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BassResource.com Administrator
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Everything posted by Glenn

  1. I did some research today. In you're using Internet Explorer 7, there are several enhanced and tighten security features that have been incorporated into IE7. One of them been restricted Clipboard data access by websites and web pages. In Internet Explorer 7, both IE 7 installed on Windows XP or IE7 that comes together with Windows Vista, the behaviour occurs when you visit a website or webpage that tries to access the information stored in Clipboard's memory, as Clipboard's memory stored data can be sensitive and private. For security purpose, IE7 will pop-up a warning alert message as below: If you allow this, the webpage can access the Clipboard and read information that you've cut or copied recently. You will then need to press or click “Don't Allow” or “Allow” button to get pass the popup message. This security feature can be disabled. To disable the pop up warning message about possible harmful or unauthorized Clipboard access, follow the steps below: Go to Tools -> Internet Options. Go to Security tab. Select “Internet” zone, then click on “Custom level…” button. Scroll down to “Scripting” section (at the bottom few). Under “Allow Programmatic clipboard access” option, check or select (tick) Enable. Default action for this option is a Prompt, which cause the pop-up message whenever there is any attempt to access the Clipboard. Click Ok twice to exit from Internet Options. Changing the preference to Enable for “Allow Programmatic clipboard access” option can increase security risk. You can set it to Disable to disallow all website's access to Clipboard's resident data. However, the better and more secure alternative is to edit the “Allow Programmatic clipboard access” setting for “Trusted sites” zone (steps same as above, only that you select “Trusted sites” in step 3 instead of “Internet”), and add the websites that you trusted and selected into Trusted sites zone. Hope that helps!
  2. I soooooo knew that! :
  3. I'm changing my name to "Girn Blanstaad"
  4. Thanks Avid. You're sensational!
  5. To clarify, his name is Ish Monroe. And he isn't the only minority bass pro. See http://www.bassresource.com/fishing/trail_blazers.html for more info.
  6. See my signature? Lot's of cool stuff there. Neat features and hidden gems galore. Enjoy!
  7. Seems BBB is a little slow. It was posted here several days ago: http://www.bassresource.com/bass_fishing_123/insidebass_1226_06.html
  8. Glenn

    new here

    LBH will explain it to you via a PM.
  9. I haven't changed anything on the site lately re: navigation menus. Don't tell me you downloaded IE7. It's too buggy for Prime Time. You might want to revert back if you've recently upgraded.
  10. Do a search for the Kicktail. You'll find your answer there.
  11. BassResource.com is place to find information on anything and everything related to bass fishing, find people with like interests, use tools to plan your next trip or log your last one, and learn as much as possible about bass fishing. It's all that and a whole lot more. However, one thing BassResource.com is NOT, is a tournament organization. There are plenty of other successful tournament organizations out there tailored to suit most anyone. That said, there's nothing against a friendly get-together of folks who want to fish on the same body of water. Throw in a low wager or two and have at it! Just understand that it won't be a BassResource.com sanctioned event. Thanks! Glenn
  12. Outstanding! Congratulations. Have fun and ham it up! Let us see some footage when it becomes available. Woot! Woot!
  13. I read it before it was available to the public. Interesting read. As stated previously, it's not a "how to" book at all. Rather, it's more like a biography of the big names in trophy bass hunting. It's raw, uncensored, to-the-point commentary and quotes give you real insight into the mindset of these guys. It definitely takes a unique individual with immense patience and passion to pursue the world record.
  14. Ease up Cart. I think Matt's point is that THE PRIMARY reason companies sponsor somebody is because that person can fatten their bottom line. Being a tourny pro? That's one way to get their attention, but if you can't close the deal (sell it to your fans), you aren't worth much to them. You better be able to sell your sponsor's products. If you're a great writer, then leverage your talent by writing copy and articles that sell their products. Can't write or spell? Then you better be a good speaker and great salesman. Catch trophy bass? Then you better be able to sell your sponsors' products using any means available to you. Do you need to be a tournament angler? No, not at all. I know a ton of guys who are sponsored who are nothing more than weekend warriors. But they sure as heck can sell! Yes, spelling is important no matter what, and I doubt Matt is trying to belittle its importance. But companies offering sponsorships are willing to overlook it if you can fatten up their bottom line by other means. Just forget about sending them a resume. Use your other talents instead.
  15. The issue could be memory. It could also be the download of the new media player had a corrupted file, and reinstalling a fresh download could solve it. It could also be the new player is designed for new drivers, and installing the latest video card driver could solve the issue. It could also be that just the HD is terribly fragmented, so defragging it could clear it up. It could be something else too. There's lots of possibilities. Doing the investigation should reveal the problem. But what would I know. I only have an A+ certification, CIW Associate, CIW Professional, and 3 CIW Master Certifications.
  16. Woa guys. Try the things I listed above first. Then, BEFORE you run off and start buying more memory, reverting software, etc., stop and do some investigating. Otherwise it's just a shotgun approach in the hopes you stumble upon the fix. You could compound, or mask, the problem if you take that approach. By investigating, I mean check for device/driver conflicts, see if there's issues with ALL videos on the computer, or just certain ones, run diagnostics on the computer, etc. Just gather information before taking any further action. The results of your investigation should point you to the exact problem, and fix.
  17. I can't speak for Texas, but it's still that way in Utah. Believe it or not!
  18. Needemp, I recommend taking the time to learn more about Hawg Hunting before jumping to conclusions. Trophy bass fishing is indeed different than other forms of bass fishing. But it is every bit as difficult to master. It takes skill for all forms of bass fishing. The ones that truly excel, have absolutely paid their dues on and off the water, and mastered it to a "T". They're truly the elite of their class, whether fishing tournaments, for fun, or for trophies. To say one is better than the other isn't a fair comparison or assumption at all. They're different. Period. It's a personal preference. You may have no intention to fish for trophies, and that's fine. But that doesn't give you free license to pan those that do. That's not what this site is about. I encourage you to ask questions and learn more about the fine art of trophy bass hunting. I'm sure you'll be amazed and surprised at how difficult it really is.
  19. Grief during the holidays is always amplified. That is good advice, Fatman. Some people find it comforting to acknowledge the loss by having an empty chair at the table for Christmas dinner. That way, they are there in our hearts when they can't be in person. May all of you have a Christmas to remember. And take the time to be thankful for being able to spend past holidays with those you have lost, and cherish tomorrow with those that you do.
  20. Merry Christmas to you and everyone here at BassResource.com.
  21. Merry Christmas to you and everyone here at BassResource.com.
  22. Merry Christmas to you and everyone here at BassResource.com.
  23. Merry Christmas to you and everyone here at BassResource.com.
  24. Merry Christmas to you and everyone here at BassResource.com.
  25. Merry Christmas to you and everyone here at BassResource.com.
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