Lots of grammar nazis on this board. . . :
I'm from Michigan and bass season does not open until late May. I follow the law and will not fish until the season opens, but it drives me absolutely crazy when it is 75 degrees outside, and I can't legally go bass fishing.
I follow the law, because I understand the reasoning behind it, but what ticks me off is that my friends/classmates do not do the same. Yesterday, a classmate from high school, posted a picture on facebook of a 23 inch L.M. he caught. He then proceeded to send out invitations for everyone to come fishing at his house over the weekend.
He invited me to go fishing with him, and my reply was "I'd like to go fishing, but the season isn't open"
His reply: "It's a private lake, so the season doesn't matter, and in the summer you don't even need to buy a license to fish."
Pretty much the general thought process in this area, is that if it's warm outside, it's okay to go fishing.
My buddy recently moved to a small lake (all in all there are like 20 houses on the lake) and he invited me to go fishing last week saying "It's a private lake, so you can fish whenever."
Even if it is a private lake it's still illegal to intentionally fish for bass out of season. . . right?
Fishing is my passion. . . basically, I buy a license every year, I do not fish out of season, and I strictly catch and release. But, through mostly ignorance, all my classmates get to enjoy fishing out of season with zero consequences.