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Everything posted by Glenn

  1. Do not arouse the wrath of the great and powerful Oz!!
  2. Mariners? Who are they? Sonics are losers too. They're leaving town anyway. Huskies are bland. Ya, it's great to be a Seattle sport's fan these days. :-/ But hey, the Seahawks won last night on MNF. They've now had 3 shutouts in 4 MNF appearances - an NFL record. Can't complain about that! And they could finish the season 12-4 if they've finally turned it around. To early to tell though. We'll see next week. Who'd a thunk at the beginning of the year that all they needed to do was bench Alexander.
  3. I pulled it from the sticky area (didn't delete it) because the World Series is long over, and the last post was over a week ago. Seems like interest has faded, and the sticky area already has a LOT of threads in it. You can find the baseball thread a few pages down, or can do a search for it. Either way, it's still there for you to post on.
  4. Good observation. Yes it is, by coincidence. Same hat too. Funny thing is, I don't wear that shirt too often. Maybe I should! Oh, and it was an 8lb 1oz and 9lb 1oz at Fork. Keri caught the 7lb 8oz lunker. I think it fought harder than it's bigger sisters!
  5. Thanks to everyone for their responses, especially yours Bass Cat. I appreciate your concerns, and you did a great job of presenting them. I like to hear opinions from everyone, because you never know where the next great idea might come from. I think Stayncharge has done a terrific job of answering questions and explaining the program. Like he said, most people would just pack up and leave. He didn't. Shows a lot of character in my book. Great suggestions for improvements guys. Nice thread. I think we can move on now.
  6. Ok, here's the pic, but first... I look like crap for 2 reasons: It was 95 degrees out and the guy who took the photograph wanted the sun on my face, so he lifted up my cap and rearranged it while I was holding the fish. So I'm sweating, squinting, and my hat and hair is all messed up (ya I know... I look drunk!) Caught it on a wacky rigged Outlaw Baits Limp Stick. The pic doesn't show it, but she had a big belly.
  7. ;D ;D ;D
  8. Phenominal catch!
  9. Colts are getting schooled by the Chargers in the first half. Woo Hoo! Not that I'm a Chargers fan, but I grow tired of hearing how wonderful the Colts/Patriots/Steelers/Cowboys are. Seems the sportswriters forget about the other teams - especially those teams out west. Love to see it when those "elite" teams get humbled by a west coast team. Ya ya... those four teams have great records and history etc., I'm not belittling their talents and what they've achieved. I'm just sick of hearing about them ALL THE TIME! The media hypes them up so much, it's a disservice to the rest of the teams. So don't send hate mail. So it's nice to see one of "teacher's pets"* get knocked down a little. * Media Favorites
  10. After a 16 year drought after my last PB, this year I broke it in style. I caught a 9lb 1oz largemouth at Lake Fork during the BassResource.com roadtrip (thanks Russ, for catching that on video!), And in September, I caught a 5lb 12oz smallie out of the John Day river! That's 2 PB's in the same year! Just had to celebrate that for a moment. Bring on '08!!
  11. As most of you know, Keri (my wife) fishes as much as I do, including tournaments. In fact, she's won the Female Angler of the Year 3 times now (in our club). She wants to fish MORE tournaments next year - and buy MORE gear! Ouch! My wallet hurts! LOL! btw - she was teh one that insisted I get the Ranger. And if you were at the BassResource.com roadtrip last year, then you'll remember the 7 1/2 pounder she caught.
  12. First eliminate the easy stuff before buying parts. About once a year on mine, I'll get a small pebble down underneath the pedal lodged right where the cable attaches to the pedal. Yes... waaay back underneath. You can barely see it. That will prevent the motor from turning in one direction, but not the other. You'll have to unscrew the pedal from the floor and lift it up. Pebble pops free, screw it back down and you're in business. Give that a whirl first.
