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BassResource.com Administrator
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Everything posted by Glenn

  1. Cool man. Say hi to Dan for me.
  2. Glenn


    Well....at least the next few names come a lot easier! Seriously though - congratulations!
  3. Wow, that's pretty cool. Congratulations on your long-lasting marriage. These days, that's a feat! An admirable feat at that.
  4. After Duckett left in a huff, some folks were wondering what THAT was all about, and what Duckett was going to do next. Namely, which rod company would sponsor him now? And now for the REST of the story. I just got this press release:
  5. Outstanding! What fantastic news!! 8-)
  6. Ya, like "Stop that!" , "Ouch! My hair!" and "What's that smell?" ;D
  7. I think he means DeathStar=Verizon, and AT&T is suing Verizon over their 3G coverage map ads. Here's the skinny: Verizon is claiming they have more 3G coverage than AT&T; which may or may not be true. To counter, AT&T is running ads that THEY have the most OVERALL coverage (in other words, they claim their non-3G coverage is more than Verizons). AT&T is also suing Verizon over those ads, claiming they're misleading (notice I didn't say "inaccurate"). Thing is, AT&T sues all their competitors, all time. It's their standard operating procedure. They try to stifle competitor's ads via cease and desist orders, which rarely are granted. But you have to give them credit for trying. Just remember this when watching those ads by both of them: more coverage doesn't equate to better service.
  8. Everybody has their favorites. Suffice to say, there's no need to list them all.
  9. Bear in mind each manufacturer has their own idea of what MF is. One's XF might be another's MF. Same goes with heavy, MH, etc. So....your MF might be the same as somebody else's XF. Ya, I know, it'd be great if they all standardized, but they don't.
  10. Yes, it's where the muffs go over. I would think there should be screens there, as they're supposed to help keep junk out.
  11. Never get stuck in traffic after having 2 bran muffins and a double tall latte!
  12. I think that's been answered a few times before. I suggest trying a search to see what you can find. http://www.bassresource.com/bass_fishing_forums/YaBB.pl?action=search
  13. I don't know your motor specifically, but the intake should be in the lower unit. Mine are attached with allen bolts. I have an '03 Yamaha HPDI. Same with poppet valves - mine is a pain in the butt to get to. It's 45 mins of taking things apart to get to it - and that's if you know what you're doing! I presume yours is easier. Maybe somebody here knows specifics. I thought about it overnight, and remembered one time not only was my poppet clogged, but the line from the intake to the valve was clogged as well. Compressed air did the trick in that case. And just to be clear - your poppet valve could be operating normally, but might be clogged. Or it might simply be a blocked line. I wouldn't replace the valve unless I knew it was broken.
  14. I use AC Delco size 29 in my boat. I had a set through 6 years of heavy use and they were still going strong. But I replaced them anyway with a new set simply because they were getting old.
  15. Yup, a bad poppet valve could cause it. But keep in mind it's going to be around 5psi at idle, so 3 isn't THAT bad. If it's above 15psi while running on plane, you should be fine. Example: My motor had a clogged poppit valve (dang sand dunes!). Idle psi was ok. The pee pressure was a little weak, but wasn't too bad. However it wouldn't go above 10psi, even at WOT. Clue train!! Cleaned the valve, and the stream was stronger at idle (@5psi), and it shot up to 24psi at WOT. One other thing to check is the hose connections for the pee water. Just trace the hose back from the hole and make sure they're on nice and tight. I'd even pull the hose loose and blow through it to make sure it's not obstructed. Unlikely for sure, but since you're there... And pull the screen off the intake and take a look inside with a flashlight. Even stick your finger in there and check for any obstructions.
  16. Keri and I will NOT be renting a boat this year, instead opting to fish with as many members as we can this time. We just don't get enough "face time" with y'all, so we hope to close that gap on the RoadTrip. If any of you have an open back seat (and can stand our company for a few hours!), then PM me and we'll make arrangements. Remembe, Keri is an exceptional angler, so just be prepared to be outfished by a girl! ;D Thanks, and looking forward to meeting everyone!!
  17. It's funny, because you would think Texas would have the most members - being that they have "the most bass angler's per capita"...or so the tourism marketing would have you believe. ;D The reality, at least according to Fluke's map, seems to be Delaware. Oddly enough, one of the smallest states in the union. Go figure! But yes, the majority of the membership reside east of the Mississippi, with Tennessee being the bull's eye. Hence the reason why the RoadTrip is held in that general vicinity.
  18. Hey folks, it's that time of year again, the holidays. Given the current economy, please remember those that are less fortunate than you, and donate to a local charity of your choice. Be it clothing, food, time, or money, take the time to help a neighbor in need. The rewards you'll receive in return are priceless!
  19. Yes, it was this morning. Sorry for the late notice. I posted as soon as I found out.
  20. I think we're going on 6 weeks straight of rain in my neck of the woods. But that comes with the territory. November is historically the wettest month of the year for us, and it's living up to those expectations!
  21. Ya, I know! Whodathunk! Bass are not indigenous to Washington. The first known "stocking" (by private parties) occurred in the late 1800's. Sporadic stocking occurred in the early 1900's. The state did not have any warmwater stocking programs back then (and barely does now). So a Bass Club took matters into their own hands and started stocking lakes in the 40's, 50's, and 60's, while also creating and sinking warmwater habitat in various lakes until the dept. of wildlife clamped down on it in the 70's. The permitting process now all but prohibits it. Today, there is still an overwhelming belief by the DOW that all non-indigenous species must be obliterated in the name of salmon of trout. Even though progress has been made to stifle that belief over recent years, it's still a struggle to gain support for the warmwater species. Regardless, Washington state has some decent largemouth fishing - not trophy (state record is just under 12lbs). But an 8 or 9 pounder is obtainable. The smallmouth fishing, on OTOH, is fantastic. The Columbia river, in particular, is a world-class fishery where 6-8 pound smallies are fairly common - despite the DOW's attempt to stifle their growth.
  22. Well hold on a minute there partner. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Water coming out of the peehole should be warm, if not hot. So long as the water temp gauge looks good, you're good to go. It should be a strong stream. If not, replace the impeller (and inspect the housing while you're at it, you might need to replace that too). That said, water pressure should be your main concern. Low pressure = higher temps. It should be at least 15 psi. I ALWAYS replace the impeller ever 2 years as a standard maintenance precedure, even if the psi is well above 15. As for oil injection - you said your motor is a '96, right? If it was going to have any injection issues, it would have had it by now. If it's working fine for you, then don't mess with it. You could be opening up a bevvy of problems by switching now. From what you've said, it sounds like the engine is in good condition. Do the normal maintenance work (oil, spark plugs, etc.) and enjoy!
  23. Hey that's my good buddy's website. Great angler. He knows his crankbaits!
  24. It's like a really strong wine. Can be served warm, room temp, or chilled (depending on what type you get). Some have spicy overtones, and are designed as a sipping drink unto themselves. Many of the "Americanized" Sake's are watery, and don't have a lot of taste - especially when served too hot. Not everyone likes Sake. But then again, most people have only tried the Americanized versions. Ugh!
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