Hey Ike, that's really outstanding! The fact that he's willing to talk to you about personnel issues shows that he recognizes your abilities as a leader. WELL DONE!
I looked at the web page you linked to, they spelled vegitation wrong and "walk through" should be "walk-through". And on the front page, "No job is to big or to small" should be "No job is too big or too small" along with a few minor grammar issues. I didn't look any further than that.
Why am I telling you this? Because if you can show him ways to improve the company outside of the job he's offering you, you're golden. Look through the rest of the site and copyedit it for grammar and spelling errors.
As for wisdom teeth, had all 4 of mine removed at once. I was numbed up and had valium - they didn't knock me out, so I was awake the whole time. But I didn't care! LOL!