  13. Perhaps of interest: http://www.bassresource.com/fishing/Winter_boat.html
  14. Hey folks, I wanted to let you know that Alpster will be helping out by providing you comprehensive information about the trip (guides, area attractions, boater/non-boater signup, meals, etc.). It's a LOT of information to compile and keep updated, so please help me give him a huge, heartfelt thanks for stepping up to the plate to help make this trip enjoyable for everyone!
  15. AGH!! Over an hour away from the START over here on the West Coast! Nice spoilers! *holding hands over ears* LA LA LA!!! Can't hear you!!
  16. They ALL benefit BassResource when you click on them, and then buy. But as of right now, only ReelMech and *** are offering exclusive member discounts. If you don't purchase from our sponsors, then we'll lose them. And then BassResource.com will disappear. :'( So click those banners and buy something!
  17. Let's be very careful here. Some of the posts are starting to infringe upon the "No politics" zone. Consider this a warning shot.
  18. Dominick, PM me your operating system, browser type and version (click "help" and then "about" at the VERY TOP of the browser). I want to ensure there isn't any code issues on this side.
  19. Sounds like we have a few members that need our thoughts, prayers, and support. You have mine!
  20. Sounds like a fun night! NOT! Glad to hear everything turned out ok though. Reminds me of when I was working at J.C. Penny YEARS ago when I was working maintenance, paying my way through college. We were doing our annual "all-nighters" we do for a week when they're doing inventory. We purposefully worked well away from the inventory crew, as we were stripping and waxing the floors. One night, we were working on the first floor when the inventory folks were on the 2nd. I had gone to the back room to get supplies. When I came back, I heard glass breaking. I thought my clumsy partner had tripped over something and broke a fixture. So I started to razz him - loudly. I couldn't see him yet. But then the glass kept breaking. I went over to where all the noise was coming from, and saw 3 guys smashing all the jewlery cases and stuffing everything into bags!! They had literally smashed the glass doors to get in! First thing that came to my mind was that these guys would kill me if they saw me. And I figured they had to have heard me, so I was dead meat. So I high-tailed it out of there like a jaguar! No gem is worth my life. I got into a back room office, locked the door, and called 911, as our security system was turned off because the building was occupied (we later found out they had insider help). They were gone by time the cops arrived, leaving mass destruction behind, and one terrified 18-year old! Turns out these guys hit multiple stores across several states before being caught in California.
  21. I plan on going. I will be part of the media, so I will have "back stage" access, which includes meeting and interviewing the pros.
  22. Judging by satellite imagery, and pics from the two Guntersville websites, I'd say the trek between cabins and hotel/chalets would require a vehicle. Seems it's a very steep incline. I'm sure we'll be spread out a little, but my guess is that the majority will be in the cabins. Keri and I are staying at the hotel because we didn't want to occupy a 2 bedroom cabin when we only need one. We wanted to free that up for people who are sharing rooms. That, and there's wireless Internet at the hotel. Plus it doesn't hurt that the rooms are brand new. : As Fluke said, sharing expenses is what it's all about! This not only helps make the trip feasible, but also encourages everyone to meet and get to know each other. It's all part of the fun and experience that makes this trip so much fun!
  23. P.S. It's fishing guys. Lighten up. I think we all like to hear different viewpoints from all walks of life. It helps us paint a picture that's relevant and useful to each and every one of us. Pointing fingers and getting upset over things impairs the free flow of information, which results in an incomplete picture.
  24. I think the lesson learned here is that if you started out with this statement, none of this would have happened. I think the key takeaway for all of us this: Be very careful in how you phrase things. There's a fine line between calling somebody a liar, and questioning their reasoning. It's all in how you phrase things.
  25. Look at the time stamps on the pictures. They were taken a 1/2 hour apart. It's not the same animal. Might want to read the info on the page too: http://www.bfro.net/avevid/jacobs/jacobs_photos.asp I dives into the debate between "mangy bear" and "baby sasquatch". Personally, I think it's entirely feasible there's a species of unclassified primates out there. Is that reason to be afraid of them? No, not at all. I would love to know their role in the ecosystem, rather than kill them. I'd like to learn more about them. The more educated people are about them, the less afraid of them they will be.
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