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Everything posted by burgman

  1. I agree about hiring a guide on strange water. Couple years back I was in Florida on vacation, hired a guide on lake Toho. He took me to three locations in six hours and my arms were tired by the end. Well worth it! However, being from Pittsburgh, my office over looks the 3-rivers point. With the Classic coming here in the end of July on the 3-rives, I've been watching all kinds of bass boats going up and down these rivers. Yea the pros may find the honey hole on lakes, but I bet these rivers, dams and locks will be a challenge they've not come up against in awhile! Anyhow, can't wait for the event. ;D
  2. Glad to see there are other PA fishing buddies! I'm from the "burgh" and fish Yough lake, Loyalhanna, Croocked Creek, Lake Arthur, Rivers and more. Moved here from the eastern part of state 1 1/2 years ago. Found better quality size back east (?) Can't figure out the spawn in western part. Better to have the line in the water than at the office!!! ;D
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