I've been using straight 6lb Tatsu on all my spinning reels (2500's, no braid) for years without any breakoffs or lost fish. I use it for all finesse applications plus small topwaters and hover rigs. It's the real deal.
There are plenty in my area...even my neighborhood. One was spotted just last week along a hiking trail just a 1/2 mile from me. That's pretty cool.
Although I haven't encountered one in the wild, I know folks that have. Generally they leave you alone, but if they're following you, making yourself "big" and standing your ground is the best defense from becoming a happy meal.
The game dept. used to be able to use dogs to track and tree problem cougars. A tranquilizer dart and a free ride to the wilderness was the prize. However, an animal rights group got a measure on the ballot and used an animal cruelty campaign about "hunting" cougars with dogs to get it passed by voters who have no clue about wildlife and game management.
Now, there are more human encounters than ever before, often resulting in euthanizing an innocent animal for just doing what its instincts tell them to do. It's a tragic situation. I have a hard time understanding how an "animal rights" group pushed an ordinance that ended up killing animals rather than setting them free. But that's the kind of "logic" we live with now.
That's probably Iron ochre. It forms when groundwater that flows through iron-containing soils picks up iron and brings it to the surface. The iron then reacts with oxygen in the air to create iron oxides, which form the orange sludge. Iron ochre can be found in slow-moving drainage and french drains. It often smells like sulphur or rotten eggs.
Since it forms naturally, it is not harmful nor toxic to a lake in small- to moderate-amounts. In very large quantities, it can smother aquatic plants and clog fish gills, causing cause great harm to the fishery.
Leaders are not required for bass fishing.
Braid is not an all-purpose line. It's best for fishing heavy vegetation.
Ergo, baitcasters can use fluorocarbon, mono, and co-polymer just fine. In fact, most of my reels are spooled with all fluorocarbon.
These vids will help:
Clearly there's more to the story than what's being presented. I hate stuff like this because people quickly jump to conclusions based upon limited information.
Pretending to me a lawyer? Not my bag of tea. Sounds unethical at best.
We've had an AF 1150 since 2009 w/tip out. Never had a problem with it. Very well built, good insulation for both hot and cold weather. No leaks or structural issues. Great rig!
We've had a few interesting threads like this in the past. It's some good reading late at night. Some of these are hilarious while others will raise the hair on the back of your neck!
There's more... a lot more here. But this is plenty for now.
Yup, tracking studies have shown that bass caught all over a large lake and released at the tournament launch location have been known to:
1. Stay in the new (to them) area
2. Travel many miles back to where they were caught - sometimes traveling great distances with an day or two
3. Relocate somewhere in-between.
Just depends on too many factors to list here, but we have plenty of information here on the topic (hence the "Resource" part of our name).
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