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BassResource.com Administrator
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Everything posted by Glenn

  1. Green bar at the very top will take you to the many sections of the site packed full of articles (over 10 years worth!). Enjoy reading them, and welcome aboard!
  2. Glenn

    Deer farts

    You guys crack me up! ;D I guess I opened myself up for that!
  3. I have a Yamaha HPDI 225 on the Ranger. Do NOT give it gas at first (this will cause problems). Just push the button and it will start. Let it run for a few mins (Yamaha recommends 3 minutes), and you'll notice the idle will smooth out and RPMs will reduce - all on it's own. This is all automatically computer controlled. (Giving it gas before you start it can throw off the computer) If you have any problem starting it, squeeze the bulb until it's firm. We were having starting problems and noticed the bulb wouldn't get firm. Replaced the bulb and the problem was fixed.
  4. Hello, Every now and then the mods and I have to be "the bad guys" and enforce the rules of the forums. One of which is the size of the images in signatures. Please keep in mind the maximum size limit is 420p wide by 60p high. We keep it to that size to avoid image overload, excessive scrolling, and to aid in readibility. Unfortunately, there's a number of members with images taller than 60 pixels. If you are one of them, please fix your signature now, as the mods and I are auditing signatures now, and we don't want to come knocking on your door (via PM). We don't like being the "heavies", but keeping everything within spec is one of the reasons that makes our site so great. So please help by doing your part. It may seem like a small thing to you, but it makes a huge difference if everyone does it! Thanks!
  5. Welcome!
  6. Welcome!
  7. LMAO!!! Lessee, mine are: Luck-E Strike camo ringworms and Ring-Its Herb's Dilly Mann's Classic spinnerbait Sluggo Poe's original RC-3
  8. I haven't been able to create the transcripts yet. I need to work on the Guntersville video first, and then I'll get to the transcripts. Sorry.
  9. It's a solid body and it doesn't tear easily, so they last a long time. I use the pumpkin pearl color, 4" original version. Looks just like a smallmouth fry. I rig it on a split-shot rig just like any other finesse plastic. I haven't seen them around for years and years - I bought them about 20 years ago and still have some. They were my bread-n-butter until I discovered grubs. Still a good lure to use when the bite is tough. Hope that helps!
  10. So there we were, Keri and I, enjoying a peaceful day of fishing when what broke the serenity but a loud "Phhhrraaaaaatt!!" coming from the bushes. We looked over and saw this deer's head pop up and look at us like "OOPS!". Then another pair of ears popped up, and another, and then another... 5 pairs of deer ears in total...looking at the first deer. It was if they were saying, "Oh great Earl! Now they see us!" Funniest thing we've witnessed in a long time! ;D ;D ;D Here's the deer - there were 6 total.
  11. Naw, Burley just forgot to take his anti-paranoia pills. We're all out to get him, ya know. ;D
  12. Yes, I use them. I splitshot them for smallies. Great bait!
  13. Love to hear that! Congrats!
  14. And it is on a Carrot Stix. ;D Using P-Line. ;D
  15. LOL! You took away my punchline Cajun! ;D Thanks much Nick. I'm glad our site has helped you. That's the whole reason why I built it. Appreciate the fact you recognize the all the hours that the mods and I have put into it. But really the credit needs to go to the outstanding members here. They are the "heart and soul" that makes this place so much fun and educational. I myself have learned alot from the members here. And for that, I am grateful.
  16. Fisherdave - first set your depthfinder to double the depth. Meaning, if it's 20', set it to at least 40'. Now watch the area UNDER the 20' mark as you criss cross the area where you think the roadbed is. Note there's not much under the 20' mark. However, when you go over the roadbed, you'll see another contour line at the 40' mark. That's the roadbed. No, it's not at 40', that's a "double echo". When you go over a hard bottom, that's what you'll see. This is also a great technique for finding rock piles, rock ledges, etc.
  17. RW owns an Abu-Garcia reel.
  18. I'm not sure what that means. I had a very sleepless night, so my brain is a little foggy. Maybe it will make sense in the afternoon. ;D Seriously, I don't like writing posts like the long-winded one above. It makes me sound like a school teacher or something. But this needed to be addressed, and there's no way to do it in a jovial tone. Really I'm not some dude in an office somewhere wearing a suit. So I hate coming off that way. I'm just sitting in my Lay-Z-Boy in my sweats, typing away on my laptop. In fact, I'm headed out to go fishing right now.
  19. That's why my club doesn't allow "walk-ons"
  20. Welcome!
  21. Welcome aboard!
  22. If you've been here on the forums for any length of time, you may have noticed in recent months there has been some tightening of the forum conduct and stronger enforcement. This was in response to NUMEROUS blow-ups, arguments, fights, people leaving, etc. that led to MANY complaints from members about how the forums were “degrading” and "not what they used to be". Many people thought the mods and I were allowing too much to go on, and were especially too lenient on long-term members; and they criticized us for it. I heard a lot of complaints about double-standards, lower family standards, and lack of enforcement of the policies. After A LOT of discussions with the moderators, we did some serious gut-checks and realized the critics had some valid points. So we worked on gradually reigning in the long-term members to be more in line with rest of the membership regarding conduct. We also focused on making this site more family-friendly. What you've seen is really more of us enforcing existing rules more so than we have in the past, not the introduction of new policies. We proved we listened to the membership, learned, and changed. No advertiser had any input on this matter, so they had no influence in the decisions. In fact, advertisers do not have any influence on forum policies. So honestly, we've been attempting to bring back the magic that members want, not usher in some era of advertiser-dominated rules. We were just responding to the wishes, complaints, and ideas from the membership. For the most part, the response has been positive. Unfortunately, a couple of the long-term members we were reigning in got very upset. For some reason, it seems they felt they had "earned" more latitude with the rules. All we were trying to do is enforce the same rules we've had, evenly across the membership. However, I admit now we may have gone too far to the other extreme, as now we're getting complaints we're too restrictive. Keeping a balance between members who feel we're too strict vs. those who feel we're too liberal is extremely difficult. No matter what we do, we're criticized by the extremes. All I WANT is peace. I don't want all the drama, arguing, bickering, in-fighting, etc. and neither does the membership. Every move the mods and I have made has been an effort to maintain the peace and address the concerns of the membership, not appease advertisers. Never, and I mean never, will I bow into pressures by sponsors to make changes on the site that favor them and not the members. If anything, I favor the members over sponsors. The mods and I have always been here to support the membership, and that hasn't change, nor will it. But given the massive number of members we have now, it's impossible to make everyone happy. We're doing the best we can. And we do that by listening to the membership. If ever you have a concern, question, or idea, feel free to PM me or one of the mods. The door is always open. Heck, we're just fishermen like you.
  23. Glenn


    Oh guess what? I understand there's a few gossipers out there who think removing the "ex-member" status has something to do with advertisers. I don't get the connection, personally. I've never had any advertiser say anything about "ex-members" nor even ask me what it means. I honestly don't think they really care about it, nor do they even notice it (if any advertiser reads this, feel free to agree or disagree here on this thread). At any rate, what I do here is completely focused around the membership and making this a pleasant place for everybody. I've been doing that for 11 years now, and have no intention of changing my ways now. Hope that clears it up. If not, the door is always open - feel free to PM me with questions and I'll try to answer best I can.
  24. Bobby, you're losing it buddy! LOL
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