Well folks, this topic is often debated here. The end result is that the devout C&R fans don't change their minds, and folks who keep a few every now and then don't change theirs.
A little education may be in order here, however. I highly suggest to anyone to read the many, many "limit", "harvest", and lake management articles we have here: http://bassresource.com/fish_biology/about.html#fish
The surprising fact to some die-hard C&R folks is that releasing all bass does more damage than keeping a few every now and then - and this includes trophy-sized bass.
If you read no other article, at least read this: http://bassresource.com/fishing/catch_and_release_bass.html
I'm not saying we should all start keeping bass. But keeping a few every now and then, for a mount or otherwise, is actually healthy for the fishery.
Now, if ethically/morally you feel obligated to let the big 'uns go, then by all means do so. Just don't get on somebody's case if they choose not too.
And again, as I've always stated before and I'll state again here: You're completely entitled to state your opinions here, so long as you remain respectful and courteous to others.
The little jabs and digs I've seen here are pushing the envelope too much. It's time for a few people to step off their soapbox.
'nuff said.