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Everything posted by Glenn

  1. Glenn


    2hrs later and it's 21 outside with a windchill of 10 degrees. And "they" say it's going to be like this for at least a week. Hard to believe just 2 months ago we were fishing when it was in the upper 80's.
  2. Glenn


    We like to share. You're welcome Kansas and Wisconsin.
  3. Just turned on Sunday Night football - it's 73 degrees in Dallas, at night, in December. By contrast, current temp outside is 25 degrees and snowing, expected to drop into the high teens tonight. Winds have been gustng 20-40 mph for the past 36 hrs. Tomorrow's high will be 29, with a low of 10 degrees! BRRRRR!!!!
  4. That's fantastic! Congrats!
  5. Actually that's a cable issue, not DSL.
  6. Watched it last night. Hilarious!!
  7. Seems there's been a lot of rants, tirades, and complaining going on around here lately. The mods and I have been busy deleting posts and banning people at a rapid rate. Heck, even one person had the gall to threaten to sue us today! Don't know what the deal is, but y'all need to take a chill pill and settle down. Keep in mind that fishing is supposed to be fun. Some people come here to "get away from it all", not be reminded of everything that's wrong with the world. I know most of y'all are suffering from cabin fever already, but that's no excuse to shed your respect for others, or to "lose it" and start posting away when something angers you. So everybody just take a deep breath, picture a perfectly calm lake on a warm spring morning, and relax!
  8. Didn't take long for this thread to degenerate. Posts deleted, thread locked. G'night Irene.
  9. For people who just-don't-care anymore! Put some cheese on it, and you've got a winner!
  10. Sorry Zel, I haven't heard of that one before. Sounds like an issue with your computer - more than just your browser. I don't know what would cause that.
  11. Snowing here.
  12. Glenn

    Too funny!

    I just have this vision of this guy, crouched down behind a bush, wearing night-vision goggles, in camo, with a squirt gun filled with fox urine, jumping out yelling "BANZAI!!!!!" as 20 kids run in 32 different directions!
  13. Glenn


    Welcome home!
  14. Welcolme Home!
  15. Welome Home!
  16. Ok guys... I don't need to tell you that swearing and religious comments are a no-no.
  17. Excuse me? Did you really think about that comment before you said it? Hate to break it to ya, but the same issue exists in the North big guy. Ain't nobody holding hands and singing kume bye ya around here. I find the "northern stereotype" comments very offensive. Maybe because I love sweet tea, southern BBQ, country music, bass fishing, and NASCAR. So does most of my friends. Don't try to shoehorn me, my family, and my friends into some malformed stereotype based on where we live, thank you very much. Oh, and Merry Christmas!
  18. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/28191199/
  19. Regarding the birthday greeting: Where your header normally says 'Good Morning FishinDaddy' it will be replaced with 'Happy Birthday FishinDaddy'. Try it here! Edit your profile to today's date and it will change as soon as you press save. Of course, a fanfare of a thousands trumpets, semi-naked dancers at your door and a telephone call from the boss to say have the day off would be better, but I believe that will only be available in the next version. As for the advertisers page, turn off your anti-virus software (specifically the ****) and then go back to the page. I'm not sure why people install ad blockers, as they obviously prevent you from seeing things you want to see, plus they give unpredictable results on websites. Not very useful if you ask me. Besides, ads are NOT viruses!
  20. They are blue at the computers at school too. The computers at school have XP, we have vista at home, I think it may have something to do wit that also. Just a guess No, it has absolutely nothing to do with your operating system. You're using IE6, that's why. BTW - the blue "new" bars are now a dark red for everybody. That issue is resolved regardless of browser. Again, and I reiterate, first hit F5. Everyone reading this, just do it. Seriously - the problems people are seeing are because of a clash between cached files and the new ones. Hitting F5 "blows out" the old stuff, thus fixing most problems (except the blue headers). Then, if you're using IE6, upgrade to IE7 or Firefox. The blue headers will go away.
  21. Hitting F5 should clear up the problem, but if by chance it doesn't, please copy and paste here the exact error message you're recieving, and the steps taken up to the moment you see it. Thanks! Glenn
  22. The refresh issue is resolved. I'm working on the birthday question... Soo.... Happy Belated Birtday!
  23. Ok, I have confirmed the page refreshing issue. This "page jump" also causes the back button to not work (only when it does it). I am working on a solution.
  24. It's funny (in an odd sort of way) that we haven't had any snow yet up in my neck of the woods. It seems this time last year we already had several bouts of it. That said, this weekend we're supposed see temps drop into the low 20's with a possible threat of light snow. Maybe the season is just starting a little late this year.
  25. ddigit's response clearly isn't representative of the fine folks here on the forums. His overly aggressive and negative comments are not appreciated here.
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