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BassResource.com Administrator
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Everything posted by Glenn

  1. Somehow I just KNEW you'd catch that!
  2. Thanks everyone, that really means alot. It makes all that work over the past decade more than well worth it! But as flechero noted, I'm only one person, and the mods make me look good. In reality, they're doing A LOT of the heavy lifting in order to free me up to focus on running the show. Without them, this site would suffer. They are really what makes this place rock! That said, without you, the members, this place would be just a shell. You folks make up the soul of this place... give it life, personality, and make it home. Without you, all this would be nothing. So my hat's off to all the members, and the fantastic mods!
  3. Outstanding!
  4. Update - I believe the problem has been solved. Stay tuned.
  5. The stubborn problem still persists. This also affects password notifications. Apologies if this affects you. I have it narrowed down to a server issue, and not a coding issue. I am working with my host provider to further track it down. Thanks again for your patience.
  6. Well folks, this topic is often debated here. The end result is that the devout C&R fans don't change their minds, and folks who keep a few every now and then don't change theirs. A little education may be in order here, however. I highly suggest to anyone to read the many, many "limit", "harvest", and lake management articles we have here: http://bassresource.com/fish_biology/about.html#fish The surprising fact to some die-hard C&R folks is that releasing all bass does more damage than keeping a few every now and then - and this includes trophy-sized bass. If you read no other article, at least read this: http://bassresource.com/fishing/catch_and_release_bass.html I'm not saying we should all start keeping bass. But keeping a few every now and then, for a mount or otherwise, is actually healthy for the fishery. Now, if ethically/morally you feel obligated to let the big 'uns go, then by all means do so. Just don't get on somebody's case if they choose not too. And again, as I've always stated before and I'll state again here: You're completely entitled to state your opinions here, so long as you remain respectful and courteous to others. The little jabs and digs I've seen here are pushing the envelope too much. It's time for a few people to step off their soapbox. 'nuff said.
  7. Hello, I want to thank everyone for letting me know the notifications are not working. I am aware of the issue and am working on resolving it. Thanks in advance for your patience!
  8. There is indeed a problem that surfaced regarding the mail notification. It's a server issue that I'm tracking down.
  9. Muddpuppy is right, and he mentions a very important fact. You need to change that water out too. An aerator is only half the equation. The fish could still die in very well aerated water due to toxic build-up in the water.
  10. Also, for anyone reading this who had to login today - I reset everything last night, which means you HAD to login. Please do not PM or e-mail me, assuming there's an issue because you had to login. This is normal after a reset. However, if you continue to have problems logging in tomorrow, please read the Help section first. 99% of login problems are covered and resolved in the Help section. If you've tried everything in the Help section and continue to have login problems, please let me know. Thanks! Glenn
  11. Yes, there's been some login issues by some members. I did a bunch of work on it last night and this morning. By the looks of your e-mail, it may be finally fixed.
  12. Here ya go! http://bassresource.com/fish_biology/strike_zone.html
  13. If it's random and moves around - it's simply the wind. Neat little patterns, and sometimes an indicator of a gust of wind heading your way. If the calm spot stays in one spot despite the breeze, usually it's weeds either on or just under the surface. At least, that's how it always is in my experience.
  14. Great question, Tex. Yes, they have several events in Texas and across the country - even Mexico! You can find the full schedule and everything about C.A.S.T. by visiting their website at www.castforkids.org Thanks! Glenn
  15. Welcome to the site! To answer your questions, begin here: http://bassresource.com/beginner/beginner.html Enjoy!
  16. 225. I've hit 70mph so far, but it's under-propped. I know I can get it to 75mph, but I'm having a hard time justifying the cost of a new SS prop for an extra 5mph.
  17. Yup, those are nice boats! Here's mine:
  18. Very nice! "There is no secret bait" Love it!
  19. jtbassman, You may have had a point in there somewhere, but your lack of respect and courtesy overwhelmed it. While you're completely entitled to your opinion, and in fact encouraged to state it, all I ask is that you do it in a respectful and courteous manner. Now that's not too much to ask, is it?
  20. Your questions are answered in the articles listed here: http://bassresource.com/fish_biology/about.html Enjoy!
  21. Bury the eye of the hook in the body, then stick a piece of cheap 40lb mono through the eye. It won't fly off ever again.
  22. This isn't true. It's a joke. It should have been removed. I'm sure JT will be "delighted" to discover where it's posted. For reference, here's the real story: http://www.bassresource.com/fishing/Bagwell/bagwells_bass_tactics_22.html See... that's what happens when you stray away from BassResource.com!
  23. Add to list: Duct Tape, assorted zip ties, and a set of battery jumpers.
  24. If you do a search here for "journal" or "fishing log", you'll find plenty of posts about this subject. Enjoy!
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