You guys don't understand. The closing of Senko threads is due to EVERY ONE OF THEM turning into the SAME argument over which knockoff is better - often leading to heated words. I don't know why that is, but it happened over and over again so many times.... It doesn't happen on chatterbait, Ikas, swimbaits, etc, which is why those haven't been closed.
In addition, pretty much every question about the Senko have been asked, and the answers have been collected in one place so that newbies can quickly get answers to their questions. It's a service to them, and very helpful to point them to the FAQ's, rather than forcing them to wait for an answer.... which ends up in an argument anyway (not the best way to introduce them to the forums).
As for "healthy debates" on these forums - I'm all for it. However, what I won't tolerate is attacks on other members, disrespectful behavior, racist remarks, etc. All I ask is for people to treat others with respect and speak to them as if they're in the same room with them. If they're unable, or unwilling, to do that, there's plenty of other forums out there where they can attack and belittle people all they want.
Life is too short to waste energy on negative thinking and focusing on our differences. Concentrate on the positive things in life instead. That's what I try to promote here.
Having one Senko thread after another turn into a needless argument every time goes against that policy. I know you guys don't see it that way. That's because we don't let it get that far anymore. It hasn't happened in a long time, and that's because we stay on top of it. So YOU don't see a problem, only the actions we take to prevent it. So it seems unwarranted in your eyes.
Oddly enough, when we DO let a thread run that far, and a huge argument ensues with a lot of people getting attacked, angry, and hurt, then we're critized for not stopping it sooner. We're questioned why we don't police the forums better, why we didn't ban so-and-so, or why we allowed it happen. So we clamp down, and then we're accused of being a dictatorship, censorship, "silencing people who disagree", etc.
Can't win either way.