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BassResource.com Administrator
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Everything posted by Glenn

  1. We have several articles on this very subject: http://www.bassresource.com/fish_biology/tree_structure.html http://www.bassresource.com/fish_biology/pond_building.html http://www.bassresource.com/fish_biology/brush-pile.html http://www.bassresource.com/fish_biology/bass_structure.html
  2. Excellent idea, and a great story. But dang! I missed it! Sorry, but I wasn't aware of this event. Let me know if you're doing it again next year.
  3. Happy New Year to the wonderful people here at BassResource, your family and great friends. I hope 2010 brings lots of happiness, joy and health to everyone.
  4. Welcome home!
  5. Welcome home!
  6. Welcome home!
  7. Welcome home!
  8. Welcome home!
  9. Welcome home!
  10. Glenn

    Hello All!

    Welcome home!
  11. Welcome home!
  12. Welcome home!
  13. Welcome home!
  14. Welcome home! bassfisherjk - whether that was intentional or on purpose, that was hilarious! ;D
  15. So is the pinky swear kind of honest or the Keri also reads Bassresource.com posts kind of honest? Geez all I heard about was bikinis! lol I heard the advertisement and it said that some 'bare" ;)istas make up to $700 a day. if they averaged a $10 tip per customer it would take 70 customers per employee. This might explain the "One place was nailed for "prostitution" I'm betting that for the $700 / day in tips that not everything being sold is listed on the menu! No, seriously. I haven't been to any of them. There's none near me, none near work, none between here and work.... nothing to tempt me. And I'm sorry, but it ain't worth the drive for a 2 minute peep show of something I could otherwise see at the beach, fishing, or boat launch. ;D
  16. Well now guys, let's not get into a discussion about the political environment of another country. Just understand that this site has visitors from over 190 countries. As far as I know, all but the U.S. allow their citizens to freely visit Cuba. This is NOT a commentary on U.S policy, but rather a simple statement of reality. It is what it is for various reasons. This means Robert's post is targeted towards those people who can freely visit Cuba - and have. Looks to me he's asking for information from anyone with firsthand knowledge, which (obviously) omits any U.S. citizen.
  17. Yes, there are several in the area...and they're the tame ones! In fact, the limits are being tested by so many coffee stands that they've updated the ordinances in one county to classify any place where pasties and/or thongs are worn to be considered as "adult entertainment", and will be regulated as such. One place was nailed for "prostitution" because the bikini baristas were allegedly "flashing for cash". I don't think those charges held any water, however, since there didn't seem to be specific language in any ordinance prohibiting it. This is why counties are now reviewing their ordinances. Oh, and NO, I have not visited any of these stands. Honest.
  18. Glad people are able to help you out here. Sorry about the grammar police. I know some people can be a little harsh about that here.
  19. Tangent Airlines now departing... :
  20. Ok, update complete. Everything should be running fine now.
  21. Normal stuff. That's part of the upgrade process. Don't worry about.
  22. I'm not certain I know what you mean, since all the sponsors have banner ads. Of those, Line & Lure, BTS, Catch & Release, and RageTail have decals available.
  23. A few pennies here and there, yes.
  24. LOL!! Well, sort of....only if you need new stuff. Otherwise, knock yourself out with what you already have!
  25. Just a note to let you know that I will be performing server upgrades here today, so you may experience times when the site is down, or experience weird behavior. Rest assured this is normal during an upgrade, and that I'm working as quickly as possible to bring things back to normal. No need to PM or email me about any issues, as I'm already aware of them. Hopefully this shouldn't take too long. Thanks for your patience! Glenn
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