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About ValkyrieRider

  • Birthday 01/04/1982

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  • Location
    Richland, MO

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  1. The consequences for poaching fish are too great.
  2. I like to pull a KVD Red Eye Shad(Sexy Shad) through the school, at varying depths and retrieves. Anyway, a lot of times I'll catch a number of fish from the same school, and it's normally pretty violent and fun. Sometimes it doesn't work though, and I catch white bass (or snag shad) by accident ;D This technique has also been know to catch Crappie, Gar and Drum by accident for me anyway.. :
  3. Plan on doing the majority of your fishin in the summer early or late. (early preferably) and you might wanna get acquainted with some of the less popular parts of GG, specifically down around LORA or Mcubbins Point. I've had a lot of luck on the grand glaize and would be happy to help you out if you have any specific questions (spots and such). A great way to learn the area is to start your fishing day by hanging out by LORA and PB2 on saturday mornings and follow the tournament fisherman around. A lot of fisherman tend to head up the Osage or towards the dam, but some stay close, and you'll notice the same spots over and over again if you do it enough.
  4. Yeah, just stay outta my spots !
  5. definitely drive further south if you've only got a little while to fish. I fish missouri ALOT and there are big fish here, but you really got to put in the time to get to em!
  6. It wasn't even an "online" deal it was the price quoted in their Christmas catalog, which they had lying around everywhere. I think I got the price because I was able to open the book sitting on THEIR counter and point out what I wanted. At first an older guy said "We can give you the reel and the rod at the discounted price separetly , but if the combos aren't stocked on the showroom floor TOGETHER you can't buy a combo" then I asked another employee and got better advice. Just irked me a bit is all. Seems like poor business practice.
  7. Actually, 5 for solicitation of murder, 20 for cheating in the tournament. 7-10 was originally the suspended sentence or probation..
  8. Just got back from the BP in Springfield, MO. Went up to pick up a couple Extreme Combos (Marked down 159.99 to 99.99 apiece) and got what I needed. I was surprised to find that none of the sale prices they've been advertising in the catalogs sent out about 3 weeks ago have been updated and/or advertised in the store. In fact, I got the distinct feeling that had I not inquired about the issue, I'd have been charged full price. It also seemed as if it where a PITA for the guy ringing me up to get the discount done. (lots o paperwork) No foul against Bass Pro, but come on, it's like 60 dollars difference. Seem a bit sneaky to me.. Anyone else experience this?
  9. I run into guys all the time that say they had a day at Lake of the Ozarks and caught "nuthin but 6 lber's" or they caught 30 lbs last weekend... etc... Most guys are full of it. If they were catchin "nuthin but 6lbers" at LOZ anytime of year they'd be winning big money, big boats etc... Probably a case of exaggeration if you ask me... ;D
  10. Get a softer tip rod. It makes overhand casting way easier because you don't have to "wip" it so fast that your getting backlash, and you can loosen the cast control. I just recently got the hang of overhead casting and I found that switching from my 6'6" MH to a 7' M made all the difference in the world.
  11. usually, I'll dig my thumb under the hard jaw and put my two fingers in the mouth. If it's a big catfish, I'll put both thumbs under the jaw with all fingers in the mouth. You gotta grab catfish harder than they grab you If it's got trebles in the mouth I'll just grab where I can and put the body in between my legs and get the hooks out. Been hooked to many times to count. Doesn't feel good to be connected to a ticked off bass by a couple of barbs ;D
  12. That's what I was wondering... I'm married, and she's a kid. She was born in the 90's for cryin out loud! I'd rather fish. ;D
  13. Boy what a rough day! We had a local tournament yesterday and had 10 boats show up. One of the guys was a "pro" with a big boat, sponsors names etc.... Anyway, we probably caught 30 bass, none of them were keepers. Alot of 14" fish in LOZ... My buddy hooked and landed a giant catfish on a little tiny bomber model A crankbait, and we moved to jigging docks for the remainder of the day to find some size. Final results : Winning boat brought in 5 keepers for 10lbs.. 2nd place brought in 1 keeper for 1.8 lbs. Everyone else tied for 3rd with a big fat ZERO. We weighed in our catfish (23.67lbs) for big bass, but they didn't let us take the money ;D
  14. I use it everytime I go out. Definite increase in casting distance.
  15. I've been wearing those for years. Great gloves, use them for fishing and get some military issue leather glove shells and put them over top and you won't ever get cold no matter what your doing.
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