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BassResource.com Administrator
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Everything posted by Glenn

  1. Yup, those are nice boats! Here's mine:
  2. Very nice! "There is no secret bait" Love it!
  3. jtbassman, You may have had a point in there somewhere, but your lack of respect and courtesy overwhelmed it. While you're completely entitled to your opinion, and in fact encouraged to state it, all I ask is that you do it in a respectful and courteous manner. Now that's not too much to ask, is it?
  4. Your questions are answered in the articles listed here: http://bassresource.com/fish_biology/about.html Enjoy!
  5. Bury the eye of the hook in the body, then stick a piece of cheap 40lb mono through the eye. It won't fly off ever again.
  6. This isn't true. It's a joke. It should have been removed. I'm sure JT will be "delighted" to discover where it's posted. For reference, here's the real story: http://www.bassresource.com/fishing/Bagwell/bagwells_bass_tactics_22.html See... that's what happens when you stray away from BassResource.com!
  7. Add to list: Duct Tape, assorted zip ties, and a set of battery jumpers.
  8. If you do a search here for "journal" or "fishing log", you'll find plenty of posts about this subject. Enjoy!
  9. This is answered in the Senko FAQ's
  10. Ideally, 12'x30' if you have room for it. Otherwise, 10'x25' at a bare minimum. And make sure you have at least a 10' door. I have a 20' Ranger and an 11'x36' garage for it. The extra length is for all the shelving/cupboards to store all my fishing/camping gear.
  11. Have you tried this? http://www.bassresource.com/bassfish/bass_fishing_clubs.html
  12. Try here: http://www.bassresource.com/bassfish/bass_fishing_clubs.html
  13. Nice rig! Hey guys, here's a chance to support those that support this site - and it won't cost you a dime! Thanks!!
  14. Might want to try ours instead: http://bassresource.com/bassfishing/fishing_solunar_moon.html
  15. Off topic replies have been moved to [link=http://www.bassresource.com/bass_fishing_forums/YaBB.pl?num=1152416395]This Thread[/link]
  16. Went fishing last weekend. After the first run, my wife says, "What's the oil sheen on the water from?" It turns out the filler cap for the hydraulic fluid on my power trim unit somehow worked itself loose. I lost pretty much all the fluid - replaced by lake water. The good news is that it's covered under Yamaha's warranty, so I get a brand new trim unit. The bad news is that it's in the shop until next week, so I'm land-locked when the fish are biting!! AAAGH!! I'm curious, though, has this happened to anyone else? It seems really out of left field to me. I've never known this to happen before, and I've been fishing for decades. Thoughts?
  17. AAgh!! I don't get either of those channels! >
  18. Way to go Nick!!
  19. These articles show you how to tie the rig: http://bassresource.com/fishing/drop-shot.html http://bassresource.com/fishing/dropshot_fish.html http://bassresource.com/fishing/DropShot_Rig.html http://bassresource.com/fishing/Dropshot_downshot.html http://bassresource.com/fishing/dropshot_bass_fishing.html
  20. Here's a few deep fishing articles for you to enjoy! http://bassresource.com/fishing/carolina_rig.html http://bassresource.com/fishing/deep_water_structure.html http://bassresource.com/fishing/deep_water_jig_pig.html http://bassresource.com/fishing/fishing_deep_water.html http://bassresource.com/fishing/SpoonFishing.html http://bassresource.com/fishing/fishing_tips_summer.html http://bassresource.com/fishing/SmallmouthFishing.html
  21. Sale ends July 10th!
  22. Thanks guys! When I created these, a lot of effort was focused on the quality of the garmet and printing/embroidery. It's very difficult to show it in the pictures, but once you see them, you know what I mean. I'm delighted the quality is that noticable!
  23. Again, and I really need to make this perfectly clear - Ben was not banned nor asked to leave. He was cautioned regarding his actions - a warning - and that was it. Which was exactly how I dealt with PinkFloyd. I won't ban a person if I feel they have made an honest mistake and have a low chance of doing it again. It's unfortunate Ben decided to leave, but that's his choice. It's also unfortunate he elected to make a post on the forums about it, rather than discuss it with me. But I think Madhouse sums up exactly my thoughts very nicely. As for Pink's multiple smileys - he was simply experimenting with the site's capabilities, unaware that his actions would dramatically slow down the ability for everyone to view the post. True, it shouldn't have been done in the first place, but once it was brought to his attention, he immediately deleted them all. Lesson learned. The perception was that he did it maliciously, which isn't the case. One other lesson PFR learned was to never let his emotions rule his actions. Sending PM's when upset only makes matters worse. True, he sent an inappropriate PM, but he realized his mistake and apologized. Not only that, but he showed restraint by not replying to Ben's nasty PM in the same manner. Anyway, just as with PinkFloyd, Ben is welcome to stay now that the air has cleared. The choice is up to him.
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