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Everything posted by Glenn

  1. Definitely China. Here's their info: So you're talking counterfit goods at best, a phishing scheme designed to steal your credit card info at worst. Steer Clear!
  2. Hi Folks, Over the years I've heard some people say online banner ads are "evil" and "bad" because they use cookies; that they track you everywhere and know intimate, personal details about you; that they know your address, that they're an invasion of privacy and so on. I even had one member blow up on me over cookies and accuse me of all sorts of terrible things related to cookies, and then quit the forum! ;D But that incident along with the other comments paints a clear picture that there's a lot of confusion over online ads, cookies, and their inter-relationship. To clear up the confusion, a new website has been launched that answers alot of those questions. In plain English and in simple terms, the site tackles privacy concerns head-on. The site also provides a discussion forum where folks can ask questions and get answers. This isn't some sly marketing gimmick designed to get you to lower your guard. I've looked through it, and it's straight-forward, honest information designed to replace rumors and myths with facts through education. Check it out when you have a moment. http://iab.net/privacymatters/
  3. I wouldn't be so quick to rule out California, nor would I rule out Washington state for that matter. Current record is 9 lbs, and the Columbia river has been kicking out more and more trophy smallies in recent years (6+ lbs). Rumor has it they electroshocked a 12+ smallie last summer.
  4. Christmas vacation. "Now if only we had a wheel barrow. Now THAT would be something!"
  5. Welcome to BassResource, now go read the FAQ's! (Hint: the answer to your question is there)
  6. Glenn


    That was a fun game!
  7. These should help you: http://www.bassresource.com/fishing/bass_boat_maintenance.html http://www.bassresource.com/fishing/boat_cleaning.html
  8. That was something like 10 years ago (the Helen Sevier years), and reason why Ranger left B.A.S.S.. It also compelled Ray Scott to break up with B.A.S.S. too - and remain separated for years afterwards.
  9. Thanks for the info. It makes sense. I have a 4-bank, 15amp onboard charger, so I guess I'm fine. The breaker shuts off all power to the boat, including the engine. I have a deep-cycle battery for the cranking battery because the stereo will drain a normal cranking battery during the course of the day. That's how I drained the original cranking battery, and nearly drained it several times after that until I made the switch. I'll drain it down during the course of the day just like a normal trolling motor battery. Since I use the stereo every time I go out, a deep-cycle battery is the only way to go for me. Your mileage may vary.
  10. Welcome back. What was your previous screenname?
  11. Welcome home!
  12. Welcome home!
  13. Glenn


    Welcome home!
  14. Glenn


    Welcome home!
  15. Glenn


    Welcome home!
  16. Glenn


    Welcome home!
  17. Welcome home!
  18. Welcome home!
  19. Welcome home!
  20. At 6am, Amazon.com had a $1,000 flat screen TV on sale for 40 bucks! Needless to say, it sold out immediately. ...Ya, I missed it too. :-/
  21. Yep, I'm talking about the breaker between the batteries and the boat, not between the batteries and the charger (I don't think there is one anyway). And that battery that needed jumping? There was nothing wrong with it. It was brand new, I just drained with my stereo. Oops! So if I have a series 29 deep cycle marine battery, you're saying charge it at 15amps? That seems high, mainly because I've heard numerous times the phrase "charge it like you use it" meaning, if you drain it slowly, charge it slowly.
  22. Wow, I didn't mean to step on anyone's toes. I honestly didn't think people were that sensitive. my mistake. Apologies if I sound like I'm "pushing" T-Mobile. That's not my intent either. It's just that T-Mobile's marketing is very poor, and there's a lot of misconceptions and downright lies about the company that I feel compelled to clarify a few things. I'm not going to get into a ticking contest between T-Mobile and other companies. And I'm especially not going to nitpick minor descrepencies between the different types of networks, for it this very thing that has consumers up in arms. Tri-band, quad-band, GPRS, EDGE, 2G, 3G, 4G, etc. all are very, very confusing to people. People don't care! They just want to know if it works for them. Again, apologies for this thread turning into a mess. My only intent was to let people know what the Even More plans are about; that they're worth checking out if you're looking to switch carriers. I know I've helped a number of people save money in the past, so I was hoping to help out a few more. I certainly didn't intend this to become a fight over which carrier is better, or to step on anyone's toes. Apologies if any feelings got hurt. I've learned my lesson though. I won't talk about cell phones any longer, even though I've been in business for going on 8 years and am very qualified to speak about it. Clearly there are others on this forum that are quite qualified as well, but in all fairness, I must ask them to refrain from this topic too. It's a shame great knowledge must be suppressed because it upsets people. To prevent any further hurt feelings, I am closing this thread. I don't want anyone getting bent out of shape over a cell phone.
  23. The Even More and Even More Plus plans are indeed unlimited calling to any phone, on any network, land or mobile (say "goodbye" to calling circles). You can also get unlimited text and unlimited data as well. All starting at $50/month. This indeed a recent development. Sprint's plans are only mobile-to-mobile. Any mobile, on any network, but doesn't include land lines (at least as far as I know. Their ads are very specific about it being mobile-to-mobile). 4G is a neat marketing gimmick, but even Sprint isn't using it yet. So it's moot. Only T-Mobile offers no contract options, which is what the link in my first post was all about. Sorry this turned into a long thread. It wasn't my intent. I doubt there's any one carrier that works best for everyone. It completely depends upon your calling and data habits, as well as your location. Seriously, it doesn't matter who has the largest network. It only matters that the network works in your area, with few dropped calls (if any). And as I stated before, lots of coverage doesn't equate to better service. No doubt Verizon has better coverage in remote areas more than other carriers, but don't assume that you're automatically covered. Many times I've been out in rural areas where only my T-Mobile phone worked, and my friends with other phones didn't. That's why an accurate coverage map is so important. T-Mobile has one. For full disclosure, yes, I work for T-Mobile. As with Sprint, T-Mobile has recieved a bad rap for awhile about their coverage. But they outspent the competition 3:1 over the past few years building out their network - to the point it's nearly identical to the others now. In fact, most all the carrier's coverage are about the same these days. It's now really a matter of who has rolled out 3G the most. Verizon is ahead of the pack on that, which is why they are so focused on it now. To be sure, T-Mobile's 3G coverage isn't as big as Verizons, but that might not matter to you anyway. Note that 3G ONLY affects data speed, meaning faster web browsing, and in some cases, faster apps. So if you don't surf the web much on your phone, or don't use apps, 3G means squat to you. Bottom line: Only T-Mobile offers unlimited talk, text, and data to anyone, anytime, at the lowest rate of anyone, AND with no contract! Ok. I'm done sounding like a commercial. Even I'M getting tired of hearing myself. I simply wanted to clarify a few misconceptions. I suggest checking out all the carriers when you're ready to switch, and see which one is best for your needs.
  24. First off - if you have a differing viewpoint, that's fine - nothing wrong with that. But there's no need to go after the person you disagree with either. Let's keep it civil. It is, after all, just batteries. Second - you guys have me confused. I was told explicitly by my dealer to always turn off the circuit breakers before charging (I have 2: one for the TM, the other for the cranking batt.). I have always done so without incident for over 6 years. Also, I had a dead cranking battery once, and jumped it with my TM batteries. Then we ran around the lake and let the engine charge it for awhile. Now you guys are saying not to do that? I'm not saying you're wrong, it's just that I've never heard anything to the contrary for years until now. So I'm a bit surprised. Then again, maybe I misunderstood. Also note that ALL my batteries are deep cycle batteries, including my cranking battery. So perhaps that's the difference.
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