Well, it's all a matter of what you're looking for. Allisons, Gamblers, etc are known for their high speed. Rangers, Skeeters, etc are known for better rides and quality construction, but they won't beat the boats above in a race.
Everyone has an opinion. It just depends on what's important to the individual.
Mine? I'm partial to my Ranger. But I'm not going to knock other boats because other people choose them.
As for chine walk, that's usually an indication of poor setup. Typically the motor is too low and/or it's using the wrong prop. True, some hull designs are more prone to chine walk, and I haven't driven a Triton, so I don't have an opinion. However, several of my pro friends drive them and don't complain about chine walk - they complain of other things about the boat (like water leaking into the storage compartments).
At any rate, it's a matter of personal preference. What is one person's annoyance, other person overlooks it. It doesn't mean one is right and the other wrong. It's just personal preference.