Sounds like a fun night! NOT! Glad to hear everything turned out ok though.
Reminds me of when I was working at J.C. Penny YEARS ago when I was working maintenance, paying my way through college. We were doing our annual "all-nighters" we do for a week when they're doing inventory. We purposefully worked well away from the inventory crew, as we were stripping and waxing the floors.
One night, we were working on the first floor when the inventory folks were on the 2nd. I had gone to the back room to get supplies. When I came back, I heard glass breaking. I thought my clumsy partner had tripped over something and broke a fixture. So I started to razz him - loudly. I couldn't see him yet.
But then the glass kept breaking.
I went over to where all the noise was coming from, and saw 3 guys smashing all the jewlery cases and stuffing everything into bags!! They had literally smashed the glass doors to get in!
First thing that came to my mind was that these guys would kill me if they saw me. And I figured they had to have heard me, so I was dead meat. So I high-tailed it out of there like a jaguar! No gem is worth my life. I got into a back room office, locked the door, and called 911, as our security system was turned off because the building was occupied (we later found out they had insider help).
They were gone by time the cops arrived, leaving mass destruction behind, and one terrified 18-year old!
Turns out these guys hit multiple stores across several states before being caught in California.