The bearings are easy. They're oil filled, so there's really very little to do, other than changing the oil every 2-3 years, which is easy to do (as long as it's warm outside).
Just watch the oil reservoir to see if the oil turns white. A chocolate milk color is ok, you just don't want to see it white....or the level drop. Just check for any oil puddles on the back side of the tires where you park every so often. The rear seal has been known to fail on rare occasions.
Brakes need to checked yearly. But they last a very long time. So really there's little to do.
There's really a lot of easy stuff you can do for yourself on your boat. The easiest is simply being observant. Just checking for anything loose, worn, etc. and becoming familiar with how everything is supposed to be is your best preventative maintenance. I know I've saved myself hundreds of dollars by catching something early.
I presume you don't have a manual for the boat. Not a problem. Contact Ranger through their website. They will send you a manual free of charge.