time, tragically, it's only the very young and very old that are harmed. Not to put on my tinfoil hat or anything, but I have a complete distrust of anyone in the pharmaceutical business, and most in the medical business, which leads me to think that things like this get blown way out of proportion as a means to sell more drugs. I don't mean to turn this into an attack on doctors, so if any of you are, don't get offended. My personal experiences have just led me to not trust doctors.
  7. It is a crime to fruit the beer! Punishable by extreme humiliation by your drinking partners or others witnessing said event. How so? What about orange twist in a Bud light? Orange in bud light? That's a new one to me. I do enjoy the orange with a Blue Moon though.
  8. Couldn't agree more, this is getting a little ridiculous. Americans are so easily scared these days, it's kind of embarrassing.
  9. Ok, so I'm getting ready to go back to school in January, when I'll be eligible for in-state tuition in Illinois. Originally I was hoping to work enough and save enough money that I could just pay cash for the remaining 2 years of school that I have, but I'm not sure that's an option now. So I have a couple questions about financial aid: 1) Student loans. A google search of student loans provides links to any number of websites offering student loans, none of which appear to be very credible. So, is it possible to just go to a Chase, Bank of America, etc. and get a student loan, or do you have to go through special banks for student loans? 2) FAFSFA. When I first went to school, I was a dependent of my parents, so I wasn't qualified to receive federal financial aid because my parents made too much. But now, I'm not a dependent of my parents anymore, so can I fill out a new one based on my new income and my new independent status? Thanks!
  10. Even I'm not willing to take that chance, and I'm a compulsive gambler
  11. How did I forget Negra Modelo?!?!?
  12. I was raised by the History Channel's WW2 programming, so I have always tried to learn as much as I could about military history. Both my grandfathers fought in the war. My dad's dad was a navigator on B-17s flying out of England in 1943, but he died a couple years before I was born so I never got to talk to him about it. Mom's dad was a mechanic on P-38s and P-40s in Australia, New Guinea, and other various islands of the Pacific. He always talked about his bout with malaria and being 6'4" and weighing only about 130 lbs by the time he got over the disease.
  13. Killian's is a domestic? If so, I feel really defrauded. My Irish pride has had me drinking it for years thinking it's an Irish beer...
  14. To clarify, I never passed out. That's the beauty of the game: you get to completely mark up somebody's face without them ever knowing, while they are awake and coherent the entire time.
  15. Budweiser American Ale Michelob Ultra Amber Sam Adams Boston Lager Leinenkeugels Classic Amber
  16. The game of hot beer is always priceless entertainment, but it'll be hard to describe in a post, and for the underage kiddies here, I won't even try. But if you want to learn the best game ever to prank a buddy at a party, PM me and I'll share. Below is a picture of me when I "learned" the game. P.S. the best part of the game is that the prankee is completely unaware until much later. When this picture was taken, I had no idea what my face looked like.
  17. Two suggestions: 1) Prosecco is an Italian sparkling wine, almost like champagne, but not quite as bubbly and much smoother tasting. Good bottles can be had for $10-15. 2) Vinho Verde, a Portuguese wine, is very good, and pretty cheap. It's also slightly bubbly, but not much at all. Very light, crisp, and tasty. My favorite label of this grape is Casal Garcia, though it's kind of tough to find. If you have a Whole Foods near you, they'll have it for $7-9 a bottle (so you can get two--and believe me, you'll want two ;D ;D )
  18. That's what I was going to say. At my school I took a math class called "Calc for Liberal Arts Majors." It was a joke.
  19. Well I think the Celtics aren't getting past Chicago, and Orlando just coughed up home-court advantage to Philly. I do think the West is more up for grabs, but the Lakers have been so dominant this season I just can't see anyone beating them in 7 games. Maybe in 1 or even 2, but not 7.
  20. Anybody watching them? I mean, we all know it's going to be Cavs/Lakers in the Finals, but until then there have been some great games so far in the first round. What's everyone else's take?
  21. Man I have not seen a Food Lion in ages! There was one built in my hometown, but they made a bad bet predicting that development in an area would blow up, it didn't, which left them with a giant grocery store miles away from anyone interested in shopping for food. I always like the store when I was a kid, they had great cookies and such in the bakery section.
  22. It was bound to happen since Favre retired ;D ;D Seriously though, as much as I like to laugh at the jokes about his commentary, it was always more fun to watch the games that he did.
  23. Absolutely hilarious. He did a comedy central special 3 or 4 years ago, where he talks to the audience as though they are a kindergarten class where he is a guest speaker/singer. While some of it was a little more vulgar than I like my stand-up, most of it was still as funny as anything I've ever seen.
  24. You know I've never met one person who liked that movie, but I actually did. For one, I am a big fan of Sam, but mainly, it was just a fun, entertaining little film. Sure, it wasn't Hitchcock, but no one was pretending it was. It did for me exactly what I wanted from it: I laughed in parts, and I did jump a little in some parts.
  25. I don't buy bottled water. It's such a rip-off, not to mention a terrible waste of plastic.
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