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BassResource.com Administrator
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Everything posted by Glenn

  1. I got rid of it from the threads due to the needless, endless, trivial emphasis that people continue to place upon it. From people striving to "get to the next level" to those accusing others of "post padding", in addition to those boasting about reaching a milestone..... Post counts mean nothing - they have no bearing whatsoever on the quality of the posts nor the quality of the person. And to fight and bicker over it? C'mon!! Ya, I've had enough, if you can't tell. So I removed it.
  2. This has turned into nothing more than an "I'm right and you're wrong" argument, which has no merit or value to these forums.
  3. http://www.bassresource.com/fishing/crankbait_bass_fishing.html
  4. Glenn


    Yup, we have snow in my neck of the woods. 7 inches have fallen in the last few hours, and it shows no signs of letting up. This is the latest snowfall ever on record in this area. By contrast, it was 80 degrees last Saturday. I've never seen such bizarre weather patterns before. What the...??!!
  5. My comment wasn't directed at Matt. It was for clarification, for those folks who perhaps thought at one time he was a sponsor and then quit for some reason.
  6. Ya, I was a little surprised by his comments. But he does have a point, however. I don't know how many other pros have the same sentiment, but I'm betting he's not the only one that feels that way.
  7. ALWAYS use "Catch & Release" formula. I'm not saying this because they're a sponsor, I'm saying it because it saves fish! I was using "Catch & Release" formula long before I ever met Lane & Tony, and well before they became a sponsor. I KNOW this stuff works!
  8. Welcome back old friend!
  9. Never has been. :-/
  10. Sounds like an awesome day!
  11. Maple Valley here. Welcome aboard!
  12. I'm not aware of any ads on this site having sounds. It appears you have a malware virus on your computer, which dishes up ads to your browser that overwrite the ads on the site. Typically these are very annoying ads... often adult in nature. Run your anti-virus software, or go to http://www.pandasecurity.com/homeusers/solutions/activescan/ for a free scan.
  13. I got the pleasure of interviewing one of bass fishing's top pros, John Crews at the 2008 Classic. Here is the video. Enjoy!
  14. Please read the FAQs.
  15. "Really? I thought he was some homeless guy." - Senko 77 "The harder I push, the righter I go." -- Muddy Man
  16. Hmmm.... let me think about that.... :
  17. 80 degrees here 3 days ago. Yesterday it hailed. Today's high: 50. They're predicting snow next weekend, with lows in the upper 20's. I don't care what the calendar says, it's still winter here.
  18. Nature's way of weeding out the stupid. "Go on, touch it. I think that alligator's asleep!"
  19. I've been using this for over 17 years. Created it myself back then, tweaked a little after using it, and then made it available for everyone when I built this site. http://www.bassresource.com/fish/fishinglog3.gif
  20. Ok guys, I'm going to say this once, and once only - NO MORE!! I've had enough of seeing people make fun of this guy. It's NOT representive of this forum, and I will no longer tolerate it!
  21. Please welcome our newest sponsor, Rage Tail Baits! A division of Strike King Lures, Rage Tail Baits have unique and exclusive tails engineered like no other soft plastic bait. Each is designed with a specific purpose and uses customized hi-grade plastics for superior action. You won't believe the splash, noise and other action that each Rage Tail has! Click their banner and check out these great baits, and pleasel help me welcome them aboard!
  22. Outstanding post Bob! I FINALLY understand the mechanics/science behind slot limits. Well done! btw - Have you stuck your finger down a fish's throat lately?
  23. The directions are on the backside of the cardboard backing. Ok, well, not printed on it, but 'stuck' there, so you might have missed it.
  24. I'm quite certain this is nothing more than rumor, and has nothing to do with "tree huggers", "hippies" or any other stereotype group you want to conjur up. It's most likely started by some company that makes soft baits without using plastic material - probably as some sort of stupid marketing ploy. I've seen garbage like this before and it always backfires ("banned in tournaments!" , "banned in 10 states", etc), so I have no idea why companies continue to indulge in these useless, false advertising practices.
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