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BassResource.com Administrator
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Everything posted by Glenn

  1. Welcome home!
  2. Welcome home!
  3. Welcome home!
  4. Click the search link above and do a search for "Sikaflex" on these forums. You'll find a bunch of ideas. Be sure to select "all posts" first!
  5. Very good advice. My patience is growing thin.
  6. Thanks guys. I appreciate the help.
  7. I've been fishing it this way using finesse jigs (1/8 - 1/4oz) for a LONG time now. If it didn't work, I wouldn't be doing it anymore.
  8. Our very own RedlineRobert has authored his first tackle review. Check it out here: http://www.bassresource.com/fishing_lures/fishbelly.html Another BassResource.com exclusive!
  9. Need immediate help!
  10. Still looking for somebody who can create a simple Flash animation file. Please respond ASAP!
  11. Muddy, The weights are still available, however I don't use the rubber skirt/threader to hold the weight in place. I use Peg-Its instead. Thread the weight on the line, and then thread the Peg-it through it and trim, like so: Peg-its: http://www.iovino.com/beadpeg.html although I think you can get them through BassPro and Cabelas as well. I buy the weights locally at tackle shops. I wish I could recall the brand. In addition the links I posted above, here's some more: http://www.iovino.com/projo.html http://www.bulletweights.com/Products/Lead/torpedo.aspx
  12. Lane & Tony will be there, and are actively recruiting people for this event too.
  13. We will be launching a mini-site soon that will answer all your questions and a whole lot more.
  14. Oh no, oh no. I'm so sorry. When my cat (my baby girl) died, I found the following comforting. Hoping you will too:
  15. If it didn't matter, I wouldn't have asked. Answer the question.
  16. Welcome Home!
  17. Welcome Home!
  18. Yes.
  19. The T-Mobile G1 phone looks really cool! Has a full QWERTY keyboard (something that's missing on the iPhone). Check it out: http://www.t-mobileg1.com
  20. Fishing for Freedom 2008 has been scheduled for Saturday, October 4th on Lake Belton in Central Texas! The Central Texas Marine Dealers, Inc. in cooperation with the United States Army MWR at Fort Hood, Texas will host our returning Active Duty Heroes in addition to retired Military for all branches of service in a MFREE BASS TOURNAMENT! Keri and I will be there, along with our good friends Lane and Tony Gergely from SureLife Laboratories, plus J.P. Greeson from TexasFishingForum. The 2008 Fishing for Freedom Event will be headquartered out of the Belton Lake Outdoor Recreation Area (BLORA) on Fort Hood. According to Cliff Brown, Owner / General Manager of Texas Boat World in Killeen, "Fishing for Freedom is one way that our community may say thanks to those who have and continue to put their lives on the line for our country. Our desire is to offer a guided fishing experience to every interested soldier." Rick Smith, President of the Central Texas Marine Dealers, Inc. and Owner / General Manager of Marine Outlet in Temple said, "The only thing a soldier needs to participate is the desire." Texas Bass Fishermen along with community, state and national sponsors will provide the resources. Up to 300 hundred Bass Fishermen from across the state will volunteer to take a soldier fishing. Teams will be paired by drawing on Friday, October 3rd during a special Pre-Tournament Meeting and Dinner Banquet. The potential for a "full field" will place 300 boats and 600 fishermen on Lake Belton during the Fishing for Freedom event! Each soldier will fish with a seasoned bass angler volunteer who will provide the boat, fuel and also fishing equipment if necessary. Tournament fishing will begin on Saturday, October 4th at "Safe Light" as determined by the tournament director. Due to the large number of entries expected for this tournament, teams will be placed in “flights” and depart the tournament site to head to their fishing location one-at-a-time based on the number drawn. The Official Fishing for Freedom Entry publication is set to be available by mid-August. There are still sponsorship opportunities available in support of this Fishing for Freedom event. For information contact: Cliff Brown, Texas Boat World 254-699-9151, cbrown@texasboatworld.com Rick Smith, Marine Outlet, 254-773-9931, rick@marineoutlet.com http://www.texasboatworld.com/custompage.asp?pg=fishingforfreedom
  21. Your assumption WAS incorrect. It was MOVED to a special administrative section for review, then MOVED to the 'Everything Else' section.
  22. No, sorry. I will not be installing any chat software here. This has been discussed here before, so I won't restate my reasons again. You can do a search to see the threads. But understand my mind is made up, so I won't discuss it any further.
  23. Why do you ask?
  24. Looking for somebody to do a simple Flash project. Please PM me.
  25. I prefer we sink our resources into finding alternatives to oil, so that we can tell OPEC and the super-powerful, high-profit oil corporations to go screw themselves!
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