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Everything posted by Glenn

  1. I've been split-shotting since the late 80's. I've long since discarded the traditional split-shot, and now use the cylindrical weights (some of you may call them "Mojo Weights" or "slip shot weights"). I peg them with rubber Peg-Its. This allows me to move the weight up and down the line, plus the weights are reusable. Here's links to them: http://www.***.com/descpage-TBPI.html http://store.mojolures.com/mojoluresslipshotsinker.aspx
  2. Pats lost -
  3. Is this new? ;D J/K That's great news Russ. Quitting is the hardest thing you'll do, but you'll do it. I know it. Congrats on taking the first step. You'll feel better, breath better, and food will taste better. In the mean time, just step away from the computer when something irritates you.
  4. Thanks for the support guys! It's really appreciated. Day 2 turned out to be tougher than day 1. The winds picked up and the bite dropped off. Unfortunately, that meant a lot of people blanked, and Keri was one of them. She ended up 61st out of 74 boaters. But hey, at least that's not last eh? First time out of the starting gate, so now we have a benchmark. Keri and I had a blast and learned A LOT. Things can only get better from here! Many thanks to Dan G. for lending us his Ranger Z520 for the event. Some of you may recall meeting Dan at the Guntersville event. Awesome guy! I also want to thank JJ & Karl of JJ's Magic, and Rob Faddis of KVD Line & Lure for coming out to root for Keri at the weigh-in. Thanks guys!! (sidenote: I fished 7 days and boated only 5 fish total - and that included a trip to the notorious Lake Varner! Got to meet Adam (Doghouse) and Randall - Great guys!)
  5. Keri, my wife, is fishing the WBT event on Clarks Hill this week. It's extremely tough fishing right now, but she managed to catch a keeper to take 50th place. This is her first WBT event ever, and she's a boater. Here's the day 1 results
  6. No, they aren't. The data plan enables most of the bells and whistles. FYI - WiFi is nothing without the data plan. It means you have the ability to connect to the Internet, but can't without a data plan.
  7. Earth First is a radical, violent, militant group that has no problem committing violent crimes in the name of their cause. Make no mistake - they are a gang of thugs. "Hippies", by definition, advocated universal love and peace and communes, and used protests as a means to influence cultural and political change. They faded away in the 70's folks. Keep up!
  8. That's funny! I mean, I'm sorry; but the way you told the story - that's hilarious!!
  9. There are several artificial mouse lures on the market - even a few baby duck imitations (may have to search eBay for those). IMO - a frog lure works just as well, easier to find, and probably cheaper.
  10. There's something very wrong, inhumane, and disgusting about the very thought of it. I cannot allow this thread to continue with a clean conscience.
  11. Flamed for what? Rooting for a rookie, unproven coach, or looking like a follower?
  12. 2 days of drops are nothing to be worried about. The DOW is still above 10,000. The media amps this up to be the "Disaster of the Century!!!!" Don't fret it. The bargain hunters will be moving in like vultures shortly. Expect to see some wild swings, as Avid implied. However, daily fluctuations are no big deal when it comes to investing. Just ride it out. As for jobs, you'll still have yours. Daily fluctuations are just a speck when you chart out gains/losses on a quarterly basis. They're just not that significant. Watch in the next 5-7 business days, you'll see big gains too. Over time, it evens out. Ignore the chicken littles in the newsrooms.
  13. Welcome home!
  14. "Awww crap! Not again!!"
  15. I understand your concern Burley. Since the gov't is a part of this topic, it COULD be taken as political, but this is about economics - primarily the stock value of a company. Now if this thread turned into a discussion about gov't policies regarding the economy, THEN it would be political.
  16. Welcome home!
  17. I personally haven't fished it, but have seen it and have talked to people who have had success there. Try topwaters in the morning, and spinnerbaits. Hit the bank directly across from the launch.
  18. About a 2hr drive from Bend to Fossil, OR. Very, very scenic drive!
  19. Orlando Wilson!
  20. Try this: Dump your cache, quit Safari. Go to Quicktime Preferences and turn off "Save Movies in Disk Cache" Some people have had success deleting on of the following files: 1) /YourHardDrive/Users/YourUserName/Library/Preferences/com.apple.quicktime.plugin.preferences.plist and com.apple.quicktimeplayer.plist . 2. Look in /YourHardDrive/Library/QuickTime and/or /YourHardDrive/Users/YourUserName/Library/QuickTime and look for older third party plugins. One of those might be interfering. Also someone has come up with a flash Quicktime 7.2 Intel problem that you describe. Here is the fix: Quote: 1) Make sure you have the latest versions of Adobe Flash Player Software 2) Go in to: QuickTime Preferences > Advanced > MIME Stettings > Miscellaneous. 3) Deactivate the "Flash Media" option. ("This tells the browser not to to display Flash Media and lets the newly installed Adobe software work its magic.") Once this done, re-download and install that latest Adobe Flash Player. Hopefully one of these fixes will help you. Good Luck. One more thing. A poster over at MacFixIt found this fix for himself:
  21. Just talked to Lane. They're fine. No power outages nor rain. Just got a bit windy last night. Other than that, life is normal.
  22. Sounds like most made it through without any major issues. That's good news. I haven't heard from Lane & Tony yet. They're 2 hrs west of Houston. Checked the weather at about 6:00 am this morning and they were getting 75mph sustained with gusts over 90mph.
  23. Take pictures of the signs with the station in full view, and save your reciepts. I predict there's going to be a major, major backlash to this activity. And if you have proof, you'll have a legitimate claim.
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