Well, since you have all that time on your hands, let's be fair. Go look at ALL the anglers and their claims about their sponsors, and then validate them all. I mean REALLY validate - don't just look at a couple of pictures in a magazine and then come to a conclusion. Even if your assumptions are true, singling out one person, when they're ALL doing it, is severely biased and unfair.
Also, perhaps it can be read that he couldn't have done it without their support and sponsorship? Or perhaps he used it during the Classic, you just didn't see it when the cameras were rolling? Oh my - a pro hiding a "secret" lure/technique/tool when cameras are around during the championship of all competitions - NO WAY!! Quite possibly the same reason you didn't see it in other photos too.
My, how easy it is to judge people based off a couple of pictures, without every knowing the man or speaking to him. Who has "integrity" at this point?
Sorry to be so harsh, but these guys work their butts off every day getting, and retaining, their sponsors... going to appearances all across the country.... doing interviews, commercials, books, videos... oh and fishing tournaments at the highest level of competition. Oh and maybe they get to see their family every now and then, just to remind them who they are. Sometime their kids don't even recognize them.
Then one person takes it upon himself to try to make him look bad because he has more time on his hands than he knows what do with.
This is integrity? Give me a break!
FlyPhisher, I'm sorry about your injury. I know it has you cooped up and you're unable to do the things you love to do. It must suck, and I can empathize. But please - don't ever start judging others, especially the pros, without fully understanding all the hard work and effort they put into their careers. You wouldn't want an armchair quarterback judging your career moves the same way.