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  1. bx.versatile's post in Steez Ags "The Sensor" was marked as the answer   
    I've thrown 1/4oz weight + plastic on The Sensor. I think it weighed under 3/4 oz total. I like using braid to leader, so hitting hook sets is fine even on a wide gap VMC hook on Tokyo Rigs. My go to around weed edges is 1/4 Tokyo Rig with a Missile Bait 6.5" Quiver worm, so probably weights around 5/8oz and it doesn't feel stressed.
    Like @softwateronly, I've thrown 1/2+ Blade baits last fall and it handle well. It may of sling out these baits further because how catapults baits with that soft tip. I have a Steez "The One" though it's spinning, it has decent power and consider the Sensor to have a bit more power too. Both covers all my finesse fishing needs, of course I add an NRX+ 872s for even more fun.
    The Sensor balances fine with mide 6oz reel. I might try it with an Alphas SV TW with a KKR spool on the way, since it palms the best.
    The new NRX+ are pretty powerful, the 872+ is my long cast drop shot. I typically use 3/8oz to 1/2 tungsten with Robo worms or wacky Yum Dingers. I like fishing it more like Carolina Rig. I don't own an 852s or 852c, I'm sure it's the same blank for S or C. My buddy has an 852s, it's a touch more powerful than the 872s. Call me crazy, but I've fished 3/4 weights on finesse Tokyo rigs with a small paddle tail and casting into 20+mph wind. It was the only way to reach Smallmouths in heavy current/wind. I reeled it back like a Biffle Head and banged rocks with it. The rod felt fine, but I tend load and test the rod over their ratings. I'm that guy that fishes 2.0oz DRT TKs on 7'2 MH Zodias rods that's rated for 1oz max.
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